I 摘要 郑上路南水北调总干渠桥梁新建工程,位于郑州市中原区须水镇小李庄,在 西四环与西南绕城高速之间,西四环向西约 2Km 处,工程起点顺接至郑上路 K603+600 原地面标高处,终点顺接至新田大道 K604+130,路线全长 530 米。郑 上路南水北调桥上部结构采用 3x40 米装配式预应力砼连续箱梁,桥梁全长 128 米。下部结构桥墩采用柱式墩,柱径为 1.6m,基础采用钻孔灌注桩基础,桩径 1.8m 横向共 8 根;桥台采用柱式台,钻孔灌注桩基础,桩径 1.6m 郑上路是连接郑州市和荥阳、上街的重要通道之一。在运输网络中举足轻 重,对于促进沿线各县、市经济技术交流与旅游发展发挥着重要的作用,是沿 线地区的经济命脉,其通行能力对沿线经济发展和资源利用影响甚大,在区域 经济发展中有着举足轻重的地位,对国民经济的发展建设影响甚大。 本文对郑上路南水北调桥工程可行性进行了研究,包括项目建设的必要性, 区域交通量分析及预测、建设条件、技术标准、方案选择、上部结构计算、投 资估算等方面,主要内容如下, (1)调查中原区郑上路附近路网的分布情况,结合郑上路沿线的经济、社 会现状,论证该项目建设的可行性、必要性和迫切性。 (2)收集沿线经济、社会发展欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司和相关规划,掌握详实的基本数据,根 据郑州市规划部门对郑上路(西四环至绕城高速)段道路及管线的规划,确定 本项目的建设规模和技术标准。 (3)通过充分征求有关单位、专家的意见,提出不同的的建设方案,分别 在经济、技术等方面,对其经济合理性、工程可行性和可实施性,进行分析论 证,最终提出推荐方案。 (4)确定路线走向,主要控制点,路面结构形式及主要构造物。 (5)上部结构箱梁计算。 (6)根据各结构物的型式数量,编制投资估算。 关键词,跨渠桥梁;建设方案;箱梁计算;投资估算Abstract II Abstract Zhengshang road the main canal bridge construction project, located in zhengzhou city zhongyuan district must water town small li zhuang, between the fourth ring road in the west and southwest suburban highway, west fourth ring about 2 km to the west, road engineering and starting point to zheng K603 + 600 original ground elevation, the finish and to SAN tin highway K604 + 130, line the total length of 530 meters. The structure of the upper part of the south water diversion bridge is 3x40m prestressed concrete continuous box girder with a length of 128 meters. The lower structure bridge pier adopts the column block, the diameter of the column diameter is 1.6 m, the foundation is based on the bored pile foundation, the pile diameter is 1.8m and the transverse total is 8. The abutment platform adopts the pillar type, bored pile foundation, 1.6m。 Zheng is the connection of zhengzhou and xingyang road, one of the important channels of street.Plays an important role in the transport network, to promote various counties and cities along the economic and technical exchanges and play an important role in tourism development, is along the region's economic lifeline, the capacity of economic development along the great influence and resource utilization, has a pivotal position in the regional economic development, a great influence on the development and construction of the national economy。 In this paper, the zheng road bridge project feasibility was studied, including the necessity of project construction, regional traffic analysis and prediction, construction conditions, technical standards, scheme selection, the upper structure calculation, the respect such as investment estimation are studied, the main contents are as follows: (1) the investigation of zhongyuan district near the road network distribution, zheng zheng road along the route of economic, social status, demonstrates the feasibility of the project construction, the necessity and urgency。 (2) the collection of data and related economic and social development planning, along with basic data, detailed according to zhengzhou city planning department toAbstract III zheng road (the west fourth ring to around) section of the road and pipeline planning, determine the objective of the construction scale and technical standards。 (3) through fully solicit the opinions of the relevant units, experts, put forward the construction scheme of different, in such aspects as economy, technology, respectively, for its economic rationality, feasibility and practical engineering, analysis, finally put forward recommendations。 (4) determine the route to the main control points, pavement structure form and main structure。 (5) the upper structure box girder is calculated。 (6) according to the model number of each structure, preparation of investment estimation。 Key words: Cross channel bridge;construction scheme;Box girder calculation; Investment estimation目录 1 目 录 摘要..I AbstractII 目 录...... 1 1 绪论.......1 1.1 选题的背景和意义......1 1.2 国内外可行性研究状况.......2 1.3 项目建设的必要性......4 1.4 本文主要研究内容......5 2 经济社会和交通运输发展现状及规划....7 2.1 研究区域概况.....7 2.2 项目影响区域经济社会现状及发展.....7 2.3 项目影响区域交通运输现状及发展...10 3 道路现状评价、规划及技术标准..14 3.1 道路现状及规划14 3.2 交通量....16 3.3 技术标准18 4 建设方案..... 20 4.1 建设条件...20 4.2 建设项目起终点论证27 4.3 建设方案概况...27 5 大桥上部结构 40m 箱梁计算50 5.1 计算依据及基础欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司50 5.2 40m 箱梁计算....52 5.3 结论.72 6 投资估算..... 73目录 2 6.1 投资估算..73 6.2 资金筹措..77 7 结论及建议........78 7.1 主要结论...78 7.2 建议..78