Modern Technologies for
Big Data Classification
and Clustering
Hari Seetha
Vellore Institute of Technology-Andhra Pradesh, India
M. Narasimha Murty
Indian Institute of Science, India
B. K. Tripathy
VIT University, India
A volume in the Advances in Data
Mining and Database Management
(ADMDM) Book Series
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Names: Seetha, Hari, 1970- editor. | Murty, M. Narasimha, editor. | Tripathy,
B. K., 1957- editor.
Title: Modern technologies for big data classification and clustering / Hari
Seetha, M. Narasimha Murty, and B.K. Tripathy, editors.
Description: Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference, [2018]
Identifiers: LCCN 2017010783| ISBN 9781522528050 (hardcover) | ISBN
9781522528067 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Big data. | Data mining. | Cluster analysis. |
Classification--Nonbook materials. | Document clustering.
Classification: LCC QA76.9.B45 M63 2018 | DDC 005.7--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.
This book is published in the IGI Global book series Advances in Data Mining and Database
Management (ADMDM) (ISSN: 2327-1981; eISSN: 2327-199X)
Advances in Data Mining
and Database Management
(ADMDM) Book Series
Editor-in-Chief: David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
With the large amounts of information available to organizations in today’s digital world,
there is a need for continual research surrounding emerging methods and tools for collecting,
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The Advances in Data Mining & Database Management (ADMDM) series aims to
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areas in order to become an ideal resource for those working and studying in these fields.
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research, theories, and applications in the fields of data mining and database management.
Sequence Analysis
Educational Data Mining
Cluster Analysis
Heterogeneous and Distributed Databases
Neural Networks
Database Testing
Factor Analysis
Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship
Predictive analysis
Web Mining
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