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土地是人类赖以生存和发展的基础,是人类从事一切社会经济活动和休养生 息的基本场所。土地利用不仅影响人类经济社会的发展,同时也对生态环境具有 间接的影响作用。在可持续发展战略的主题下,如何合理利用有限的土地资源, 以及使土地对经济社会的发展和生态环境的改善发挥重大作用,已成为全球变化 研究的前沿和热点问题。 本文以永吉县为例,采用查阅欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、社会调查法、层次分析法、德尔菲法, 构建永吉县农村土地整治项目可行性研究进行分析模型,并通过对合法性分析、 土地利用限制因素分析、新增耕地来源分析、水土资源平衡分析、生态环境影响 分析、土地适应性分析、潜在风险分析、公众参与分析等对永吉县土地整治项目 进行可行性分析,提出项目规划方案的建议和布局措施,报告获得的主要结论: (1)项目建设意义重大。永吉县是我国重要的商品粮生产基地,永吉县农 村土地整治示范建设项目的建设,将进一步提高粮食综合生产能力,为吉林完成 新增百亿斤粮食综合生产能力的目标任务提供有力的保障,使吉林省为维护国家 粮食安全多做贡献。通过中低产田改造和基本农田整理,不仅可以从根本上改善 项目区农业生产条件,更重要的是对永吉县和吉林省其他地区的耕地保护和基本 农田建设起到良好的示范和带动作用,对实现耕地总量动态平衡和动态平衡具有 重要意义。项目的实施是落实长吉图先导区战略构想的重大举措,将有力促进吉 林省东部地区,乃至整个吉林省和周边地区的区域协调发展。 (2)项目建设成效显著。“永吉县农村土地整治示范建设项目”建设将取得 显著的社会、生态和经济效益。项目建设将进一步提高粮食综合生产能力,促进 耕地保护和基本农田建设,推动区域协调发展,增加农民收入,有效防治水土流 失,改善项目区生态环境,构建和谐社会,巩固和扩大改革开放成果。整治后耕 地总面积增加 224.06hm 2 ,提高 12.17%,增加粮食产量 0.06 亿斤。项目的实施 将把洪涝灾害防治、水毁地复垦与生态环境保护和建设相结合,通过水利基础设 施和田间工程配套和生态防护工程建设,有效防治水土流失,尽快恢复灾区农业 生产,提高农业抗灾能力。 关键词:农村土地整治;示范建设;可行性研究;永吉县II Abstract Land is the basis of human survival and development, and is the basic place of all human beings’ being engaged in social and economic activities. Land use affects not only the development of human society and economy, but also the ecological environment indirectly. In the theme of strategy of sustainable development, it has been a hot issue and global change research that how to use the limited land resources rationally and playing a major role in improving the economic and social development and ecological environment. In this paper, taking the Yongji County for example, on the data consult method, social survey method, AHP method, Delphi method, the author builds a study model that analyze the feasibility of the land consolidation projects in Yongji county, including the legitimacy of analysis, analysis of land use constraints, new farmland source analysis, balanced analysis of soil and water resources, ecological environment impact analysis, land suitability analysis, potential risk analysis, analysis of public participation, recommends the project planning scheme measures and layouts. the main conclusions obtained: (1) The meaning of the project construction is of great significance. Yongji County is an important commodity grain production base, the construction of land consolidation demonstration projects in Yongji county will enhance the comprehensive grain production capacity further, guarantee the task of Jilin’s adding hundreds of tons of grain production capacity so that Jilin ProvinceIII make more contributions to safeguard the national food security. Through the transformation of low-yielding farmland and the consolidation of basic farmland, not only it can improve agricultural production conditions in the project area fundamentally, but also plays a good exemplary and leading role in the protection of land and basic farmland construction in Yongji County and other regions in Jilin Province, and it also has a great value in dynamic equilibrium of the total arable land and homeostasis. Implementation of the project is a great move to implement the Changchun–Jilin–Tumenjiang Zone development strategic conception, will effectively promote the coordinated development in eastern Jilin Province, even in Jilin Province and the whole surrounding regions. (2) The construction of projects results are remarkable. The construction of “the land consolidation demonstration projects in Yongji county ” will achieve significant social, ecological and economic benefits. The project construction will further increase the grain production capacity, promote farmland protection and basic farmland construction, promote coordinated regional development, increase peasants' income, effectively prevents soil erosion, improve the ecological environment in the project area, build a harmonious society, consolidate and expand the achievements of reform. After consolidation, the total area of cultivated land increase 224.06 hm2, has increased by 12.17%, and grain yield increase 0.06 billion kilograms. The implementation of the projects combine the prevention of flood disasters, the reclamation of theIV damaged land by water and the protection and construction of ecological environment. Through the construction of water conservancy infrastructures, field engineering supports and ecological protection projects, they effectively prevents soil erosion, recovery the agricultural production in disaster areas as soon as possible, and improve the capacity of agriculture for resisting natural disasters. Key words:Rural Land Consolidation;Demonstration Construction ; Feasibility Study; Yongji County目 录 I 目 录 第 1 章 绪论 .............................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景..........................................................................................1 1.2 研究目的及意义 .............................................................................2 1.3 国内外研究现状 .............................................................................2 1.4 研究方法与技术路线 .....................................................................3 第 2 章 可行性研究的基本概念.............................................................5 2.1 可行性研究定义 .............................................................................5 2.2 可行性论证的依据 .........................................................................5 2.3 土地整治可行性研究主要内容 .....................................................5 第 3 章 研究区概况 .................................................................................6 3.1 选永吉县为例的缘由 .....................................................................6 3.2 永吉县概况 .....................................................................................9 3.3 土地利用现状 ...............................................................................10 3.4 农业生产情况 ...............................................................................14 第 4 章 可行性研究分析.......................................................................15 4.1 合法性分析 ...................................................................................15 4.2 土地利用限制因素分析 ...............................................................16 4.3 新增耕地来源分析 .......................................................................17 4.4 水土资源平衡分析 .......................................................................18 4.5 生态环境影响评价 .......................................................................24 4.6 土地适宜性分析 ...........................................................................26 4.7 潜在风险分析 ...............................................................................33 4.8 公众参与分析 ...............................................................................35 4.9 规划方案的建议和布局措施 .......................................................36目 录 II 第 5 章 效益分析 ...................................................................................40 5.1 社会效益分析 ...............................................................................40 5.2 生态效益分析

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