Table of ContentExecutive Summary.….…….3Advantage India…..…..……..4Market Overview ….….……..6Recent Trends and Strategies…....16Growth Drivers……..19Opportunities…….........……28 Industry Associations……....……...32Useful Information.......…….34For updated information, please visitTourism & Hospitality 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYElectronic tourist authorisations, known as E – Tourist Visa, launched by the Government of India haveresulted in increase in number of tourist visa issued in the country. The facility has been extended to citizensof 163 countries as of March 2018.Arrivals through e-visa increasing 57.2 per cent to 1.697 million during CY 2017. During January-September2018, arrivals through e-visa increased 47.90per cent year-on-year to 1.58 million.New Visa ReformsSource: World Travel & Tourism Council’s (WTTC’s) Economic Impact 2018, Ministry of TourismIndia ranked 7th among 184 countries in terms of travel & tourism’s total contribution to GDP in 2017. India’sforeign exchange earnings (FEEs) from tourism increased by 20.8 per cent during CY 2017 to reach US$27.693 billion. During January-September 2018, FEEs from tourism increased 10.20 per cent* year-on-year toUS$ 21.56 billion.In India, the sector’s direct contribution to GDP is expected to grow by 7.1 per cent per annum during 2018-28.Contribution to GDPabove world averageTravel & tourism’s contribution to capital investment in India is projected to grow 6.7 per cent per annum during2018–28. Higher investmentsThe travel & tourism sector in India accounted for 8 per cent of the total employment opportunities generated inthe country in 2017, providing employment to around 41.6 million people during the same year. The number isexpected to rise by 2 per cent annum to 52.3 million jobs by 2028.Creating higheremploymentContribution of visitor exports to total exports is estimated to increase 5.5 per cent per annum during 2018– 2028.Increasing visitorexportsNote: CY - Calendar Year, * - Increased in US$ termsTourism & HospitalityADVANTAGE INDIA。。。。。。