Introduction “For marketers looking to drive value for their businessvia digital marketing no other platform comes closeto Facebook and its family of applications, in termsof scale and audience engagement. With 2.27 billionmonthly active users, social media performance datashows that it’s still the place where most consumerengagement with brands is happening online.Brands looking to leverage platforms like Facebookand Instagram need to make sure they are makingdata-driven decisions about where to invest theiradvertising budgets in order to maximize reach,engagement and business impact.” Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CEO, SocialbakersAbout Socialbakers Socialbakers is a trusted social media marketing partner to thousands of enterprise brands, leveraging the largest social media data-set in theindustry. Socialbakers help brands engage their audiences on socialmedia through content personalization and grow their customer base usingactionable AI-powered audience insights.Instagram vs. FacebookPlatform Audience, Activity, EngagementEngagement Distribution by Industries Instagram vs. Facebook AdvertisingShare of Instagram vs. Facebook AdsFacebook Advertising Desktop vs. MobilePromoted Post Promotion on Facebook Ad Placements On InstagramFacebook EngagementOrganic vs. Paid Reach on FacebookNumber of Interactions on Facebook Posts Instagram EngagementInstagram Stories vs. Posts The Rise of Infuencer Marketing The Infuencer Industry and Minimizing Fraud Spotting Fake Infuencers by Follower Growth Privacy and Security Table of Contents 4–6 5 6 7–12 8 9 11 12 13–1514 15 16–17 17 18–20 19 20 21Instagramvs. Facebook 4Most Important Social Media Trends to Remember in 2019 | Social Media Statistics by Socialbakers 。。。。。。