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互联网金融服务的高速发展和手机智能化的发展逐渐改变了我国居民和金 融机构的生活方式。到 2017 年初期,我国使用手机的人数将接近 13.2 亿之多, 其在整个中国总人口的使用比例为 96.2%,至 2018 年末我国手机用户使用总数 约为 15.7 亿户。由此可以看出手机已经进入到千家万户成为个人所必备的交流 工具之一,因此沟通的介质网络变得尤为重要。而商业银行引入手机银行、开展 移动互联网的金融服务则是事物发展的必然。为此,本文以商业银行信用贷款移 动化发展为题展开研究。 首先,本文对于商业银行信用贷款移动化发展的背景和趋势进行了分析。指 出在信息化和大数据技术快速发展的新时代,我国居民采用移动客户端进行网页 的浏览和使用金融服务已经成为不可逆的趋势。其中阿里巴巴和微信支付的大量 使用就是有力的证明,而我国的各大银行介入 P2P 金融是大势所趋的,对于规 范移动互联网金融的发展也具有促进作用。因此,对商业银行个人信用贷款“移 动化”的发展研究具有较强的现实意义。 其次,本文以 A 商业银行为例进行了案例分析。分别从 A 商业银行的个人 信用贷款业务现状以及A商业银行的手机银行推广现状进行了分析。引入SWOT 分析方法对 A 商业银行开展个人信贷业务移动化的市场环境进行了分析,其结 果显示,A 商业银行无论是在已有的个人信贷业务还是手机银行的推广方面都在 商业银行中名列前茅,但是依然受到互联网金融产品的冲击,开发对应的移动客 户端实现信贷业务的移动化项目优化是 A 商业银行发展的必然趋势。 再次,本文采用 SWOT-AHP 方法构建了 A 商业银行信用贷款移动化项目优 化的分析模型。分别从横向和纵向两个方面进行更加立体的分析。指出了 A 商 业银行推进信用贷款移动化的影响要因。指出,1)信贷管理的贷前管理模式与 A 商业银行信贷移动化发展存在不匹配;2)大数据的获取渠道较为单一;3)与 第三方应用的对接和合作较少是制约其发展的主要因素。 最后,针对信用贷款移动化发展的影响要因。本文从信贷管理流程的优化、 大数据的获取与分析以及加强第三方应用的对接和合作等方面提出了对应的改 进建议。 关键词,互联网金融;手机银行;信用贷款;信贷移动化V Abstract The rapid development of Internet financial services and the intelligent development of mobile phones have gradually changed the lifestyle of Chinese residents and financial institutions. By the beginning of 2017, the number of mobile phone users in China will be close to 1.32 billion, accounting for 96.2% of the total population of China. In 2018, the total number of mobile phone users in China will be about 1.57 billion. It can be seen that mobile phones have entered thousands of households and become one of the essential communication tools for individuals, so the medium network for communication becomes particularly important. However, it is inevitable for commercial Banks to introduce mobile banking and develop mobile Internet financial services. Therefore, this paper takes the development of mobile credit loan of commercial Banks as the subject to carry out research. Firstly, this paper analyzes the background and trend of the development of mobile credit in commercial Banks. It is pointed out that in the new era of rapid development of informatization and big data technology, it has become an irreversible trend for Chinese residents to use mobile client to browse web pages and use financial services. The massive use of alibaba and WeChat payment is a strong proof. It is an inevitable trend for China's major Banks to get involved in P2P finance, which also plays a promoting role in regulating the development of mobile Internet finance. Therefore, the research on the development of personal credit loan mobility of commercial Banks has strong practical significance. This paper takes A commercial bank as an example to analyze the case. This paper analyzes the current situation of personal credit loan business of A commercial bank and the promotion of mobile banking of A commercial bank. SWOT analysis method is introduced to analyze the market environment for A commercial bank to carry out mobile personal credit business. The results show that A commercial bank ranks top among commercial Banks in both the existing personal credit business and the promotion of mobile banking, but still suffers from the impact of Internet financial products. It is an inevitable trend for A commercial bank to develop corresponding mobile client to realize the mobility of credit business. Thirdly, this paper adopts swot-ahp method to build an analysis model of the development of mobile credit of A commercial bank. From the horizontal and verticalVI aspects of a more three-dimensional analysis. This paper points out the influence factors of A commercial bank to promote the mobile credit loan. It points out that: 1) there is A mismatch between the pre-loan management mode of credit management and the credit mobility development of A commercial bank; 2) single access to big data; 3) less connection and cooperation with third-party applications is the main factor restricting their development. Finally, in view of the development of credit mobile factors. This paper puts forward corresponding improvement Suggestions from the aspects of optimization of credit management process, acquisition and analysis of big data, and strengthening the connection and cooperation of third-party applications. Key words: Internet finance; mobile banking; credit loan; credit mobility.VII 目 录 摘要...............................................................................................................................III Abstract..........................................................................................................................V 目 录..........................................................................................................................VII 第 1 章 引言..................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ............................................................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 .............................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 .............................................................................................2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................................................................2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 .....................................................................................2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 .....................................................................................4 1.3 研究思路与研究方法 ....................................................................................6 1.3.1 研究思路 .............................................................................................6 1.3.2 研究方法 .............................................................................................6 1.4 研究内容 ........................................................................................................7 第 2 章 概念界定与理论基础......................................................................................8 2.1 概念界定.........................................................................................................8 2.1.1 互联网金融 .........................................................................................8 2.1.2 移动金融 .............................................................................................8 2.1.3 手机银行 .............................................................................................8 2.2 理论基础 ......................................................................................................10 2.2.1 SWOT 分析法......................................................................................10 2.2.2 SWOT-AHP 分析法...........................................................................10 第 3 章 A 商业银行个人信用贷款业务的现状与环境分析....................................12 3.1 A 商业银行发展个人信用贷款业务的 SWOT 分析...................................12 3.1.1 优势分析 ............................................................................................12 3.1.2 劣势分析 ............................................................................................12

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