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Table of Contents 02040611 012018 CX Trends Report IntroductionTrend #1: Trust andMistrust Are Earned Trend #2: LoyaltyIs Alive and Well... Complicated Trend #3: ConsumersWant Experiences, NotJust Purchases Methodology — InMoment surveyed 1,300 consumers in the UnitedStates to understand the state of trust and loyalty, as well as customerperception about retailers’ attempts to ofer more experiences versussimple transactions. Data has been cleansed and validated. Introduction In the age of what McKinsey & Co. calls the “experienceeconomy,” retailers are faced with a challenge: They mustinnovate the products and services they ofer while alsocreating and maintaining a customer experience thatwill keep customers both trusting and loyal in the face ofendless options. It seems like a lofty goal, and many retailers and brandshave stepped up their game by ironing out the seamsbetween online and in-person, listening more andmore transparently, and transforming brick-and-mortarlocations into experiential environments versus simpletransaction points. In addition to these massive changes, brands are alsocompeting in a space in which consumer privacyand trust is more valuable than ever. In the wake ofFacebook’s infamous Cambridge Analytica scandal andnew regulations like GDPR, consumers around the worldare owning their personal data in a very new way, andasking both governments and brands to raise their barswhen it comes to security and value.Amidst these new rules and fundamentally diferentexpectations has risen a more empowered customer —one who has brands asking if ideals like trust and loyaltystill exist between individuals and institutions, or whetherwe’ve entered a new world where infnite choice andoutsized bargaining power have turned these importantcommercial tenants into relics. Consumers around the world areowning their personal data in avery new way 022018 CX Trends Report InMoment surveyed 1,300 U.S. consumers to understand the state of trust and loyalty, as well as customer perceptionabout retailers’ attemps to ofer more experiences versus simple transactions. Our research produced a treasure trove ofinsight; here are the three major themes that surfaced: 032018 CX Trends Report Trust and mistrust are earned. Consumers are clear regarding what brands must do togain their trust, and equally as clear as to what they will give in return. Loyalty is alive, and well… complicated. Today’s consumers are clearly loyal. However, howmodern loyalty manifests itself may surprise brands. Consumers crave experiences, not just purchases. Even simple transactions can be mean- ingful, but consumers appreciate when brands make small eforts to make a transactionfeel like more than a generic exchange. There’s a lot of good news for brands in these fndings. Despite the popular narrative, consumer loyalty absolutely stillexists — albeit in a much more complex and nuanced fashion than normally acknowledged. And retailers are right tofocus on building trust with their customers, however keeping data safe isn’t the end-all, and it’s defnitely not enough.Finally, despite concerns regarding “ever increasing expectations,” customers care less about being wowed than they doabout retailers keeping their basic promises.#1 #2 #3 。。。。。。

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