为了更好地适应建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的需要,建材工业的发展应当 以科学发展观为指导,按照循环经济的发展模式,走资源、能源节约型道路,在实现 与经济、社会、环境协调发展的同时,实现欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司自身的可持续发展。MG 公司对“新 型墙体材料生产线工程”项目进行了可行性研究。本项目是响应国家政策,实施可持 续发展的利废、环保、节能项目。本项目为了适应城市发展的需要,本项目产品是一 类性能良好,经济效益、社会效益和环境效益较显著的首选新型墙体材料。面对长春 市所特有的资源优势和政府的扶植政策,开发承重粉煤灰小型空心砌块与轻集料混凝 土小型空心砌块等新型墙体材料完全符合我国国民经济可持续发展战略的需要。 MG 公司作为新型墙体材料生产企业致力于环保建材的科技开发、生产及销售。本 项目建成达产后,生产承重粉煤灰小型空心砌块与轻集料混凝土小型空心砌块12万m 3 。 届时,本项目产品预计可占长春市区域墙材市场 4~6%左右的市场份额。综上所述,本 项目产品市场定位是准确的,生产规模是合理的。通过研究得知,本项目产品市场竞 争优势主要表现在以下三点:①技术装备水平,该项目各生产线采用国内先进的工艺 技术装备和先进的生产工艺,总体技术装备水平在国内仍处于先进水平。②产品产量, 产量较大,规模效益好。③品种规格及质量,品种多、质量好,在品种质量上具有一 定的竞争力。 本项目建设符合国家产业政策,项目投产后给企业带来一定的社会效益和经济效 益。本项目系利用吉林省辽源市工矿企业排放的粉煤灰、炉渣、石屑工业固体废弃物 等为主要原料,生产建筑用普通混凝土小型空心砌块和轻集料混凝土小型空心砌块等 新型墙材制品,通过利用太阳能对制品进行养护,节能节水。项目建成达产后,年综 合利用粉煤灰、炉渣、石屑等工业废弃物 10.59 万吨,实现节能 9359 吨标煤,节地 169 亩,节水 1.5 万吨。 项目的建设实现了资源、环境、经济和社会的全面协调与可持续发展。本可研选 用的技术成熟、适用,产品方案适应市场需求,工艺合理,设备方案满足工艺要求。 本项目在落实各项污染防治措施,尤其是废气治理措施、生活污水处理措施,确保在 粉尘达标排放、生活污水回用的基础上,对原料及产品堆场进行封闭,减少物料装卸 的二次扬尘污染,加强环保设施管理,该项目建设在环保上是可行的。从财务评价结 果看,本项目财务内部收益率高于设定的基准收益率,投资回收期较短,资产负债率 小,从财务上讲,项目是可行的。 可以预期,随着社会主义新农村建设工作的持续、深入展开,农村居民住房条件II 将得到明显改善,长春市周边农村的基本建设,对承重粉煤灰小型空心砌块与轻集料 混凝土小型空心砌块及新型墙体材料的需求将是持续和不断增长的。 关键词: 新型墙体,材料,生产线项目,可行性I Research on New-Type Wall Materials Production Line Project Feasibility of MG Company Abstract The development of building materials industry must adopt the resources-saving way to achieve the coordinated development among the economy, society and environment and sustainable development. This should be guided by the scientific development concept and the mode of circular economy development to satisfy the demand of constructing a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society. Feasibility study of “the project of new material wall production lines”was researched by MG company to response the national policies and implement the sustainable development of recycling, environmental protection, energy conservation projects. This project meets the need of urban development and the product is of good performance and significant economic profit, social effect and environment benefit. Due to the Changchun peculiar resources advantage and government assistance policy, developing bearing fly ash small hollow blocks and lightweight aggregate concrete small hollow blocks and so on the new wall materials completely accords with Chinese economic sustainable development strategy. MG Company producing new wall materials devotes to the research, production and sales of environmental protection building materials technology. If this project is abstained, the production of postpartum bearing fly ash small hollow blocks and lightweight aggregate concrete small hollow blocks 12 million m3. Then the products will be account for about 4 ~ 6% of the wall materials market share in Changchun promisingly. This product locates accurately in the market and the scale of production is reasonable. The main competitive advantages of this product are as following: ①the advanced technology and equipments are used in the production lines; ②the production is large and the benefit if high; ③the product is of many varieties, good quality and strong competence. The construction of the project conform the national industrial policy; it will bring a certain social and economic benefits for the enterprise after putting into operation. The project uses fly ash, slag, stone chip industrial solid wastes as raw materials which emission by industrial and mining enterprises in Liaoyuan of Jilin Province. The production of ordinary concrete hollow building blocks and lightweight aggregate concrete hollow block and other new wall materials, it uses solar energy to maintain for products, saving energyII and water. After completed, the number of the comprehensive utilization of fly ash, slag, stone chips and other industrial waste in a year will be 105,900 tons; 9359 tons of standard coal energy, 169 acres land and 1.5 million tons will be saved This project could promote resources 、 environment 、 economy and society comprehensive coordinated and sustainable development. In this paper, the technology which I chose, is mature and appropriate, and the programs of the products can meet the market demands; besides the process is reasonable and the equipment program can satisfy the process requirements。The measures in this paper can solve many kinds of pollutions prevention and control, especially the emissions control measures and the sewage treatment measures. To ensure the basis of the dust discharge standards, sewage recycling, the site of raw materials and products will be closed to reduce the secondary dust pollution of the material handling and we can strengthen the management of environmental protection facilities. Therefore the project is feasible in environmental protection. From the results of the financial evaluation, financial internal rate is on the above of the setted benchmark rate of return, the investment recovery period is short, asset-liability ratio is small. Therefore, this project is feasible in financial. To be expected. the construction of the socialist new countryside will be continued and in depth, then the housing conditions of rural residents will be improved.In the city of Changchun, the basic buildings of rural areas will sustain and grow the demand of load-bearing fly ash hollow block, lightweight aggregate concrete hollow block and new wall materials. Keywords: New-Type wall,Materials,Production line,FeasibilityI 目 录 第 1 章 绪论......................................................................................................1 1.1 项目研究背景.......................................................................................1 1.2 项目研究意义.......................................................................................2 1.3 项目基本概况.......................................................................................3 1.4 项目研究内容.......................................................................................5 第 2 章 项目市场预测与建设条件分析..........................................................7 2.1 项目市场预测.......................................................................................7 2.1.1 项目产品市场供需预测..............................................................7 2.1.2 项目产品目标市场分析..............................................................8 2.1.3 项目产品市场竞争策略分析 .....................................................8 2.2 项目建设规模与产品方案分析...........................................................9 2.2.1 项目建设规模分析......................................................................9 2.2.2 项目产品方案分析....................................................................10 2.3 项目建设条件分析.............................................................................11 2.3.1 场址所在位置现状.............................................