Ⅰ 摘要 中华民族作为一个历史悠久的民族,富含深厚的文化底蕴,我们特有的民族 民间戏曲更是有着千变万化的形态,纵观中华大地,北有气势宏美的京剧,南有 腔调婉转的粤剧。在文化进程中,山东人民创造了许多独特的富有“山东味”的 艺术形式,而济宁鱼骨坠子就是这股“山东味”的曲艺形式的典型之一。 本文的研究对象济宁渔鼓坠子,是山东济宁地区极具代表性的一种古老的寒 腔剧种。因为关于济宁渔鼓坠子的文字记载很少,笔者通过一年的田野考察,和 对渔鼓艺人刘炳金先生的跟踪采访,取得大量一手欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司。在考察的过程中,笔者 运用调查问卷、访谈、拍照、录像、录音等方式,并学习演唱渔鼓坠子,对录音 采取了记谱分析。 本报告从渔鼓戏的起源“道情”出发,采取由大到小,由粗到细、由浅到深 的方法,并与谱例相结合,对于济宁渔鼓坠子的历史文化背景、音乐特征、生存 现状等方面做了系统的介绍。图文并茂的对济宁渔鼓戏的曲式结构、唱腔、唱词、 旋律特点、伴奏乐器和经典剧目等方面进行了分析。除此之外,对于济宁渔鼓戏 的发展与创新方面,笔者在结合实际情况的基础之上,秉持尊重民间艺术发展的 原则,提出了几点可行性建议。民间戏曲艺术是几千年来中国文化的精髓,其自 身所蕴含的艺术价值是不可估量的。不同地区不同的民间艺术形式都是当地劳动 人民的结晶。笔者作为一名土生土长的济宁人,希望通过对于济宁渔鼓坠子这门 历史悠久的民间戏曲的研究,能够为这棵民间戏曲艺术体系的大树增枝填叶,从 而对它的保护发展起到一定的作用。 关键词,济宁渔鼓坠子、音乐特征、传承创新Abstract II Abstract As a nation with long history, China entails profound cultura l heritage. The nation’s traditional folk operas blossom in various forms, with the magnificent Peking Opera in the north and the sweet and agreeable Guangdong Opera. During the cultural evolutionary process, Shandong folks have produced their unique artis try form, and the Jining Yugu Zhuizi Opera is a classic of the Shandong style folk operas. Jining Yugu Zhuizi Opera is a typical opera style of Han. As there is little literature of Yugu Zhuizi Opera, the researcher searched much first-hand information through one-year filed trip and follow-up interview with Yugu Zhuizi artist Liu Bingjin. During the study trip, the researcher adopted the methods of questionnaire, interview, photos, video, and tape recordings and etc. Moreover, the researcher also learned to sing the Yugu Zhuizi Opera and analyze the musical notes of the tape recordings. The paper starts with the Daoqing of Yugu Opera. With the methods from macro to micro perspective, the paper also systematically introduces the historical background, musical characteristics and current status of the opera style by combing the musical notes. Moreover, the musical structure, singing style, lyrics, tune characters, musical instrument and the classic operas are also detailed illustrated in the paper with pictures. In order to promote the development and innovation of Yugu Zhuizi opera, the researcher puts forward some feasible suggestions on the basis of its current status and principles of folk arts. As folk operas are the essence of Chinese traditional art, they entail invaluable artistic values and represent wisdom of local residents. As a native Jining citizen, the researcher hopes to promote folk opera’s long-term development and inheritance through studying the unique art form-Jining Yugui Zhuizi Opera. Keywords: Jining Yugu Zhuizi Opera, musical characteristics, inheritance, innovation目录 III 目录 摘要................................................................I Abstract........................................................... II 绪论................................................................1 第一章 济宁渔鼓坠子的渊源...........................................4 第一节 渔鼓戏的来历 ............................................4 第二节 山东渔鼓戏的介绍 ........................................6 第三节 济宁渔鼓坠子的历史文化背景 ..............................7 一、济宁民间戏曲的种类.....................................8 二、济宁渔鼓坠子的介绍.....................................9 第二章 济宁渔鼓坠子的音乐特征......................................13 第一节 渔鼓坠子的唱腔系统 .....................................13 第二节 渔鼓坠子的曲目与曲式结构 ...............................20 第三节 渔鼓坠子的的唱词及其语言特点 ...........................20 第四节 渔鼓坠子的的伴奏乐器及功用 .............................23 第三章 济宁渔鼓坠子的发展状况......................................25 第一节 济宁渔鼓坠子的传承方式 .................................25 第二节 济宁渔鼓坠子的发展现状 .................................25 第四章 济宁渔鼓的传承借鉴与发展创新................................27 结语...............................................................29