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虽然目前我国科技研发人员总量达 200 万人以上,专利申请受理总数突破 500 万件,增长的速度均居世界榜首,但我国拥有的专利技术转化率却不足 1%, 吸引国外的投融资存在很大的困难,其原因在于与外商的沟通上,而与外商沟 通的直接手段就是专利的商业计划书,而目前我国关于专利方面的国际商业计 划书的撰写标准寥寥无几,翻译研究几乎没有,导致我国专利商业计划书无法 得到外商的认可,无法有效吸引外资。所以我们应该尽快了解国际商务惯例, 学会“如何撰写优秀的商业计划书”,这是本研究的实际意义之所在。 本报告讨论的是2012年孟昭权先生发明的太阳能集热器专利商业计划书的 汉英翻译项目。本项目有一定的规模(28,000 个汉字)和时限(60 天),由笔者 单独完成。通过对项目过程和译文案例的分析,报告重点探讨此类文案小型翻 译项目中译者应重视的四个方面的问题,如何通过译前准备和流程管理保证翻 译的质量和进度;如何进行文本分析,制定翻译策略,使译文有效的传达原作 的精髓;如何保持译者的责任意识和沟通意识;以及如何撰写优秀的国际商业 计划书。 在报告中,译者首先通过对译文的功能和目的的分析提出翻译的基本目标, 并搜集研究平行语料,最终确定翻译策略,并根据时限设计翻译流程。在翻译 过程中,根据新闻标题特点,使用名词和小词、句法结构的省略和简约技巧对 计划书标题进行翻译;根据计划书句子特点采用顺着原句语序译,变换句序译, 断句译以及句子合并。并同时搜集了一些商业计划书的专业术语、句子和文章 的平行语料,对这些语料进行分析研究,总结了部分商业计划书的翻译规范、 术语用法、语言特点和文体风格,为翻译实践起到了重要的作用。翻译过程中 保持与客户的及时沟通,征询客户意见。 报告表明,译者需要对翻译这种跨语言、跨文化交流活动有全面的理解, 重视翻译项目组织和实施的各个环节,在翻译的目的和功能、原文意义的再现、 客户利益和要求、目标读者的感受等方面综合平衡。报告预期在此类文本的翻 译处理和小型项目的运作两方面为翻译工作者提供一些借鉴。 关键词 商业计划书;译前分析;案例分析;职业素质哈尔滨理工大学翻译专业硕士学位报告 II AReport on the Translation of Business Plan of the Solar Collecting Tube Abstract There are more than 2 million scientific researchers and 5 million accepted patent applications in China, which rank the top of the world. But the transformation ratio of sci-tech achievements is less than 1%. Because of the lack of the study of international business plan, it is quite difficult to attract foreign investment. After China’s accession to the WTO, it has great significance to study of the international business plan conforming to international practices. This report is based on the Chinese-English translation of the Business Plan of the Solar Collecting Tube. In view of the length (28,000 Chinese characters) and the limit (60 days), the author finishes this task by herself. By reviewing and analyzing the translation process as well as representative cases, the report explores three aspects in small-scale translation projects of such documents: how to ensure quality and speed through pre-translational preparations and procedure management; how to make translation strategy, convey the original content and adhere to norms of the target culture by text analyzing; and how to dedicate the translator’s sense of responsibility and communication to the task. The author reveals the goals of the translation task by detecting the functions and expected features of the target text, studies the Parallel Corpora to determine the translation strategy, and designs the translation procedures according to the time. In order to achieve precision and fluency of the title, verbal nominalization and structure omission are used. According to the characteristics of the sentences, linear translation, division translation, inversion translation and synthesized translation are adopted. In addition, the author tries to satisfy client expectations by maintaining communication and provides solutions for the client’s selection. As the report reveals, a translator should have a comprehensive understanding of translation as an inter-lingual and inter-cultural communication process, pay great attention to the organization work and monitor every aspect of the project, so as to accomplish the task with high standards by taking a comprehensive view of the哈尔滨理工大学翻译专业硕士学位报告 III functions and targets of translation, the representation of the original, the safeguarding of the client’s interests and the satisfaction of readers’ expectations. It is hoped that this report offers some referential value for the translation of plans of similar types. Keywords business plan, pre-translational analysis, case studies, professional qualities哈尔滨理工大学翻译专业硕士学位报告 IV 目 录 摘要 I AbstractII 第 1 章 绪论 1 第 2 章 翻译项目简介2 第 3 章 译前分析和译前准备3 3.1 引言3 3.2 翻译功能论3 3.3 平行语料库4 3.4 流程设计4 3.4.1 译前准备4 3.4.2 翻译工作流程4 3.5 本章小结5 第 4 章 翻译案例分析6 4.1 引言6 4.2 计划书标题英译特点6 4.3 专利词汇翻译及惯用表达方式6 4.4 计划书句子翻译特点7 4.4.1 顺句操作法7 4.4.2 变换句序法8 4.4.3 分句法8 4.4.4 合句法8 4.5 基于实例的翻译——平行语料9 4.6 本章小结10 第 5 章 翻译实践中的职业素养11 第 6 章 问题和不足13 结论 14

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