随着人口不断增长和经济飞速发展,用水量及排水量正在逐年增加,而有 限的水资源又被不断污染,加上地区性的水资源分布不均和周期性干旱,导致 淡水资源日益短缺,水资源的供需矛盾越加尖锐。人们通过多种途径开发新水 源,如海水淡化和远距离调水、城市污水处理回用。相比之下,污水处理回用 投资少、工期短、见效快,比较易于实施,具有重要意义。 本文充分了解了国内外对城市污水再生利用的现状和技术水平。针对天津 中心城区的实际情况,通过对本再生水厂服务区现状用水量和近期用水量的预 测,得出再生水服务范围的污水排放量。根据用水服务区内的工业、公建、住 宅等对再生水的需求,确定了再生水厂的建设规模。根据咸阳路污水处理厂的 实际运行情况,确定了再生水厂的进水水质;根据服务范围内用户对再生水水 质的需要,结合城市杂用、景观水体、工业冷却三种水质的要求,确定了再生 水厂的出水水质标准。根据咸阳路再生水厂的进出水水质以及污水处理厂和再 生水厂的关系,通过对目前常用的几种深度处理技术及其组合的比较,推荐咸 阳路再生水厂的采用“混凝+微滤 MF+部分 RO”工艺结合臭氧进行消毒、脱色 和除臭的技术路线,并进行了工艺设计和效益分析。 本文最终论证了咸阳路再生水厂采用“混凝+微滤 MF+部分 RO”工艺的技 术路线,适合本再生水厂用户的实际情况,技术先进、经济实用、安全可靠, 具有可行性。 关键词: 再生水 微孔过滤 反渗透 臭氧 消毒 除臭Abstract Along with the continuous population growth and rapid economic development, water consumption and wastewater discharge are increased year by year. The ever increased contamination of water resources and uneven regional distribution of water resources have resulted in the serious water shortage, and the contradiction of water supply and demand becomes more intensive. The new water source has been explored in all manner of ways, such as seawater desalinaton and long distance water diversion, reclamation and reuse of urban wastewater. In contrast, wastewater reclamation and reuse is characterized by less investment, short time in construction, effect taken quickly, and easy to be implemented, and so it is of important significance. The current status and technical level of urban wastewater reclamation and reuse at home and abroad are known more clearly. In response to the actual situation in Tianjin proper, the wastewater discharge in reclaimed water service area has been obtained by making projection on water consumption both in current and recent period in the service area of the wastewater reclamation plant. According to the reclaimed water demand of industries, public buildings, and residences in the service area, the capacity for the water reclamation plant has been determined. The influent quality of water reclamation plant is determined based on the practical operation in Xianyanglu Wastewater Treatment Plant; the effluent quality standard is determined based on the reclaimed water quality requirement of users in the service area. In accordance with the influent and effluent quality of Xianyanglu Water Reclamation Plant and the relationship between the wastewater treatment plant and the water reclamation plant, by making comparison on several commonly used advanced treatment technologies and their combination, it is proposed to adopt the “coagulation + microfiltration (MF) + partial RO” process in combination with ozone for disinfection, decoloration, and deodoration. In addition, the process design and benefit analysis are carried out. It is demonstrated that the “coagulation + microfiltration (MF) + partial RO” process adopted in the plant is adaptable to the actual condition of the users; and the process is advanced in technology, economical and practical, and safe and reliable,and so it is feasible. Key words: reclaimed water; microfiltration; reverse osmosis; ozonation; disinfection; deodoration目 录 第一章 前 言 ..........................................1 1.1 水资源与污水的再生利用 ..................................... 1 1.2 工程建设的必要性 ........................................... 7 1.3 本报告的研究内容 ........................................... 8 第二章 项目背景 ........................................10 2.1 城市概况 .................................................. 10 2.2 天津市市区水资源、供水、排水现状 .......................... 11 2.3 污水处理厂概况 ............................................ 13 第三章 工程建设规模的确定 ..............................14 3.1 再生水厂厂址的确定 ........................................ 14 3.2 服务范围和工程建设规模 .................................... 14 第四章 工艺处理方案的选择 ..............................19 4.1 进水水质 .................................................. 19 4.2 出水水质 .................................................. 20 4.3 选择原则 .................................................. 26 4.4 可供选择的处理工艺 ........................................ 27 4.5 混凝+微滤+反渗透工艺 .................................... 28 4.6 混凝、沉淀、过滤工艺 ...................................... 35 4.7 再生水处理工艺比选 ........................................ 40 第五章 工艺设计 ........................................42 5.1 再生水厂厂址 .............................................. 42 5.2 工艺方案选择 .............................................. 42 5.3 设计参数 .................................................. 43 5.4 工艺流程图 ................................................ 43 5.5 单体工艺方案论证 .......................................... 455.6 主要建构筑物工程设计 ...................................... 47 5.7 效益分析 .................................................. 58 第六章 结 论 ..........................................62