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随着人们对于环境保护意识的逐渐提升,人们对于绿色环保交通工具的需求量 也逐渐增加。锂电纯电动微型交通工具指的是以电动自行车、电动摩托车为主,电 动沙滩车、电动高尔夫车、电动观光车、电动购物车等为辅的交通工具,近年来逐 渐受到人们的追捧。 本文所研究的项目主体是银速电子科技有限公司,拟定项目的建成投产不仅能 解决上千的就业岗位,形成近亿元的利税,其产业链所形成的规模效应还将成为继 汽车工业后,芜湖经济格局的有益补充;而项目本身的高科技、讲究环保的定位不 仅符合国家节约能源、保护环境、持续发展的要求,同时也符合高新技术园区结构 调整、倾斜科技、电子信息的产业政策。本报告以芜湖高新技术开发区即将招商引 资纯电动交通工具的这一项目为基础,通过正确、合理的方法对该项目进行科学的 可行性研究分析,对公司的内外部环境分析,销售预测,技术分析等等。 本文首先分析了项目的投资背景,接着对项目的市场环境进行了分析,继而对 项目中的产品方案设计进行了分析,最后对项目进行了经济分析,只有将各个方面 进行完全的评估和分析,才能得出该项目是否可行,这样可以有效的避免项目实施 的盲目性,造成项目实施过程中不必要的损失,对于本公司充分的掌握项目信息和 如何进行项目的实施具有指导性的意义。 关键词:锂电 可行性研究 纯电动低速微型交通工具II 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 Abstract As people's awareness of environmental protection to gradually improve, people for the green environmental protection of transportation demand will increase gradually. Lithium electricity pure electric mini vehicles is refers to the electric bicycle, electric motorcycle is given priority to, electric beach car, electric golf car, electric sight-seeing cars, electric cart steadiness of transportation, in recent years gradually by people chase after hold in both hands. The result of the project subject is silver speed electronic technology co., LTD., draws up the project completed and put into operation can not only solve the thousands of jobs and formation of nearly one hundred million yuan of tax, the industrial chain by the formation of the scale effect will also become the automotive industry, the beneficial supplement of the wuhu economic pattern; And the project itself of high-tech, pay attention to environmental protection orientation is not only accord with national energy saving, environmental protection, sustainable development requirements, but also conform to the high and new technique park structure adjustment, the tilt technology, electronic information industry policy. This thesis to wuhu high-tech development zone will attract/bid for/invite investments pure electric vehicles of the project as the foundation, through the correct and reasonable method to the project scientific feasibility study, based on the analysis of the company's internal and external environmental analysis, sales forecast, technical analysis, and so on. This paper first analyzes the background of the project investment, and then to the project market environment is analyzed, and then to the project of product design was analyzed, and finally to the project for the economic analysis, only will all aspects complete evaluation and analysis to the conclusion is drawn that this project is feasible, so can effectively avoid the blindness of project implementation, resulting in theIII 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 implementation of the project in the course of unnecessary loss, to the company full mastery program information and how to carry on the project implementation has the guidance meaning. Key Words: Lithium electricity Feasibility study pure electric miniature vehiclesIV 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 目 录 摘要...............................................................................................................I Abstract...........................................................................................................II 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景............................................................................................... (1) 1.2 研究目的与研究意义 .......................................................................... (2) 1.3 国内外研究现状 .................................................................................. (2) 1.4 研究内容及研究方法 .......................................................................... (4) 2 项目背景 2.1 项目简介............................................................................................... (6) 2.2 项目产品介绍....................................................................................... (7) 3 项目市场环境分析 3.1 市场分析............................................................................................... (9) 3.2 市场预测.............................................................................................(21) 4 项目中的产品技术性分析研究 4.1 产品标准和生产方法 ........................................................................(23) 4.2 工厂设计方案.....................................................................................(30) 4.3 市场营销策略方案 ............................................................................(31) 4.4 人力资源配置方案 ............................................................................(34) 4.5 项目的实施安排 ................................................................................(35) 5 经济可行性分析 5.1 投资估算与资金筹措 ........................................................................(37) 5.2 财务评价.............................................................................................(40)V 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 5.3 风险与不确定分析 ............................................................................(44) 结束语..........................................................................................................(46) 致 谢..........................................................................................................(47)

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