I 摘要 服务社会是电子科技大学“十三五”发展规划的主要任务之一,为更好的服务成 都经济社会发展,本文对成都地区电子科技大学校友的创新创业活动进行多维度 的调查,并根据调查的结果提出对策及建议。 本次调研通过三种方式进行,一是针对成都市校友进行问卷调查。二是对成 都校友 67 家新三板和 A 股上市公司、41 家教师创办企业、70 家校友创业企业分 别进行二手数据调研。三是针对不同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,不同领域,不同发展阶段的六家典型 校友创业企业进行访谈调研。 调研发现,电子科大校友企业是成都市“双创”重要力量,而且是成都市新经济 领域开拓的主力军。另外校友企业发挥了高端人才领军作用和专业人才“吸附”作 用、校友企业有力的支撑了成都市电子信息产业功能区发展,提升了产业成熟度、 为成都市提供就业,扩大税基做出贡献。校友有效链接产学研,获取政策性创新 资源。另外还发现一些问题,新创企业技术成果转化不力;校友服务工作不到位; 校友和校友企业在与学校合作方面还不是很顺畅,没有与学校进行更多的产学研 对接;另外校友间以及校友企业间的合作也是寥寥无几;电子科技大学校友企业 上市地和上市时间集中,创新创业活动受政策影响较大;创新引领能力不足,产 业影响力不高;自主知识产权保护意识有待进一步加强;还有相关支持政策推行 不到位。 针对这些问题,本文给出了几点建议,对电子科大来讲,加大科技成果转化 服务力度,促进大学知识溢出;升级校友服务平台,让校友网络发挥价值;与企 业建立良性合作的长效机制;积极参与成都“校院企地”合作创新模式探索;提升教 师和校友在成都经济发展中的影响力;加强学生创新创业理论知识的培养;为师 生提供创新创业平台并构建保障体系;与政府加强合作。对成都市政府建议,持 续推进对创新创业的鼓励政策、激发创新活力,打造样板标杆;加强政策宣传力 度,优化创新创业服务;大力开展相关知识培训工作;起好牵头作用,构建产学 研合作机制、开展科技成果转化及知识产权保护的培训工作等。 本次调研通过对成都地区校友创新创业活动系统的分析,在推断校友和校友 企业对成都经济贡献的同时,也为电子科大建设“双一流”高校提供借鉴,同时有助 于让校友企业群体更好的服务于成都市经济社会转型发展。 关键词,创新创业,校友调查,产学研,知识溢出ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT Serving the society is one of the main tasks of the “13th Five-Year” development plan of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. In order to better serve the economic and social development of Chengdu, this paper conducts a multi-dimensional investigation on the innovation and entrepreneurial activities of the alumni of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)in Chengdu, and according to the survey. According to the investigation results, the countermeasures and Suggestions are put forward. The survey was conducted in three ways. One was to conduct a questionnaire survey for Chengdu alumni. The second is to conduct secondary data research on 67 alumni of Chengdu alumni, 41 teachers' founding companies, and 70 alumni startups. The third is to conduct interviews and surveys on six typical alumni startups in different industries, different fields and different stages of development. The survey found that: the alumni enterprises of UESTC are not only an important force of innovation and innovation in Chengdu, but also the main force of Chengdu's new economic development. In addition, alumni enterprises have played a leading role in high-end talents and the role of “adsorption” of professional talents. Alumni enterprises have strongly supported the development of Chengdu's electronic information industry functional zone, improved industrial maturity, provided employment for Chengdu, and contributed to the expansion of tax base. Alumni effectively link industry, university and research to obtain policy innovation resources. In addition, some problems were found: the place where the UESTC alumni enterprises were listed and the time of listing were concentrated, The innovation and entrepreneurial activities were greatly affected by the policies. The lack of innovation leading ability, the industrial influence was not high. The technology achievements of new enterprises are not well transformed. The protection of independent intellectual property rights Consciousness needs to be further strengthened. Alumni and alumni companies are not very smooth in cooperation with schools, and there is no more industry-university research and docking with schools. In addition, the implementation of relevant policies support has not been done well. In response to these problems, this paper gives some suggestions: For the UESTC,ABSTRACT III actively participate in the exploration of the “college and place” cooperation and innovation model in Chengdu. Increase the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, promote university knowledge spillovers. And enhance the influence of teachers and alumni in Chengdu's economic development; upgrade the alumni service platform, let the alumni network play its value; Strengthen the cultivation of students' innovative knowledge and entrepreneurship theory; provide innovative and entrepreneurial platforms for teachers and students and build a security system; Strengthen cooperation with the government. Suggestions for the Chengdu Municipal Government: Continue to promote incentive policies for innovation and entrepreneurship, stimulate innovation and create a model; strengthen policy propaganda, optimize innovation and entrepreneurship services; vigorously carry out relevant knowledge training; take the lead, and build industry-university-research cooperation mechanism And carry out training on the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and intellectual property protection knowledge. Through the analysis of the alumni innovation and entrepreneurial activity system in Chengdu, this survey, while inferring the contribution of alumni and alumni enterprises to Chengdu's economy, also provides reference for the construction of “double-class” universities in the UESTC, and helps to make the alumni corporate group more Good service to Chengdu's economic and social transformation and development. Keywords: Innovation and entrepreneurship, alumni survey, industry-university research, knowledge spillover目录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论.................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 调研背景............................................................................................................ 1 1.2 调研目的及意义................................................................................................ 2 1.3 调研设计............................................................................................................ 3 1.3.1 调研问题 ................................................................................................ 3 1.3.2 研究方法 ................................................................................................ 4 1.3.3 调研过程 ................................................................................................ 5 1.3.4 数据分析方法 ........................................................................................ 8 1.4 研究内容与论文框架........................................................................................ 8 1.4.1 研究内容 ................................................................................................ 8 1.4.2 论文框架 ................................................................................................ 8 1.5 本文创新之处.................................................................................................... 9 第二章 国内外研究型大学校友创新创业调查经验.................................................. 10 2.1 MIT 校友创新创业调查 .................................................................................. 10 2.2 斯坦福大学校友创新创业调查...................................................................... 10 2.3 清华大学校友创新创业调查...........................................................................11 2.4 浙江大学创新创业生态蓝皮书.......................................................................11 2.5 经验总结....................................................