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生态化为主导的度假区旅游地产发展模式。随着国内休闲度假旅游的兴起和大城市房 地产开发的外溢,与大城市外部以生态旅游资源为基础的度假区的发展在空间上相呼应, 生态型宜居区开发正在形成规模,这就是旅游地产。如能很好地结合养老与休闲度假两大 产业开发出适合居民需求的项目,项目将轻易可以达到多赢的局面。由于我国养老社会化、 市场化实施时间较短,存在养老市场供给缺口大、养老服务设施建设滞后、管理和服务水 平较低、政策法规不够健全等不足。本文提出的 GS 生态城市以国际接轨的养生健康文化、 度假休闲文化为引领,集颐居、休闲、娱乐、度假、会务功能于一体的综合旅游基地,成 为国际水平、华南标杆的休闲旅游度假示范基地。它是建立完善社会养老保障体系的必要 补充,不仅有助于减轻政府养老负担,还有利于提高老年人生活质量,促进和谐社会的构 建以及社会总体幸福指数的提升。同时可以带动地区经济。 结构上是根据研究问题的顺序层层推进,结合项目基本情况、投资环境和市场分 析,提出项目规划空间布局和建设计划,明确项目定位与目标市场;采用 SWOT 分析法对 项目的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁及战略矩阵进行深入分析;制定项目产品、定价、渠道和 促销策略;对项目进行投资估算,确定项目总投资及资金筹措;进而对项目的经济效益、 社会效益进行分析,同时对项目的风险因素分析,研究规避措施,确定项目的可行性。 本文在充分分析 GS 生态城旅游资源的特征和旅游开发现状的基础上,针对休闲度假旅 游业和养老产业未来发展的方向和需求,提出开发项目战略的商业计划,希望为项目快速发 展、深度开发以及可持续性发展提供完整的参照本。文章对 GS 生态城项目开发的商业计划 研究,提炼可供珠三角休闲度假旅游及房地产项目开发的思路,完善当前项目所需的战略 框架,为项目提供可操作的战略指导。力求在实践和理论上均取得良好的效果。 关键词,休闲度假;观光体验;养老地产II Abstract Ecological into the dominant resort tourism real estate development model. With the development of domestic leisure tourism and real estate development of big cities spillover, and outside big cities on the basis of the ecological tourism resources of the development of the resort in space photograph echo, ecological livable areas development is formed the scale, that is the tourism real estate. As a good combination of pension and leisure vacation industry developed the project for the residents, the project will easily can achieve win-win situation. Due to shorter the implement of endowment socialization, marketization, large pension market supply gap exists, pension service facilities construction lags behind, the low level of management and service, and imperfect policies and regulations, etc. In this paper, the ecological city guang sheng to international standards of preserve one's health, holiday leisure culture as the leading health culture, set h r, leisure, entertainment, holiday, meeting function in a body's comprehensive tourism base, become the international level, south China the leisure tourism resort demonstration base of benchmarking. It is necessary to establish a perfect social old-age security system, not only help reduce government pension burden, and to improve the elderly life quality, promote the construction of a harmonious society and social general happiness. At the same time can drive the area economic. marketization, large pension market supply gap exists, pension service facilities construction lags behind, the low level of management and service, and imperfect policies and regulations, etc. In this paper, with the international community health health culture, international leisure culture, urban and rural harmonious development of culture as the leading, build unique lingnan characteristics, pension, health, leisure, entertainment, holiday, meeting function in the integration of guang sheng eco-city, become a demonstration base of healthy ecological livable city in southern China. It is necessary to establish a perfect social old-age security system, not only help reduce government pension burden, and to improve the elderly life quality, promote the construction of a harmonious society and socialIII general happiness. Can drive regional economic growth at the same time, bring more revenue. Paper structure is based on the order of the layers of advancing the