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Opening up new markets for business gwec Hanoi, 7 June 2018 MONGOLIA WORKSHOP Buenos Aires, 6-7 September 2018 GWEC Global Wind 2017 Report | 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE THE NEXT BIG THING …·9 CHAPTER TWO GLOBAL STATUS OF WIND POWER IN 2017· 15 CHAPTER THREE MARKET FORECAST 2018-2022·· 27 CHAPTER FOUR ASNAPSHOT OF TOP WIND MARKETS IN 2017·35 Argentina ··36 Australia ·· 37 Brazil ·38 Canada 39 PR China ··40 The European Union ··42 Finland 46 France ·47 Germany ··48 India ··49 Japan ·50 Mexico51 Netherlands 52 Norway 53 Offshore Wind ··54 Pakistan 64 South Africa 65 Turkey ·66 United States ·· 67 Uruguay ··68 Vietnam ··69 About GWEC 70 GWEC Global Wind 2017 Report | 4 2017was not a spectacular year interms of global installations,but key developments marked the forwardprogress of the energy transformation. Drivenby the improving economics of wind power,as well as solar and storage, the outlinesof a future sustainable energy system arebeginning to become clear. ‘Hybrid’ wind/solar/storage plants are nowbeing built, able to supply clean reliablepower 24/7 for most of the year; utilities areseriously experimenting with battery storagein place of peaker plants; and EV sales arebooming in key markets. The developmentof local micro-grids, some using peer to peerpower trading with blockchain technology,and more and more sophisticated marketstructures for matching up supply anddemand at all scales are just some of theelements beginning to emerge. Last year at this time we reported on prices ina tender in Morocco having broken throughthe US$ 0.03/kWh barrier. This year, we notethe record low prices in Mexico’s most recenttender, having broken through US$ 0.02/kWh.How much lower can it go Nobody knowsfor sure, but costs will continue to comedown, albeit probably at a slower rate than inrecent years. Overall, 52.5 GW of new wind power wasinstalled across the globe in 2017, a slightdecrease on the 2016 market of 54.6 GW,bringing total installed capacity up to 539 GW.Behind the numbers, however, is the fact thatwind energy is now operating in more andmore markets on a purely commercial basis,moving away from the support schemes ofold; and that transition has created policygaps in a number of markets, as governmentsand regulators as well as the industry getsaccustomed to the new reality. We expectthese gaps to be felt in 2018 installationnumbers as well, before the global marketreturns to growth in 2019. China, the driver of global market growth formost of the last decade, installed 19.7 GW in2017, more than twice as much as any othermarket, even though it represents a decreaseon 2016’s 23 GW. India had a record year,breaking the 4 GW barrier for therst time in2017, and although 2018 is likely to be a ‘gap’year, we can expect rapid growth starting in2019. Europe had an extraordinary year, setting newrecords both on and offshore. New annualmarket records were set in Germany, the UK,France, Belgium, Ireland and Croatia, as wellas in the offshore segment, which accountedfor 3,148 MW of the European total of16,803 MW (15,638 MW in the EU). The US installed a solid 7 GW, having dodgeda bullet and survived the new tax bill largelyunscathed. Canada’s numbers were down,but the big news was December’s auctionin Alberta, with prices coming in belowUS$ 0.03/kWh, and we can expect morePREFACE Steve Sawyer Secretary General GWEC。。。。。。

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