2018 Ipsos2 MethodologyThe survey was conducted in 27 countries via the Ipsos OnlinePanel system: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada,Chile, China, France, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, India,Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Russia, SaudiArabia, Serbia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkeyand the United States of America. Interviews were conducted with 20,767 adults aged 18-64 inCanada and the U.S. and 16-64 in all other countries betweenApril 20 and May 4, 2018. Approximately 1000+ individuals participated on a country bycountry basis via the Ipsos Online Panel with the exception ofArgentina, Belgium, Hungary, India, Mexico, Peru, Poland,Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden andTurkey, where each have a sample of approximately 500+. Weighting has been employed to balance demographics andensure that the sample’s composition reflects that of the adultpopulation according to the most recent country census data. A survey with an unweighted probability sample of this size wouldhave an estimated margin of error of +/-3.1 percentage points for asample of 1,000 and an estimated margin of error of +/-4.5percentage points for a 500 sample 19 times out of 20. In 17 of the 27 countries surveyed internet penetration is sufficientlyhigh to think of the samples as representative of the wider populationwithin the age ranges covered: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada,France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Poland, Serbia, South Korea,Spain, Sweden, Great Britain and United States. Brazil, Chile, China, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Peru, SaudiArabia, South Africa and Turkey have lower levels of internetpenetration and so these samples should not be considered to be fullynationally representative, but instead to represent a more affluent,connected population. These are still a vital social group tounderstand in these countries, representing an important andemerging middle class. 2018 Ipsos3 OVERALLINCLUSIVENESSINDEX 2018 Ipsos4Overall Inclusiveness Index 4Bottom fifth Top fifth Lower middle Upper middle Middle Average of net scores for inclusiveness of all six religious groups (combined), naturalized citizens, native-born to parents whoimmigratedfrom nine world regions (combined), LGBT people,people with criminal background, and people with extreme political views *Not asked in China and India。。。。。。