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2016 年我国出境旅游人数已经达到 1.22 亿左右,在过去几年 里其平均增长率保持在 10%以上。随着人均可支配收入的不断提 高,对高品质生活的不断追求,传统的旅游模式已经不能再满足 游客日益暴涨的个性化旅游需求。 本文通过商业计划书的形式来筹划微环球旅行俱乐部项目的 投资、运营、营销、战略和执行等。同时,融合工商管理课程所 学的战略管理、市场营销、财务管理、战略执行等知识,为该商 业计划的分析提供理论和实践的基础。 首先,从我国经济发展持续增长、全球政治格局稳定和全球 旅游地区开放度提高三方面分析,说明如今出境旅游已经成为人 们的一种惯性需求。随着国民人均 GDP 高速增长、通过对传统旅 游模式与游客需求分析和大型旅游机构主要客户群定位三个维度 推演,传统的出境旅游模式已经无法满足人们对出境旅游日益增 长的个性化需求。随着互联网技术的快速发展、人们个性化旅游II 需求和传统旅游欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的市场定位缝隙,使得基于互联网的大数据 分析和定制旅游的新型商业模式成为一种可能。 其次,介绍微环球旅行俱乐部的项目三大创新点:旅游模式的 创新、组织管理模式的创新和营销模式创新。值得一提的是,俱 乐部引进了基于路线定制平台的 3D 旅行预体验视频,开启了体验 式营销的篇章,让游客提前感受即将开启的美妙之旅。阐述了俱 乐部的概况、价值主张、俱乐部的产品的优势以及俱乐部的内部 优劣势分析。同时,对俱乐部的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司和宏观环境分析,运用 SLEPT 分析法对俱乐部的外部环境进行分析。基于波特五力分析模型的 俱乐部的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争分析,有效地评估客观的竞争环境。运用 SWOT 模型分析俱乐部内部优势与劣势和外部机会与威胁,帮助俱乐部 制定战略和执行战略时聚焦在自身的优势和有较多机会的方面, 让俱乐部的战略更清晰化。 再次,通过市场调查问卷的形式收集、整理、分析受访者的 基本信息、消费能力、消费偏好、消费时间及购买动机等影响购 买决策因素。运用 STP 理论,分析俱乐部的市场细分、目标市场III 选择和市场定位。基于市场目标定位的分析,应用 4Ps 营销理论 来制定俱乐部的营销组合策略,分析影响营销的主要因素,产品、 价格、渠道和促销四个因素,找到最合适它们最佳策略,更好地 满足目标市场的消费需求,进而俱乐部将获得最佳美誉度和最优 的业绩。 最后,运营计划介绍了俱乐部的运营概况、组织构架、人员 配置、管理机制、质量保证机制与质量保全措施、以及俱乐部的 发展战略和执行评估。阐述了俱乐部的财务计划,包含运营成本、 费用估算、营业收入和未来五年俱乐部的财务报表预测。俱乐部 的盈利能力和投资回报进行分析,同时分析了风险管理和风投退 出机制。 通过对该项目的俱乐部的内、外部环境、财务计划和风险管 控等的综合分析和评估,验证了微环球旅行俱乐部将是一个可执 行且值得投资的项目,同时对探索旅游欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的未来发展有一定的 借鉴作用。 张 建IV 关键词 大数据 定制旅游 商业模式 体验式营销 市场细分 营销 组合策略V ABSRACT The number of outbound tourism has reached about 122 million and the average growth rate was over 10% in the last few years in China. With the continuous improvement of per capita disposable income People begin to pursuit the high quality of life. Meanwhile, the traditional travel mode can no longer cater increasingly personalized travel demand surge. Designing and executing strategies of investments, operations, marketing , strategy and implementation of a Micro-global Travel Club by business plan in this paper. At the same time ,it provides as the basis for the analysis of the theory and practice of business plan by the integration of knowledge of the strategic management, marketing, financial management , strategic execution of Business Administration course. First of all, It illustrates that the outbound tourism contemporarily becomes the a kind of inertia needs in our country depending on three aspects of the continued development of economic development, the stability of global political and open pattern of global tourist areas. With the national per capita GDP growth , traditional outbound tourism model has been unable to meet the people's growing outbound tourism individual needs, which was derived by three dimensions of the traditional travel patterns, tourist demand analysis and large travel agencies main customer groups positioning. With the rapid development of Internet technology, people personalized travel demand and the market positioning gap of traditional tourism industry it is possible to establish a new business model basing on big data analysis of internet and Tailor-made Travel. Secondly, it is introduced that three innovations of a Micro-global Travel Club: travel patterns innovation , organizational management innovation and marketing innovation. It is worth mentioning that the introduction of the club based simulation 3D itinerary customized pre- experience platform , opened the experiential marketing so that tourists feel wonderful trip