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随着市场经济的不断变化与发展,企业薪酬管理对企业发展所起的影响作用越 来越明显,通过薪酬管理水平的提高不但能够使员工的工作积极主动性得到有效提 高,同时还能使其工作效率得到不断提升,这对企业人才的任用与保留、员工满意 度的提高以及企业的长期稳定发展都具有重要的影响作用。本文将 ED 建筑施工集 团公司作为研究对象,通过对其实际薪酬管理情况进行全面的分析,并对存在的问 题以及问题产生的原因进行深入性的研究,从而为企业薪酬管理体系的完善提供针 对性的改善建议,这对企业员工工作积极性以及工作效率的提高具有重要的影响作 用,同时也能够进一步促进企业市场竞争实力的提高。 本文首先阐述薪酬管理相关概念及期望理论、强化理论和公平理论等相关理论; 之后,介绍 ED 建筑施工集团公司发展概况、组织结构和人力资源现状,对 ED 建 筑施工集团公司薪酬结构的构成、薪酬制度建设情况、员工整体薪酬水平、奖金与 福利管理情况四个方面的现状进行分析,结合薪酬管理的相关理论和研究成果设计 薪酬满意度调查问卷,对 ED 建筑施工集团公司员工的薪酬满意度情况进行调查和 统计分析;再次,根据薪酬满意度的调查结果,指出 ED 建筑施工集团公司薪酬管 理存在的问题并分析产生问题的原因;在此基础上,提出了 ED 建筑施工集团公司 员工薪酬管理方案设计应该达到的目的和遵循的原则,阐述了薪酬管理优化方案 设计的整体思路,并对基础工资、浮动薪酬、福利薪酬、薪酬调整制度等内容进 行了具体优化。最后探讨了 ED 建筑施工集团公司员工薪酬管理方案实施的保障 措施,即重视组织建设、健全公司文化、加强员工培训、构建薪酬监管体系及建 立员工薪酬反馈沟通机制。通过提升 ED 建筑施工集团公司薪酬管理水平,提高 员工工作积极性,增强员工归属感和公平感,实现人工成本及费用可控,支撑企 业战略落实。 关键词:ED 建筑施工集团公司;薪酬管理;方案设计II The design of employee salary management plan in ED construction and Construction Group Company Abstract The salary management is closely related to the development of the enterprise, and it is more so for the competitive construction enterprises. Good salary management can not only improve the working enthusiasm of the employees, give play to the maximum value of the human capital of the enterprise, but also promote the sense of belonging of the employees, retain the vital talents for the development of the enterprise, and have a profound influence on the future development of the enterprise. This paper, taking ED construction group company as the research object, analyzes the current situation and existing problems of the company's salary management, and puts forward the overall thinking, specific content and safeguard measures of the optimization of the company's salary management scheme. The research on the optimization scheme of the company's salary management is of great practical significance not only to the improvement of the company's salary management level and to enhance the competitiveness of the company, but also has an important demonstration effect on the improvement of the salary management level of the construction enterprises in China. This paper first expounds the related concepts of salary management, the theory of expectation, the theory of strengthening and the theory of fairness, and then introduces the general situation of the development, the organization structure and the present situation of the human resources of the ED construction group company, and the structure of the salary structure of the ED construction group company, the construction of salary pay system, the overall salary level of the staff and the management of bonus and welfare. According to the related theories and research results of salary management, we designed the salary satisfaction survey of ED construction Construction Group Company Department, and enjoyed the salary satisfaction of the employees, general managers and technical workers. Thirdly, according to the results of salary satisfaction, the paper pointed out the public construction group of ED. On the basis of the problems existing in the salary management of the company and the reasons for the problem, this paper puts forwardIII the purpose and principles to be achieved in the design of the salary management scheme of ED construction group company, expounds the overall thinking of the design of the optimization scheme of salary management, and optimizes the basic salary, floating salary, welfare compensation and compensation adjustment system. At last, it discusses the guarantee measures for the implementation of ED construction Construction Group employees' compensation management scheme, which is to organize construction, improve corporate culture, strengthen staff training, build compensation supervision system and establish employee compensation feedback communication mechanism. By improving the salary management level of ED construction group, it will improve the enthusiasm of employees, enhance the sense of belonging and fairness of the employees, realize the manual cost and cost control, and support the implementation of the enterprise strategy. Keywords: ED construction and construction company;salary management;scheme design.V 目 录 摘要.....I Abstract . II 第 1 章 绪论....1 1.1 研究背景与意义 .1 1.1.1 研究背景....1 1.1.2 研究意义....2 1.2 国内外研究现状 .2 1.2.1 国外研究现状..2 1.2.2 国内研究现状..3 1.3 研究内容及技术路线 .....5 1.4 研究方法 .6 第 2 章 相关概念及理论基础8 2.1 薪酬与薪酬管理 .8 2.1.1 薪酬的概念8 2.1.2 薪酬的分类8 2.1.3 薪酬管理的主要内容..9 2.2 薪酬的构成要素.....11 2.2.1 岗位工资..11 2.2.2 能力工资..12 2.2.3 绩效工资..12 2.2.4 福利....13 2.2.5 股票期权..13 2.3 理论基础 .....14 2.3.1 期望理论..14 2.3.2 公平理论..14 2.3.3 强化理论..15 第 3 章 ED 建筑施工集团公司员工薪酬管理现状.....16 3.1 ED 建筑施工集团公司概况 .....16 3.1.1 公司简介..16 3.1.2 组织结构..16 3.1.3 公司人力资源现状....17 3.2 ED 建筑施工集团公司员工薪酬管理现状 .....18 3.2.1 薪酬结构的构成..18 3.2.2 薪酬制度建设情况....19 3.2.3 员工整体薪酬水平....20 3.2.4 奖金与福利管理情况20 3.3 公司员工薪酬满意度调查分析 .....21 3.3.1 超半数员工对薪酬水平不满意..21VI 3.3.2 超过六成的员工认为薪酬结构不合理..22 3.3.3 职位越低的员工对薪酬体系满意度越低....23 3.3.4 员工对现有薪酬制度的认同度较低23 3.4 ED 建筑施工集团公司员工薪酬管理存在问题及原因 ...24 3.4.1 薪酬管理存在的问题25 3.4.2 薪酬管理存在问题的原因....26 第 4 章 ED 建筑施工集团公司员工薪酬管理方案 设计.28 4.1 ED 建筑施工集团公司员工薪酬管理方案设计目标及原则 .28 4.1.1 薪酬管理方案设计目标..28 4.1.2 薪酬管理方案设计原则..28 4.1.3 薪酬管理方案设计思路..29 4.2 ED 建筑施工集团公司员工薪酬管理方案设计的具体内容 .30 4.2.1 基础工资体系优化....30 4.2.2 浮动薪酬优化31 4.2.3 福利薪酬优化33 4.2.4 薪酬调整制度优化....35 第 5 章 ED 建筑施工集团公司员工薪酬方案实施保障措施.36 5.1 重视组织建设 ...36 5.2 健全公司文化 ...37 5.3 加强员工培训 ...37 5.4 加强日常考评监管 .38 5.4.1 完善考勤管理制度....38 5.4.2 健全休假管理制度....38 5.5 建立员工考评反馈沟通机制 ...39 5.5.1 加强培训宣传工作....39 5.5.2 做好日常沟通工作....40 结 论..41 致 谢..42

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