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在经济高速发展的当今社会,商业机会非常多,好的创意也很简单,但发现 的过程却很困难,困难性主要体现在没有从商业模式的角度去找出投资回报率最 好的关键点。这也是如今许多看似很有意义的专利技术产品没能产业化的重要原 因。商业计划书是一份项目可行性报告,需要回答以下问题:项目商业机会是否 成熟成熟的商业机会转化为有商业价值的产业需要解决哪些问题针对这些 问题我们有何解决方案对于解决方案,我们将用什么团队如何去实施简单来 说,面对投资者(包括项目发起人),我们的项目凭什么吸引投资者投资易拉罐,是我们熟悉的一种饮料包装材料,由于其牢固、密封性及避光性最 好,是迄今为止最利于食品饮料保存的包装方式,加上现代设计赋予其的时尚感, 广泛使用于啤酒、饮料等快速消费品。我们饮用易拉罐饮料、啤酒的方式有三种: 插吸管吸取、直接嘴对罐口饮用、倒至其他容器饮用。然而,易拉罐发展至今已 有50多年历史,存在一个迄今未解决的缺陷:暴露在外的易拉罐罐口极易受外 部环境污染,一旦受污染,我们的饮用习惯除了插吸管比较安全,其他饮用方式 都会有污染风险。为解决这个缺陷,作者申请了 “一种卫生易拉罐”的实用新型 专利。益乐罐项目旨在把这一专利技术产业化,属于食品包装欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,涉及食品包 装机械、食品包装材料及配套服务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司。经过我们处理的易拉罐,我们称为‘‘益 乐罐’’(YELE-CAN),该项目简称益乐罐项目。 益乐罐项目商业计划书将从商业模式设计角度出发,利用市场需求和环境分 析理论,详细论证项目商业机会的成熟;利用资源整合方法和战略管理理论、营 销管理理论、财务管理理论,为项目设计了科学的产业化解决方案;并为合理组 织的团队设计了详细的解决方案实施细则。投资的目的是为了最大化的盈利率, 该计划书体现了盈利逻辑,为项目的运营提供了明确指引。 关键词:益乐罐,易拉罐,商业模式,创业,资源整合 I MBA学位报告作者:颜邦军 益乐罐项0商业汁划书 ABSTRACT As the rapid development of current economy society, there are many business opportunities in the world,the innovative ideas also very easy,but the process to find the good originality is quite difficulty. No looking for the top investment profit from the aspect of commercial mode and some patent seem meaningful but no buildup industrialization is the main reason. The business plan is a feasibility program report for us, which involve below issues: if have the mature of commercial opportunitiesWhat the problem when convert the commercial opportunities to the value of industryHow to solve itHow to execute for the teamIn a word, how to attract the investor interest in our programmePop Can, is a familiar packaging material around us. As the best fastness, seal and lightproof of function, now which become the optimal packaging method to preserve food and drink so far. And the fashion design, which widely used in beer and drink etc. fast moving consumer goods. There are three methods for canned drinking: sucker, drinking directly, using other container. After 50 years history of development, but still exit a defect yet. That is to say, exposed can mouth easy contaminated by external environment. If so, sucker is the more secure choice, others have contaminated risk also. In order to solve this problem, we apply one practicability patent called sanitary can. YELE-CAN aimed at professional technology industrialization, which belongs food packaging industry, and involved food packaging machinery, food packaging material and supporting service industry. This can after processing by us, we called YELE-CAN, and launch YELE-CAN programme accordingly. YELE-CAN programme base on commercial code, market demand and environment analysis theory, that prove its maturely. Using the integrated resource method and strategic management theory, marketing management theory, financial management theory that design a scientific industry project,the rules for the implementation of solution for a reasonable organization team. Investment purpose to get profit maximize, and this plan show us the profit logic and provide clear direction for running it. Key words: YELE-CAN, Pop Can, Commerce mode, Create Business, Resource integration II MBA学位报告作者:颜邦军 益乐罐项目商业计划书 目录 一、绪论 1 (一)研究背景和意义 1 (二)相关理论综述 2 二、益乐罐项目介绍 3 (一)项目概述 3 (二)项目核心团队及关联公司介绍 5 三、益乐罐项目环境分析 8 (一)欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状与前景 8 (二)需求分析 10 (三)市场分析及定位 11 四、商业机会与经营战略分析 13 (一)技术创新理论分析 13 (二)创业模型分析 14 (三)益乐罐项目SWOT分析 16 五、益乐罐项目商业模式 21 (一)益乐罐项目商业模式涉及9要点分析 21 (二)商业模式6R模型 24 六、项目财务规划 28 (一)投资预算 28 (二)财务分析 29 七、益乐罐项目的风险分析与控制 31 (一)投资环境风险 31 (二)质量风险 31 (三)技术风险 31 (四)市场风险 32 八、实施日程 33 (一)益乐罐项目运营筹备事项 33 MBA学位报告作者:颜邦军 益乐罐项目商业计划书 (二)益乐罐项目运营事项 33 九、结论与展望 35

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