摘要 本项目旨在分析电子商务与数据分析市场,借此打造一家能提供此类服务的公 司。此外,报告还介绍了公司将如何利用增长营销思维及其他创新手段,为顾客提供 更多价值。 如今,电子商务市场利润巨大,但纵观全球,重视该领域的公司并不多,目前只 有约 20%的公司针对该领域采取了相关措施。但由于数字化和互联网的普及以及其他 因素,未来该欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司将继续增长。本项目的重点是,此家拟建的公司如何才能利用好该 市场,最终取得成功。 该公司将综合数据分析、增长营销等其他创新手段,将其运用于当前的电子商务 市场。如今由于这些手段,公司可以获得许多以前无法获得的顾客信息。这些信息有 助于改善决策,提高顾客满意度。 研究将介绍上述理念,它们将如何影响电子商务市场,以及它们为什么对公司的 成功至关重要。之所以选择上述理念,还因为作者虽然目前为软件工程师,但其曾就 职于电子营销公司。当前的电子商务环境中需要有此类技能。 电子商务前景光明,各个公司正在着手摸索这一领域。项目呈现的各个理念表明, 开发电子商务平台,并将其与数据分析、增长营销相结合,有助于提高公司竞争力, 获得成功。 关键词,电子商务;数据分析;增长营销III Abstract The intention of this project is to analyze the actual E-commerce and data analytics market to establish a company that can provide these services. Additionally, it will be explained how the growth hacking mindset mixing with the previous innovations will help the enterprise to add value to the final customer. Nowadays, the E-commerce market is very profitable but not all the companies around the world haven't decided to invest in, only 20% of them have implemented a strategy but the tendency to do it is very positive thanks to the digitalization and other factors such as internet penetration. However, the importance of this project is: how the proposed firm will be attractive for the market and succeed on it. The proposed company it is mixing new innovations, data analytics and growth hacking, with the current E-commerce market. Those tendencies together are proposing to gather vital and new information that in the past was impossible to obtain about the final buyer. This will let to take smart decisions and increase the customer satisfaction. The research was done through the tendencies previously mentioned and how these will change the market and why these are important for the companies to succeed. Additionally, those were selected because the owner of this project worked in a digital marketing firm and he is also a software developer. These are the skills required to work in an electronic commercial environment. The key impact of the project is a clear picture of the growing E-commerce market and how together with other factors, data analytics and growth hacking, are going to be differential factors to compete. The electronic commerce is very positive, and the companies are just waking up to invest in. These arguments and others that will be showing in the project have let to conclude that a firm offering the development of E-commerce platforms together with the data analysis and growth hacking skills will be attractive for the enterprises and succeed in the market. Key Words: E-commerce; Data analytics; Growth hackingContents Acknowledgments.......I 摘要II Abstract .. III Chapter One Introduction ... 1 1.1 Background 3 1.2 Current Status....... 5 1.3 Research Implication .... 8 1.3.1 Theoretical Implications10 1.3.2 Practical Implications ....21 1.4 Research Contents and Methods... 23 1.4.1 Research Contents 23 1.4.2 Research Methods 26 Chapter Two Literature Review. 28 2.1 Literature Review........ 28 2.1.1 E-commerce industry – Keyword Ecommerce .28 2.1.2 Data analytics industry – Keyword data analysis.......29 2.1.3 Growth hacking marketing – Keyword growth hacking .....30 2.2 Models/Concepts/Frameworks ..... 32 2.3 Application of the Relevant Models ..... 37 Chapter Three Opportunities and Innovations ...... 39 3.1 The Opportunity. 39 3.1.1 Market Research...39 3.1.2 The Gap .......40 3.2 Industry Analysis ........ 41 3.2.1 Current Competitive Situation + PEST....41 3.2.2 Projected Strategic Moves by Current Players..423.2.3 Changes Brought to the Competitiveness of the Industry by the New Venture ......43 3.3 Innovations Brought to the Industry by the New Venture 43 3.3.1 Intellectual Property/Patents...43 3.4 Strategy ..... 44 3.4.1 Sources of Differentiation and Competitive Advantage......45 3.5 Ethics and Sustainability...... 45 Chapter Four The Company and Team ........ 46 4.1 Strategy Legal Structure....... 47 4.2 Ownership . 48 4.3 The Advisory Board .... 49 4.4 The Management Team........ 50 4.4.1 Expected Contributions by Each Team ....50 4.4.2 Expected Salary....51 Chapter Five Marketing Plan ..... 54 5.1 Identification of Customers.. 54 5.2 Number of Potential Customers and Potential Sales Revenues. 55 5.3 Requirements of Various Customers Segments ....... 56 5.3.1 Product customization and delivery on time .....56 5.3.2 Web page, sales force and trade shows.....57 5.4 Appropriate Sales and Promotion Approaches ........ 58 5.5 Purchase Decisions ..... 59 5.6 Customer Price Sensitive ..... 60 5.7 Cost of Acquiring and Retaining Customers .. 61 5.8 Strengths and Weaknesses of Competitors ..... 61 Chapter Six Operating and Finance Plans ... 63 6.1 Operational Management..... 63 6.1.1 Supplier Relationships...63 6.1.2 Inventory Required........64 6.1.3 Manufacturing/Service Provision....646.1.4 In-House/Outsourced Operations ....65 6.2 Financial Plan..... 66 6.2.1 Cost Calculations..67 6.2.2 Project Break Even Point .......70 6.2.3 Projected Cash Flows ....71 6.2.4 Present Value ........73 6.2.5 Possible Scenarios and Probability of Occurrence.....73 6.3 Contingency Plans ..... 74 6.3.5 Triggers/Thresholds to Change Courses...77 Chapter Seven Conclusions ....... 79 7.1 Main Research Conclusions. 79 7.2 Limitations and Future Research Directions... 80 References