绿地房地产开发有限公司工程管理人员绩效考核方案优化研究 房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司是中国的经济支柱产业,它对整个国民经济的发展具有极强的 带动作用。国家政策的相继出台,房地产业面临的竞争越来越激烈,如何在激 烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,是每一个房地产企业都亟需解决的问题。近几年房 地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司就业人数每年均增长 4.5%,房地产业是国民经济吸纳就业人数最多的 部门,房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展大大影响中国的就业问题。在房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司从业人员中 工程管理人员数量又占有较大的比重,工程管理人员身处工程一线,管理各工 程总包单位、分包单位等众多施工企业,工程管理人员的素质也直接影响工程 施工的质量。房地产开发企业创建的是优质形象工程,因此如何提高工程管理 人员的素质是每一个房地产公司都在极力探索的课题。 绿地房地产开发公司目前正处于快速发展期,在管理上主要侧重于工程施 工进度、销售业绩等方面的管理,企业内部管理尤其是人力资源管理方面远远 落后于企业的发展速度。企业原有的绩效考核管理还是沿用传统的绩效考核措 施,即主要是建立在传统的以经验判断为主体的绩效评估手段基础上,缺乏客 观的评估标准,没有一个规范化、定量化的绩效评估体系,使绩效考核工作只 是流于形式,因此造成评估结果出现较大偏差,从而不能正确的指导和有针对 性地采取恰当的激励措施以调动员工的积极性。 本文通过绿地房地产公司这样一家富有代表性的房地产开发企业关于工程 管理人员绩效考核方面存在的相关问题,通过运用科学的绩效考核的相关理论, 在吸收、借鉴现有理论的基础上,旨在解决现企业在绩效考核管理方面存在的 问题,探索构建适合企业发展的绩效考核模式、方法并付诸实践,在原有绩效 考核方案的基础上进一步的进行优化设计。建立适合本企业工程管理人员的绩 效考核制度和行之有效的绩效考核办法,从而提高企业的工程管理质量,进而II 提高企业整体水平和市场竞争能力。 优化后的绩效考核方案完善了原绩效考核体系中存在的不足,使之成为一 个完整实用的绩效考核管理制度,对于同类型的企业也具有极好的借鉴作用。 通过与企业的战略目标相结合,根据不同的管理职级并结合岗位的工作内容, 采用不同的绩效考核方法、考核内容和权重,保证个人目标与企业目标保持一 致。通过公平化的管理机制加强对员工的管理,从而提高了工程管理人员的工 作积极性、主动性、创造性,进一步提高组织效率,实现了企业目标。 关键词: 绩效考核; 房地产;工程管理人员;方案优化III ABSTRACT The Optimizational Research of Performance Appraisal of Engineering management personnel from LD Property Development Co. Ltd. The real estate industry is the pillar industry of China's economy. It plays a leading role for the development of the national economy. Relevant government policies have been implemented gradually which further increases the fierce competition in the real estate industry. It’s the priority for every real estate company to work it’s way out from the market competition. Real estate industry is the largest economic sector to absorb employment with the annual employment growth of 4.5% in recent years Real estate industry greatly affected China's employment problem. In the real estate industry, the number of personnel employed in the engineering project management is the largest among all the staff. First-line engineering project managers are in charge of the total package units, sub-units and many other construction companies, thus project managers have a direct impact on the quality of engineering construction quality. Real estate developers aim to build high-quality housing projects, thus to improve the overall management skills are very important to each and every real estate company and yet to be developed. LD real estate company is now in rapid development period, the main focus of the company management is in the area of construction progress and sales performance. Internal management in particular human resources management is far behind the pace of the development of the entire enterprise. The original performance appraisal system is still following the traditional evaluation measures, which are mainly built on the traditional empirical judgments and are lack of objective assessment criteria. Without a standardized, quantitative performance evaluation system, job performance evaluation is a mere formality, which causes the result ofIV creating a larger deviation of the assessment ,and thus it’s difficult to take appropriate incentives with the right guidance and focus to promote the enthusiasm of the staff. In this paper, LD, a typical real estate company provides the representative value in terms of personnel management. Through the use of performance appraisal of scientific theories, in the absorption, drawing on existing theories based on the purpose in solving the current companies on performance appraisal management problems, the enterprises explore the development of building performance assessment models, methods and put into practice, in the original programme on the basis of performance appraisal to further optimize the design. The enterprise project management for the performance evaluation system and effective performance assessment methods can be better established, thereby enhancing the quality of project management, thus improving their overall level and market competitiveness. Optimized performance appraisal program has improved the original performance appraisal system’s shortcomings, making it a complete and practical performance evaluation management system and also providing an excellent reference. Strategic objectives should combine with business operation, and ensure that personal goals and business goals share the same direction, depending on the management ranks, job content, and the performance of different assessment methods, assessment content and weight. Through fair management mechanism, the management skill will be strengthened, staff enthusiasm, initiative and creativity will be increased, and organizational efficiency will be further enhanced, thus business goals will be achieved with better mechamism. Keywords: performance appraisal; real estate ; engineering management personnel; program optimizationV 目 录 第 1 章 绿地房地产开发公司简介 ...........................1 1.1 绿地房地产开发公司概况............................. 1 1.2 绿地房地产开发公司工程管理人员绩效考核的现状....... 4 第 2 章 公司工程管理人员绩效考核存在的问题及成因分析 .....7 2.1 绿地公司绩效考核存在的问题......................... 7 2.2 公司工程管理人员绩效考核存在问题的成因分析........ 10 第 3 章 公司工程管理人员绩效考核方案优化设计 ............15 3.1 公司绩效考核方案优化设计的依据.................... 15 3.2 公司工程管理人员绩效考核方案优化设计的原则和基本思路. 21 3.3 工程管理人员绩效考核优化方案设计.................. 22 第 4 章 公司工程管理人员绩效考核优化方案的实施与评估 ....31 4.1 公司工程管理人员绩效考核优化方案实施.............. 31 4.2 公司工程管理人员绩效考核优化方案的评估............ 43 结 论................................................48