research problem, combined with the project basic situation, investment environment and market analysis, project planning space layout and construction plan is put forward, clear project positioning and target market; Using the SWOT analysis method to the project's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and strategic matrix analysis; Develop project product, pricing, channel and promotion strategy; To invest in the project estimation, determine the total project investment and financing; To analyze the project economic benefits, social benefits, at the same time of the project risk factor analysis, research to circumvent measures, to determine the feasibility of the project. Based on the full analysis of guang sheng eco-city characteristics of tourism resources and tourism development on the basis of the status quo, in view of the leisure vacation travel and tourism real estate future development direction and requirements, puts forward a new idea of tourism development strategy of the project: in order to project fast development, the depth development and sustainable development provides the beneficial reference. Articles in order to guang sheng eco-city project development strategy research, refining for the pearl river delta leisure tourism and real estate project development strategy, improve the current strategic framework for thinking, operable strategic guidance for the projects. Aiming at practical significance and theoretical sense has achieved good results. Keywords: Leisure holiday; Tourist experience; Endowment real estateIV 目 录 摘要 ..... I ABSTRACT ... II 目 录 . IV 第一章 绪 论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 .. 1 1.1.1 研究的背景 ... 1 1.1.2 研究的意义 ... 1 1.1.3 研究内容及方法 2 1.2 文献综述 .. 5 1.2.1 休闲度假的兴起 5 1.2.2 我国养老地产的模式 ..... 6 1.3 国家政策背景 ..... 7 1.3.1 休闲服务业的环境 7 1.3.2 产业政策情况 .. 7 1.4 本章小结 . 9 第二章 项目概况及背景 . 10 2.1 开发企业介绍 ... 10 2.1.1 项目主体概况 .. 10 2.1.2 开发背景介绍 .. 10 2.1.3 开发模式介绍 ... 10 2.2 项目所在地介绍 11 2.3 场地评估 12 2.3.1 土地集中优势 ... 12 2.3.2 片区土地利用现状 . 12 2.3.3 地形地貌 ..... 12V 2.3.4 项目用地指标 ... 13 2.4 项目概念规划 .... 15 2.4.1 项目功能规划分区 . 15 2.4.2 项目规划总平面示意图 ..... 15 2.4.3 项目道路规划 ... 16 2.5 本章小结 16 第三章 项目可行性分析 . 17 3.1 项目用地环境分析 .. 17 3.1.1 区位情况 ..... 17 3.1.2 区位优势 ..... 17 3.1.3 区位不足 .... 18 3.1.4 拟建基础设施及交通改进工程 ..... 18 3.2 项目市场分析 .... 19 3.2.1 目标人口 .... 19 3.2.2 市场细分 .... 19 3.2.3 游客市场存量 ... 20 3.2.4 游客预计 ..... 20 3.2.5 潜在市场分析 ... 20 3.3 游客市场分析 .... 21 3.3.1 季节性 .. 21 3.3.2 游客来源 .... 21 3.3.3 过夜游客市场预测 22 3.4 本章小结 22 第四章 项目开发策略 ..... 23 4.1 开发规模及时序 ..... 23 4.1.1 开发规摸 .... 23 4.1.2 开发分期 ..... 25VI 4.2 项目运营模式设想 27 4.2.1 开发实施策略 ... 27 4.2.2 开发方法 ..... 27 4.2.3 项目定位体系 ... 33 4.3 分项开发运营 ... 34 4.3.1 RDE 部分 ..... 34 4.3.2 高尔夫球部分 ... 35 4.3.3 配套景点及乐园部分 ... 35 4.3.4 酒店部分 ..... 36 4.3.5 生态庄园部分 ... 37 4.3.6 地产部分 ..... 40 4.3.7 马术体验部分 ... 40 4.3.8 养老板块 ..... 44 4.4 本章小结 47 第五章 工程技术方案 ..... 48 5.1 项目组成 .... 48 5.2 规划方案 .... 51 5.2.1 规划理念 ... 51 5.2.2 规划原则 .. 52 5.2.3 现状条件分析 52 5.2.4 规划结构 .. 52 5.2.5 功能分区 .. 52 5.2.6 土地利用规划 53 5.2.7 道路设计 .. 55 5.2.8 绿地景观规划 57 5.2.9 主要技术经济指标 .... 58 5.3 建筑方案 .... 59 5.3.1 设计理念 .. 59VII 5.3.2 主要建筑方案 59 5.4 工程进度 .. 65 5.5 本章小结 .. 67 第六章 项目投资与财务评价 68 6.1 投资估算与资金筹措 .... 68 6.2 项目风险分析与规避 .... 74 6.2.1 风险因素识别 ... 74 6.2.2 风险程度分析 ... 80 6.2.3 风险评估结论 ... 80 6.2.4 项目对风险的规避 . 81 6.3 财务评价 84 结论与展望 ... 114

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