p.2 table of contents Introduction - p. 4Key ndings - p. 8 Demographics - p. 9Brands want to personalizebut struggle to nd the righttech - p. 11Voice assistants dominatetech investments - p. 14Inuencer marketing is stillhot - p. 18Brand activism is on the rise -p. 21Marketing teams are hiringmore tech talent - p. 24 p.3 Consumer expectations have increasedtenfold. Not only do consumers demandhighly personalized digital experiences,they also want brands to influence thecultural and social issues in society.p.4 State of branding Welcome to OnBrand andBynder’s 2018 State ofBranding Report. Togetherwith Survata, we interviewed504 marketing decision- makers on their goals,challenges, and priorities forthe new year. Our report willprovide you with an in-depthlook at the current state ofbrand marketing and give youa glimpse into where it’sheading in the future. While the digital landscapehas revolutionized manyindustries, few have changedas drastically as marketing. Faced with new technologies,a multitude of channels, and awealth of data at theirdisposal, marketers are underincreasing pressure to get togrips with the digitallandscape in order to retaintheir edge in a competitiveclimate.Moving up two places sincelast year’s report, customerexperience is the top priorityfor marketers in 2018. But inorder to deliver personalizedand targeted experiences,brands need to have aseamless tech ecosystem inplace. With this in mind, it’s nowonder why the top challengegoing into 2018 is identifyingthe right technologies for theirneeds.If 2017 taught us anything, it’sthat consumer expectationsare rising, but brands are oftenlagging behind. And it’s notjust in the digital space.Nowadays, brands areexpected to contribute to, andeven inuence, the culturaland social issues in society.Brands that remain silent riskfalling out of favor withconsumers.。。。。。。