在欧美经济发展不振,世界经济萎靡的大环境下,中国经济仍稳健发展。国家“十二 五”规划把新材料等高新欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司列为发展重点,各个领域更加注重安全、环保、节能和减排。 工业的高速发展和金属等自然资源的稀缺,“以塑代钢”是发展的必经之路,但塑料等有机 材料阻燃防火性能缺失是一大障碍;而电子电气的广泛应用,也使阻燃剂及阻燃材料的应用 被提高到一个新的高度。在这方面欧美发达国家已经走在前列,以塑料为例,欧美的阻燃塑 料占所有塑料的 40%,而这个比例在中国只有不到 1%。因此,我国阻燃材料市场将快速发 展的趋势显而易见。 中国在阻燃防火领域的研究起步较晚,底子薄,基础弱,研发能力有限,但发展比较迅 速。企业和民众对于防火安全的意识还比较薄弱,但总体上处于上升阶段。中国企业在阻燃 防火材料的应用和研究领域与欧美发达国家有较大的差距。同时,在阻燃防火领域的标准法 规的制定也比欧美国家落后。目前,有些产品即使在国内使用,也多数使用欧美的标准予以 评判。 目前在使用欧美标准测试的市场总量大约为 1 亿元,由于这几年国家加大对基础建设 (如铁路交通、公共设施等)的投资,并且关注阻燃材料的性能,阻燃测试的市场以每年大于 20%的速度增长。目前国内能较好执行欧美标准测试的实验室只有瑞士通标公司(SGS), 德国技术监督局(TUV)和天祥检测(Intertek)等少数几家测试机构,占据大约 40%以上的 市场份额。 在中国,由于工业发展的相对滞后,除了少数大型阻燃剂生产企业和部分高校研究所, 对于阻燃材料研究的机构较少,但大多采用中国标准。而专业的检测认证机构如 SGS,TUV 和 Intertek,很少提供研发和技术改善以及调研咨询服务。 基于此,我们希望融资 1000 万元,能够创立一家集咨询培训、研究开发、技术改善和 贸易指引为一体的专业专门的阻燃材料研究测试机构——阻燃材料研究测试中心。主要服务 是为我国企业客户提供阻燃防火检测,帮助它们了解自己产品的防火性能,同时规避贸易技 术壁垒,顺利在目的市场销售;提供产品研究开发和工艺改进,为企业提供阻燃防火解决方 案,帮助它们提高产品阻燃防火性能和产品质量;提供培训咨询和贸易指引服务,帮助企业 了解世界的防火安全标准规范,有效审视自己的产品并获悉国际欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的最新动态。我们的目 标是,整合本地和国际资源,打造值得信赖的品牌技术服务机构,引导民众和企业提高防火 安全意识,真正做到对防火安全的预防和保护。II 本商业计划书对拟建立的阻燃材料研发测试中心的营销策略与模式、营运计划与盈利模 式、成功要点、财务计划、经营风险等方面进行全面分析,最后得出结论是,目前在我国组 建一个专业的阻燃防火材料研究测试中心是适合时机和可行的。 关键词:阻燃材料,防火安全,研究开发,测试认证,商业计划III Business Plan of Flame Retardant Materials Research and Development Testing Center Abstract Dispite the unsatisfactory development in Europe and America and the depressing economy in the entire world, China’s economy is still growing steadily. The “12th 5-year Plan” goes so far as to put considerable energy into many high-tech industries associated with new materials, and all aspects of China begins to put more emphasis on safety, environmental friendliness, energy conservation and pollutionreduction.Inviewoftherapidly-growingindustriesandtheshortageofsuchnaturalmaterials as metals, using plastics to replace steel is quite necessary, but the fire retardancy of the organic materials like plastics is indeed an impediment. Meanwhile, the popularization of electrical and electronic technologies has helped push the application of fire retardant materials to a new height. Developed countries in Europe and America have been walking at the forefront in this respect. In the case of plastics, the fire retardant plastics account for 40% of the total plastics in Europe andAmerica, while they take up only 1% in China. Thus, it is obvious that the fast development of flame retardant materials will be a trend in China’s market. It’struethattheChinesefireproofingindustryisstill youngwithlimitedexperience,poorinfrastructure, and weak development capacity, while it is developing rapidly. The awareness of Chinese people and enterprises is still relatively weak in fire safety, though it is strengthening overall. There’s a rather big gap between Chinese enterprises and those in developed European and American countries in the application & research on flame retardant and fireproof materials, and the Chinese standards in this aspect are also not as authoritative as the European and American ones. Thus, most products even used in China comply with the European and American standards. At present, the total market of the tests using European and American standards is about 100 million yuan RMB. Thanks to the Chinese government’s larger investment in such basic facilities as railways and public facilities and greater attention to fire resistance in recent years, the flammability testing market expands with an annual growth rate of over 20%. In the current Chinese market, there’s a few labs capable of well implementing the European and American standards, which are SGS, TUV and Intertek, occupying over 40% of the entire market. On account of the late industrial development, there is a few institutes focusing on fire research and development for fireproof material except some big flame retardant manufacturer and universities, which work on Chinese Standards.As far as the test labs such as SGS, TUVand Intertek, is concerned, they almost don’t provide services for research, improvement and consultant.IV Based on the reasons described above, RMB 10 million is expected to be financed to create a special research and testing institute for fireproof material - a fireproof material research and testing center, which integrates consulting and training, research and development, technical improvement and trade guidance. It plans to provide main services including fire testing and certification for Chinese enterprises to help them know the fire performance of their products, avoid the technical barrier of trading and trade freely in target market, local solutions to fire research and improvement to help Chinese enterprises improve the fire performance and quality of products, training and trade guidance to help Chinese enterprises understand the worldwide standards and regulations in fire safety to keep them informed of the latest information on fire safety. The objective is to establish a reliable brand institute of technical service by integrating local with international resources, to guide Chinese enterprises and people to improve the awareness of fire safety, prevention, protection and security. A thorough analysis is made on suck aspects as marketing strategies and models, running plans and business model, key pionts to success, financial plans, and business risks in this business plan. Finally, a conclusion is made that it is feasible and a good time to create a special research and testing institute for fireproof material at the moment. Key words: fireproof material, fire safety, research and development, testing and certification, business planV 目 录 中文摘要 .................................................................. I Abstract................................................................ III 第一章 公司简介 ........................................................... 1 1.1 公司定位...........................................................................................................................1 1.2 公司服务...........................................................................................................................1 1.3 价值愿景...........................................................................................................................1 1.4 组织结构...........................................................................................................................2 第二章 市场与竞争分析 ..................................................... 3 2.1 市场概况...........................................................................................................................3 2.2 市场分析...........................................................................................................................8 2.3 竞争分析.........................................................................................................................13 2.3.1 国际竞争.......................................................