ContentsIntroduction Key Insights Growth Prospects for Voice The Bigger Picture of Voice The Privacy Factor Notes on Methodology 03 04 12 15 18 In this report we take a deep-dive into the spread ofvoice-enabled devices, looking at who is using voicetechnology across devices and on smart speakers,along with the wider implications in the feld ofcontent, commerce and consumer privacy. Key Insights 27% of the globalonline population isusing voice search onmobile. It’s most popular in AsiaPacifc, but 16-24s inmature English-speakingmarkets aren’t farbehind.Mobile voice has thestrongest ability to scalevoice tech adoption at acontinued rapid pace.This is because withbetween 40 to 60% ofconsumers planning topurchase a new mobileor upgrade their existinghandset in the next 12months, the majority oftheir new phones willhave integrated voiceassistants.17% of internet userscurrently own a voice- controlled smartassistant, and 34% saythey are interested inpurchasing one. That means almost halfof digital consumersworldwide could beengaging with smartassistants in the future. Voice tech can seriouslyimpact the commerceindustry.This is the reason whyAmazon has performedso well in the voicespace in the U.S., asvoice commandscompletely changethe dynamic of howconsumers carryout purpose-drivenactivities like buyingonline. This gives earlyadopter voice techcompanies more powerin consumer productchoice by default, atleast for now. Privacy is a major factorin voice tech. This largely falls downto unfamiliarity amongconsumers with howtheir data is stored andhow they may accessthis data. Brands needto be transparent withconsumers over datacollection in voice tech. Voice Search Growth Prospects for Voice Tech Insight Report 2018 。。。。。。