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“三农”的投入力度在逐年增长,但资金的使用效果一直不尽如人意。究 其原因,与长期以来我国支农资金管理中存在的问题密切相关。加强财政支农资 金管理,是提高资金使用效益的重要举措。支农资金政策统筹整合不足、资金使 用效益不高、监督管理机制不严,出现权力“部门化”,部门争抢资金现象严重, 项目申报的透明度不高,存在权力寻租的土壤。研究县级财政支农资金整合,旨 在提高当地政府提供公共产品的效率及财政支农资金使用效率。它通过对县域资 源进行配置整合,获得县域利益和竞争优势,把地方性公共产品的外部性作用控 制在尽可能小的范围内,激活了县域经济的发展。因此,针对眼前财政支农资金 管理中存在的问题进行思考,并提出相应的建议,具有现实意义。 本文主要研究以下三个方面的问题,一是财政支农的理论分析与功能定位; 二是宁海县部分支农项目的绩效分析及存在问题;三是宁海县支农资金整合模式 及优化方向。本文按照提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路进行研究。首先介 绍了宁海县财政支农资金投入规模和绩效评价的现状;在对具体支农项目绩效分 析的基础上,剖析了财政支农资金管理现状、存在问题及其根源;结合宁海县正 在推进的支农资金整合改革寻求新的整合路径;最后,总结归纳财政支农资金管 理的优化方向。 宁海县涉农资金整合改革成效明显,让阳光照射到财政支农资金上,让社会 主体参与到政府财政支农资金使用监管中来。它建立了社会需求导向、政府统筹、 分类牵头的支农资金调配机制;体现绩效为先,加速推进农业产业结构调整,发 挥财政资金“四两拨千斤”的作用,不断壮大宁海特色优势产业,不断拓宽农民 就业渠道和增收致富能力;突出重点区域,树立整合改革典型案例;加固风险防 范屏障,强化支农资金管理安全保障,以改革化解风险,以资金整合改革促进权 力阳光化,资金项目透明化;实现政府财政资金管理公开化、信息化、社会化、 程序化和常态化。宁海支农资金改革不仅是国家支农管理政策行动的一个延续, 更是其改革要求建立制度化和长效机制的一个深化与发展。 关键词,财政支农资金,整合改革,绩效,管理模式 论文类型,案例分析浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 II NINGHAI COUNTY FINANCE SUPPORT AGRICULTURE FUND CONFORMITY RESEARCH ABSTRACT Agriculture, rural areas and farmers investment in increased year by year, but the use effect of capital has been disappointing Investigate its reason, and for a long time is closely related to the problem of management of the funds for supporting agriculture in our country Money management, strengthen financial support agriculture is an important way to improve the efficient use of funds Lack of funds for supporting agriculture policy integrated as a whole fund use efficiency is not high Lax supervision and management mechanism, a power departmentalization, the department for money is serious, project application of transparency is not high, there is power of rent-seeking soil research integration at the county level of financial supporting agriculture budget, aimed at improving the efficiency of the local government to provide public products and financial service efficiency of funds for supporting agriculture Through the study of the configuration of county territory resources integration, it obtained the county benefit and competitive advantage, the externality of the local public goods role control in as small as possible, within the scope of the activation of the development of county economy Therefore, in view of management problems that exist in the eyes of financial supporting agriculture budget, and puts forward corresponding Suggestions, has a practical significance. This paper mainly studies the following three aspects: first, the theoretical analysis and functional positioning of financial support for agriculture; Second, performance analysis and existing problems of some agricultural projects in ninghai county; Third, ninghai county agricultural funds integration mode and optimization direction. This paper is based on the idea of raising, analyzing and solving problems. First introduced ninghai county finance support agriculture fund investment scale and the performance appraisal present situation; On the basis of the performance analysis of specific projects supporting agriculture, this paper analyzes the current situation, existing problems and their root causes of financial fund management for supporting agriculture. Combining with the reform of agricultural support fund in ninghai county, we seek a new way of integration. Finally, the paper summarizes the optimization direction of financial support for agriculture fund management.宁海县财政支农资金整合研究 III Ninghai county has achieved remarkable results in the integration of agricultural funds, allowing the sun to shine on the financial funds for agricultural support, and allowing social subjects to participate in the socialized participatory management of the use of government financial funds for agricultural support. We should give priority to performance, accelerate the adjustment of the structure of agricultural industry, give full play to the role of financial funds in supporting the development of ninghai's characteristic and advantageous industries, and expand the channels of employment for farmers and their ability to increase their income and become rich. Highlight key areas and set up typical cases of integrated reform; Strengthen the risk prevention barriers, strengthen the security guarantee of agricultural funds management, defuse risks through reform, promote the sunshine of power and transparency of capital projects through capital integration reform; The reform of ninghai agricultural support fund is not only a continuation of the policy action of national agricultural support management, but also a deepening and development of its reform requirements and the establishment of institutionalized and long-term mechanism。 KEYWORDS: Finance Supports Agriculture Fund;Conformity Reform;Performance; Management Pattern TYPE OF THESIS: Case Study浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 摘要.........................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................. II 插图清单..................................................................................................................VI 附表清单..................................................................................................................VI 第一章 绪 论..........................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景及意义..........................................................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...........................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...........................................................................................2 1.2 研究内容和方法..........................................................................................2 1.2.1 研究内容 ...........................................................................................2 1.2.2 研究方法 ...........................................................................................3 1.3 研究思路和论文框架..................................................................................3 第二章 相关研究综述..............................................................................................5 2.1 财政支农相关理论......................................................................................5 2.2 资金优化配置相关理论..............................................................................5 2.2.1 公共绩效理论 ...................................................................................5 2.2.2 个体理性决策与集体决策的非理性 ...............................................6 2.3 国内外财政支农资金使用研究..................................................................7 2.3.1 国外研究综述 ...................................................................................7 2.3.2 国内研究综述 ...................................................................................7 第三章 宁海县财政支农资金使用现状................................................................10 3.1 宁海县农业概况.

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