。HelloWorld, Inc. / 2018 Prizing Report2 METHODOLOGY We originally polled consumers in 2016 to determine what prizes motivated them most. We found that bigger prizesaren’t always better and, when it comes to participation, high odds of winning a prize motivate consumers more thanthe size or value of the prize. As our world becomes increasingly digital and new technologies enter the market - and consumers’ daily lives - we’vedecided to take another look at how consumers approach promotions and rewards.We collected 1,100 responses in a new 2018 independent survey to update our understanding of the value of prizing andsupport our industry expertise. INTRODUCTION The challenge to convert consumers is greater than ever. Between traditional advertising, email blasts, text messaging, and various social media outlets, consumers areinundated with endless communications from brands. As a result, it has become more difficult to capture consumers’attention or make meaningful connections that convert casual shoppers into brand advocates. In looking to do so, thecorrect promotion strategy with an effective prizing mix can help meet those objectives.HelloWorld’s 2018 Prizing Report found out what motivates consumers most and the takeaways are clear: When itcomes to promotional or loyalty programs, brands that embrace simplicity, focus on value, and build relationships withcustomers will have the biggest impact.49% The participants represented a broad age groupof 18 to 60+, and 49% of them were aged 18 to 44. 67% Over 67% surveyed indicated that they participatein promotions at least once a month. 3HelloWorld, Inc. / 2018 Prizing Report Share content/photo with your social network Consumers appreciate ease and authenticity, so don’t overthink yourpromotion experience. Make opting in hassle free. And when it comes toprizes, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel or splurge on rewards with a hefty price tag to capture consumer attention.We suspected thatconsumers would bewilling to provide an emailaddress, watch a video,and even use their phonesin store; however, we weresurprised that 84% of consumers are willingto leave a product orbrand review in exchangefor a reward. This shows us that consumers want tobe heard, even if it takesa little efort. Considerwhere in the promotionalexperience it might berelevant to provide a wayfor consumers to sharetheir opinion about yourbrand or products.MAKE IT EFFORTLESS Low-effort initiatives work well, as consumers across the board are busier than ever and value theirprivacy. Both men and women are equally willing to watch a brand video, leave a review, or provide theiremail address to enter a sweepstakes. However, when participation takes more effort (visiting a retaillocation or enrolling in a loyalty program) or seems to make a personal statement (sharing with socialmedia), interest among consumers can wane a bit.Keep It Simple 80% Provide an email address 27% Enroll in a loyalty program 53% Use mobile in store (text, scan product, enter code) 63% Watch a brand video 83% Review a brand/product 84% Visit physical location or event 40% Upload a photo of a receipt from your purchase 69% SURVEY QUESTIONWhich would you be most likely to do to win a reward - HelloWorld Prizing Report, November 2018 4HelloWorld, Inc. / 2018 Prizing ReportSTICK WITH CLASSIC PRIZES Traditional prizes like vacations (70%),shopping sprees (62%), and a lifetimesupply of their favorite brand (41%)are still the most enticing grandprizes. Less conventional options –attendance at an exclusive event,the chance to become a brand’s betatester, or the chance to appear in acommercial – were the least popularrewards. According to the data, it’s bestto keep prizes simple in most cases.Remember this and stick to traditionalprizes that appeal to everyone. DON’T BREAK THE BANK Consumers appreciate almost any display of generosity. Similar to findingsin our 2016 report, the likelihood of participation increases only slightlywhen consumers are offered a $250,000 prize, compared to a $10,000 prize.What’s more, when the option rises to $1,000,000, incrementalinterest in participating is negligible. Remember that bigger isn’t much better and youdon’t have to max out your prize budget to motivate consumers. Comparing a $10,000prize to a $1,000,000prize: Is the marginalincrease in participationworth 100 times thecost to you Unless yourgoal is to make a big PRsplash, probably not. SURVEY QUESTIONIf you found out you won a large value prize,which of these would be most appealingTOPFOURPRIZES-VS- WOMENMEN 11 22 3 34 4 ACTUAL WINNER“The trip was WONDERFUL. I love Italy. Ready to go back. We made it to Florence,Siena, Luca, and Cinque Terre. The hotel was a real castlefrom the 12th century. It was a trip of a lifetime for me.Thanks again for all your help and patience.” – Winner of a CPG client promotion KitchenMakeover Vacation Home Technology Upgrade Shopping Spree Lifetime Supplyof Favorite Brand - HelloWorld Prizing Report, November 2018 。。。。。。