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大沽排污河是天津市南系的排污河道,对天津市的排水起着致关重要的 作用,该河道建于 1958 年,全长 83.63 公里, 自 1965 年改造后至今未全线 治理。 现状河道断面减小,底泥淤积严重,沿河构筑物损坏严重且规模不足。 在汛期经常造成污水漫溢,影响市区及沿河乡镇企业正常排水。此外,从监 测结果看大沽排污河底泥中重金属富集,水质及底泥的污染是十分严重的。 严重的污染已导致河水的利用价值降低,沿程流域环境恶劣。 大沽排污河途经西青、津南及塘沽三个郊区,沿程主要以农业利用为主, 全部需水量为 8131.6 万吨/年,约折合日用水量 45 万吨/日,根据天津市公 用事业“十五”发展规划中的排水规划及大沽排污河未来的使用功能,并结 合大沽排污河的排水现状,对其设计水量进行综合考虑、全面分析、分段确 定大沽排水河治理方案内容包括:大沽排污河、纪庄子排污河、先锋排污河 的清淤,培堤、护砌、污泥处置、沿线构筑物的改造及泵站改建等。 本工程治理污水管道截流是河道治理的一个重要内容。大沽排污河上游、 纪庄子排水河和双林排水河沿途都有一些排水管道直接排入大沽河,这些出 水口来自附近居民区和周围工厂企业的污水管道。为了保证河道治理后不再 有这些未经处理的污水排入河道,污染河道,把沿途污水管道的排水口全部 截流是非常有必要的。 河道设计方案采用维持原河道倒梯形断面形式。由于大沽河是海河以南 主要排污河,几十年来没有进行过彻底的清淤,此次治理必然挖出大量的底 泥,妥善地处置这些沉积物是大沽河治理的重要组成部分。 根据监测报告不符合农用标准的泥量 1,284,358 m 3 ,占总泥量的 55.8%, 如此大量的被污染的沉积物,只适宜考虑卫生填埋。卫生填埋厂不同于一般 干化厂。为了防止污泥对地下水及周围环境造成二次污染,故填埋厂将使用 内衬以防渗滤液外流。填埋场淤泥填埋工作完成后将进行封顶处理。 大沽排水河的治理是一项系统工程,工程周期较长,因此需要加强建设 期的管理工作。同时对河道的管理与维护则是一项更长期的工作。 关键词:大沽排污河 治理 环境 可行性研究Abstract Dagu drainage river course is one of the drainage river courses for the polluted water in the south of Tianjin, playing a crucial role in the draining of Tianjin. Built in 1958, the river course is 83.63 kilometers, and has never been treated since the reformation in 1965. As far as the current situation of the river course concerned, the cross section of it decreases, the mud under it badly accumulates, and the structure along it is damaged seriously with an inadequate scale. These often cause the overflow of the polluted water in the flood season, affecting the normal draining of the downtown area and the rural enterprises along the river. In addition, according the test report, the mud under Dagu Drainage River is full of heavy metal elements with the water and the bottom mud seriously polluted. The serious pollution has resulted in the reduction of the water’s use value and the environmental deterioration in the area along the river course. With the total water demand of 81.316 million tons per year or approximately 450 thousand tons per day, Dagu Drainage River crosses three suburban districts – Xiqing, Jinnang and Tangdu, and is mainly used for agriculture along it. According to the draining plan and the future use function of Dagu drainage river in the fifteenth five-year development plan of Tianjin’s public service, and considering the current draining situation of Dagu drainage river, after the comprehensive consideration and the overall analysis of its design water quantity, the treatment plan for Dagu drainage river was determined segment by segment, which includes the removal of the mud, the repair of the dyke, the protective laying, the disposal of the mud, the reformation of the structure along the river, the reconstruction of the pump station for Dagu drainage river, Ji Village drainage river and Pioneer drainage river. In this treatment project, the cutting – off of the pipelines for the polluted water is an important part in the treatment for the river course. Along each of the three Drainage Rivers - the upper reaches of Dagu Drainage River, Ji Village Drainage River and Shuanglin Drainage River are some draining pipelines, which are directly connected to Dagu River. These drainage outlets are from the pipelines for the polluted water in the nearby residential area and factories and enterprises about them. In order to guarantee that the river course will not be polluted by the untreated polluted water discharged into it after the treatment for the river course, it is very necessary to cut all the drainage outlets from the pipelines for the polluted water along the river course off it. The inverse trapezium cross section of the original river course is maintainedin the design plan for the river course. Dagu River is the main drainage river to the south of Haihe River and the overall removal of the mud has never been conducted for some ten years, so a large quantity of mud will be dug out in this treatment. A well – arranged disposal of the deposit is an important part in the treatment for Dagu River. In accordance with the test report, 1,284,358 m 3 mud meet the standard for agricultural use, which takes up 55.8% of the total mud quantity. Only the hygienic land filling is suitable for the deposit in such a large quantity. The land filling site is different from the ordinary drying site. In order to prevent the underground water and the surrounding environment from the secondary pollution by the mud, the inner liners will be used on the land filling site to avid the outflow of the percolate. The sealing treatment will be conducted on the land filling site after the land filling of the mud. The treatment of Dagu Drainage River is a systematic project with relatively long engineering period, so the reinforcement of the administrative work in the construction period is needed. As important as it is the administration and maintenance of the river course, which is a work demanding longer period of time. Key Words: Dagu Drainage River; treatment; environmental,feasibility research目 录 第一章 前 言.................................................... 1 1.1 天津水环境污染状况......................................... 1 1.2 天津市城市排水概况......................................... 2 1.3 本报告的研究内容........................................... 2 第二章 项目建设的背景及意义 ....................................... 4 2.1 大沽排污河的沿革与现状..................................... 4 2.2 工程建设的必要性.......................................... 17 第三章 治理方案的确定............................................ 19 3.1 工程治理范围.............................................. 19 3.2 设计标准及参数选择........................................ 19 3.3 设计水量确定 .............................................. 20 3.4 方案的确定 ................................................ 25 3.5 截流 ...................................................... 35 第四章 底泥的处置................................................ 37 4.1 概述 ...................................................... 37 4.2 治理原则 .................................................. 37 4.3 沉积物性状 ................................................ 37 4.4 沉积物疏浚 ................................................ 45 4.5 卫生填埋厂厂址 ............................................ 48 4.6 卫生填埋厂设计 ............................................ 49 第五章 结论与建议................................................ 51

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