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墙纸作为室内墙面装饰材料,堪称墙壁时装,是工业化的艺 术品,是通过运用材料、设备和工艺,整合色彩和图案设计,去 满足多样性审美和时尚需求。随着中国人民生活水平的不断提高 和中产阶层以上人群的增加,墙纸等中高档室内装饰材料在家居 生活中扮演越来越重要的角色。据有关统计,虽然我国的墙纸消 费总量已经相当可观,但是跟欧美发达国家和日韩墙纸市场普及 率达到 50%以上相比,中国目前的市场普及率还不到 10%。由此可 见,随着中国人民越来越富裕,中国国内墙纸市场前景广阔。目 前随着一些纺织业巨头和建筑装饰业巨头纷纷宣告进军墙纸行 业,标志着墙纸成为国内主要墙面装饰材料之一。 尽管国内墙纸市场前景广阔,但也受到诸多因素的制约。与 从国外先进国家进口的墙纸相比,我国墙纸在花色、品种、档次 和功能等方面,虽然相差无几,但是由于国内墙纸欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司目前产能 过剩,无序竞争,到目前为止还没有产生具有全国影响力的强势 国产品牌,尤其在中高端市场,消费者主要还是青睐欧美大品牌。 在机遇与挑战并存的背景下,美国 SRD International 公司 (以下简称 SRD 美国公司)与中国上海泾智贸易有限公司(以下简II 称上海泾智公司)拟在上海合资成立一家以墙纸为主营业务的公 司,主要面向中国市场。这个即将成立的合资公司在获得正式名 称之前,我们暂时称之为 SRD 公司,是为本文所探讨的对象。对于 即将成立的 SRD 公司,必须知己知彼,识别欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司机会与威胁,了 解自身和竞争对手的优劣势,从而寻求到相应的对策和执行计划, 才能在立于不败之地的基础上,进行可持续发展。这是本文的研 究目的和核心思想。 本文主要的研究方法和内容主要如下: 1.本文的研究方法有文献信息研究法,问卷调查法,案例研 究法,访谈观察法等,通过这些方法为本文做理论和数据准备。 2.借助职能分析法,资源观法,价值链和 SWOT 模型,分析公 司的优劣势,识别机会与威胁,确定差异化发展战略。 3.通过 SLEPT 和波特五力模型进行欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析,识别机会与威 胁,了解欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展前景和制约欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展的因素。 4.运用市场调研,对消费者结构,消费者需求和消费行为进 行分析,确定目标价格和市场容量。 5.选取具体案例,对竞争对手进行分析,模仿卓越竞争对手 的同时,进行差异性竞争,实现弯道超越。III 6.基于 STP/4Ps 理论,明确市场定位和营销策略。 7.拟定运营计划和财务计划,进行成本估算和财务分析,确 定 SRD 公司墙纸项目商业计划的可行性和风险所在。 关键词 墙纸 市场 分析 商业计划 差异化IV SRD Company Wallpaper Business Plan ABSTRACT Wallpaper as an interior wall decoration materials, called the wall fashion, industrialization of art, it is through the use of materials, equipment and technology, integration of color and graphic design, to meet the aesthetic diversity and fashion needs. With the increase over the continuous improvement of the living standards of the Chinese people and the middle class population, wallpaper high-grade interior decoration material plays more and more important role in home life. According to relevant statistics, although China's total consumption of wallpaper has been considerable, but with European and American countries and Japan and South Korea compared to the wallpaper market penetration rate above 50%, China's current market penetration of less than 10%. Thus, with the Chinese people more prosperous, Chinese domestic wallpaper market prospects. Recently, along with some textile giant and architectural decoration industry giants, etc. into the wallpaper industry have declared, marking the wallpaper became one of the main wall decoration materials. Although there is a big potential in China wallpaper market, but it is also restricted by many factors. Through the analysis of Wallpaper industry, the color, variety, quality, function and other aspects of China wallpaper are almost at the same level as the imported one from overseas developed countries, but because of currently overcapacity and disorderly competition in the domestic industry, so far has not produced a strong domestic brand with a national influence. Especially in the high-end market, the consumers mainly choose big brands from Europe and America. To seize the opportunity and face the challenge, SRD International, a USA-based company(Hereinafter referred to as SRD USA) and Shanghai RiverV Wisdom Trading Co., Ltd.( Hereinafter referred to as Shanghai River Wisdom Company) are going to set up a joint venture located in Shanghai. Before having a formal name, we can call this joint venture coming soon as SRD company. On this wallpaper business plan, it is possible for SRD company to be successful on condition that SRD company can do correct analysis and make correct strategy and plan. This is the goal and core idea of this business plan. The main research methods and contents are as below, 1. The main research methods are including literature information research method, questionnaire survey method,case method and interview method and observation method etc. 2. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of SRD company by utilizing functional analyzing method, resource view method,value chain method and SWOT analyzing model. Also based on the above methods and model, set up the differentiation strategy. 3. Make a macro description of the industry and lines to identify opportunities and threats by SLEPT and Potter's five forces analysis method. 4. Prepare consumer survey data and analyze of the structure of consumer, the characteristics of consumer behavior, their preferences on the products and channels, study their target prices and calculate the volume of target market. 5. Identify the status of competition environment. Locate the main competitors and study them. Learn them firstly and then surpass them after utilizing SRD company’s own competitive differentiation strategy. 6. Determine the target segment market and orientation through STP analysis. Establish the marketing plan by using 4Ps model. 7. It is worth doing this investment after evaluating the cost, income and profit by formulating the operation plan and making financial plan. Also point out the risk of this business plan.VI Ding Hong(MBA) Supervised by:Shen Lei Keywords wallpaper; market; analysis; business plan; differentiationVII 目 录 摘要........................................................................................................I ABSTRACT ........................................................................................ IV 1 绪论 ................................................................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景 ......................................................................................................1 1.2 研究意义 ......................................................................................................2 1.3 需要解决的问题 ..........................................................................................2 1.4 研究方法和思路 ..........................................................................................3 2 SRD 公司自身分析 ........................................................................... 7 2.1 SRD 公司概况 ..............................................................................................7 2.2 职能分析法识别优劣势 ..............................................................................7 2.3 资源观法识别优劣势 ..................................................................................8 2.4 公司价值链识别优劣势 ..............................................................................9 2.5 本章小结 ....................................................................................................11 3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析 ......................................................................................... 12 3.1 墙纸欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状及发展趋势 ........................................................................12 3.2 墙纸欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的主要营销模式 ........................................................................13 3.3 制约墙纸欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展的因素 ........................................................................16 3.4 SLEPT 分析法识别机会和威胁 ................................................................16 3.5 波特五力分析法识别机会和威胁 ............................................................19 3.6 SWOT 分析.................................................................................................23 3.7 本章小结 ..............................

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