before the real travel. It explains the club's profile, value proposition , the club's productVI strengths and advantages and disadvantages of the club. Meanwhile, Analyzing the club industry and macro environment. Analyzing the external environment of the club by SLEPT analysis. Competition analysis effectively assess objectively competitive environment of club industry via Porter's five forces analysis model. The SWOT model can be used to know our own strengths and weaknesses and environmental opportunities and threats, which can support the club develop strategies and implement strategies focused on their own advantages and the aspects of more opportunities in order to make the club more strategic clarity . Once more, Collecting, organizing and analyzing basic information, consumption, consumer preferences, spending time and purchase motivation by market research & investigation influence the factors of purchase decisions. Using STP theory analyzes the club's market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning. Based on analysis of market targeting, the application of 4Ps marketing theory to develop the club's marketing mix strategy , analysis of the main factors affecting the marketing , product, price, place and promotion , they find the most suitable best strategy to better meet the objectives consumer demand of the market, and then the club will get the best performance and the best reputation . Finally, operating plan describes the overview of the club's operations , organizational structure, staffing, management system, quality assurance mechanisms and the quality of preservation measures , and the development and implementation of strategic assessment of the club. It explains that the club's financial plan, including operating costs, cost estimates , and forecast of the club's financial statements in next five years. Profitability and return on investment club for analysis , and the risk management and venture capital exit mechanism are analyzed. It is verified that the project of a Micro-global Travel Club is an executable and worthy of investment projects, furthermore, it can be a certain reference for development of theVII tourism industry by the club's internal and external environment , financial planning and risk control and other comprehensive analysis and assessment in this project. Zhang Jian supervised by ________. Keywords: Big data Tailor-made Travel Business model Experiential marketing Market segmentation Marketing mix strategy目录 - VIII - 目录 摘要........I ABSRACT...... V 第一章 绪论... 1 1.1 选题背景及意义...1 1.1.1 选题的背景.....1 1.1.2 选题的意义.....2 1.2 研究思路......4 1.3 研究内容......5 1.4 研究方法......6 1.5 项目创新点..7 1.6 文献综述......9 1.7 本章小结....11 第二章 微环球旅行俱乐部项目介绍.....12 2.1 微环球旅行俱乐部概况......12 2.2 公司品牌价值主张..... 12 2.3 俱乐部经营业务介绍.13 2.3.1 俱乐部业务总述...13 2.3.2 俱乐部产品优势...15 2.3.3 俱乐部内部优劣势分析........15 2.4 俱乐部盈利模式分析.16 2.5 本章小结....17 第三章 出境旅游市场的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析18 3.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场现状.....18 3.2.1 经济环境分析.......19 3.2.2 政策环境分析.......20 3.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司机会与威胁分析.21 3.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展趋势.....23 3.4 本章小结....23 第四章 微环球旅行俱乐部客户分析.....24目录 - IX - 4.1 微环球旅行俱乐部的客户概述...24 4.2 微环球旅行俱乐部目标客户的市场调查研究.....24 4.2.1 问卷调查分析.......24 4.2.2 目标客户定位.......32 4.3 目标客户购买动机和决策分析...33 4.3.1 购买动机分析........33 4.3.2 购买决策分析........33 4.4 本章小结....34 第五章 竞争分析..35 5.1 竞争环境分析.....35 5.2 行

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