随着社会经济的发展,电力峰谷差越来越大,纯凝火力发电机组已经不能满足 电力调峰的需求,而新能源发电机组等由于自身特点不可能在短期内参与电力调 峰。为此,热电联产机组参与电力调峰成为亟待解决的问题。 本文将分析我国热电联产机组参与电力调峰的限制因素和调节范围,提出最小 供热抽汽压力概念,研究并分析最小供热抽汽压力计算方法和意义;结合纯凝机组 变工况计算程序绘制供热机组变工况功率计算程序,分析最小供热抽汽压力对应的 最小主蒸汽参数。为减少由于机组供热而对发电功率的影响和增大供热机组电力调 峰的能力,本文采用机组串联供热模式。结合现有多种供热模式进行联合应用,对 无冷源损失技术和能量梯级利用原理进行合理诠释。提出等价煤耗法概念,既对热 电联产机组进行热经济性评价,又对热电联产机组上网电价和上网热价进行合理指 导;通过实际算例分析和研究热电联产机组参与电力调峰运行的可行性和范围。 关键词:热电联产;电力调峰;最小供热抽汽压力;供热新模式;等价煤耗法 屮北111力人学硕丨:学位报告 Abstract With the development of social economy, more and more gap of electric power between peak and valley, but pure condensing of thermal power plant can't meet the demand of power load, while the new energy power generation unit may not participate in electric power load because of its own characteristics in the short term. Therefore, cogeneration units participate in electric power load become serious problems to solve. The constraints and limitations for electric power load of cogeneration unit can be determined and calculated, and we are puts forward how to calculate the minimum heating steam pressure and its meaning of computing. It compared with condensing unit's varying condition power calculation, preparation the CHP varying condition computer program,and make the analysis of the minimum of main steam parameter corresponding to the minimal heating steam pressure.But in order to reduce the effects of power generation of units and put forward the measure to increase the capacity of the cogeneration power peaking by improving heating mode or technology of variety of heating pattern of joint application. Put forward the series connection heating mode and improved series heating mode, which increase the power of generation and the capacity of the units for power peak. Combined with the existing various heating mode, put it to joint application, and make the reasonable interpretation of the technology of no cold loss and the principle of energy cascade utilization. The paper proposed the concept of equivalent coal consumption method, which can make the thermal economic evaluation for the cogeneration units and has certain guiding function for the electrovalency and heat rates of the cogeneration units. The feasibility and range of cogeneration power peaking can be specific embodied though the computational example of the cogeneration units. Keywords: cogeneration, electric power load, minimum heating steam pressure, new mode of heating,equivalent coal consumption method -II- 肀北电力人学硕I.学位报告 目录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II g 录 Ill 第1章绪论 1 1.1课题背景及研究的目的和意义 1 1.2国内外研究现状 2 1.3本文主要研究内容 3 第2章热电联产机组电力调峰范围和限制因素 5 2.1常规火力发电机组电力调峰 5 2.1.1火力发电机组电力调峰运行方式 5 2.1.2调峰机组的限制因素 6 2.1.3纯凝火电机组的电力调峰范围 7 2.2热电联产机组的电力调峰范围 8 2.3本章小结 9 第3章热电联产机组电力调峰运行新模式 10 3.1最小供热抽汽参数的确定 10 3.2热电联产机组电力调峰运行能力的改进 12 3.3热电联产机组正力和流量的关系 14 3.4热电联产机组电力调峰运行模式分析 14 3.5热电联产机组滑压调峰运行模式 15 3.5.1机组的特征通流面积和段效率的确定 16 3.5.2热电联产机组电力调峰滑压运行模式的计算原理及编程 16 3.6本章小结 19 第4章热电联产机组电力调峰运行分析与计算 20 4.1基本参数的确定 20 4.2最小供热抽汽IE力的确定 22 4.3主蒸汽压力调节范围的确定 23 4.4不同供热模式比较与分析 24 4.5不同供热模式的联合应用 25 4.5.1不同供热模式的工作原理及意义 26 4.5.2供热新模式的应用 26 -III- 华北乜力人学硕It学位报告 4.5.3不同供热新模式的比较与计算 29 4.5.4计算结果分析 31 4.6等价煤耗法 32 4.6.1等价煤耗法原理 32 4.6.2实际算例 33 4.7本章小结 34 第5章结论与展望 36 5.1 36 5.2 翻 36