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异形柱结构具备能够提高建筑空间利用率,增加房屋的使用面积,减轻结构 自重,提高材料利用率等优点,在我国住宅中得到了广泛的应用,但是在高烈度 地区的应用受到了很大限制,其主要原因就是异形柱梁柱节点抗剪能力不足。使 用钢骨混凝土异形柱可以很好的解决这一问题,但是常规的钢骨却给施工带来不便。 本文尝试使用一种新型的钢骨节点以求简化施工,以助于异形柱的推广。 本文将主要从施工可行性这个方面来对这种新型的钢骨混凝土异形柱进行研 究,发现施工中存在的困难并提出解决措施以求提高施工效率,为异形柱的大规 模推广进行探索。然后基于混凝土正交弥散裂缝模型,应用ABAQL'S非线性有限元分 析程序,对一个八度区六层异形柱框架结构中的三个异形柱(L形、T形、十形)普 通混凝土节点及相应的新型型钢异形柱节点进行有限元分析。获得节点的基本性能, 包括开裂前后的荷载传递路径、构件的应力分布,裂缝的产生、发展,及构件最后的 破坏形态等,对比分析节点区加入这种型钢后构件承载力提升的效果。为在异形柱梁 柱节点区使用型钢来提高节点抗剪承载能力这一措施的推广应用提供依据。 关键词:异形柱梁柱节点施工型钢混凝土非线性有限元分析 I 昆明理工大学研究生学位报告 ABSTRACT The specially-shaped column structures have been widely used in practice of occupant buildings in China as this type of structure has many advantages, i.e.. improving utilization rate of building space, increasing available aero of building, decreasing structure weight, etc. In the region with intensive earthquake, however, the application of this type of building is limited owing to insufficient shearing resistance of joint between the column and beam. The steel reinforced concrete specially shaped column can deal with this flaw successfully. It is known that the common steel reinforced concrete could cause some inconveniences to construction. The objective of this paper is to use a new type of steel reinforced concrete specially-shaped column to simplify construction, which can popularize the application of specially shaped column structure. In terms of constructional feasibility, the new type of steel reinforced concrete specially-shaped is studied to find the difficulties in construction and put forward some related measures to solve the problem. Based on a concrete smeared cracking isotropic constitutive model and using nonlinear finite element analysis programmer ABAQUS. FEM analyses are conducted on three common concrete joints of specially-shaped column with shape of L, T and + of a frame structure in the region with intensity 8 of Chinese intensity scale, and the joints of corresponding new type of specially-shaped column of the same structure. Some joint characteristics are obtained, including the load transfer path before and after cracking, stress distribution, crack's occurrence and development and final failure mode of the joints, etc. By comparison, it is shown that the increase of element capacity structures with this steel reinforced concrete is significant, which can provide some evidences for popularizing the application of specially shaped column structure using the steel reinforced concrete to enhance joint shear resistance. Keywords: specially shaped column; beam-column joints; construction ; steel reinforced concrete; non-linear finite element analysis. II 昆明理工大学研究生学位报告 目 录 ^ ^ I ABSTRACT II 第一章绪论 1 1.1课题研究背景 1 1. 2异形柱受剪承载力研究现状 1 1. 3型钢混凝土结构特点和应用 3 1.4本文的主要工作 6

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