Media Predictions 20192 Before we gaze into our crystal ball and make predictions for 2019, we wanted to refect on2018 and what has been another year of change in media - and its implications for researchorganisations like Kantar. We’ve seen the continued fragmentation of audiences and the ever-ferce battle for eyeballs withthe growth of Netfix and Amazon. Making sense of this changing landscape is challenging andincreasingly we’re seeing a ‘connected intelligence’ approach, where syndicated data solutions ofall types are being directly integrated with advertisers’ frst party data. Away from the screen, we’re witnessing a renaissance in audio through the rise of voice activationfor consumer applications. As with all new technologies, voice is creating both challenges andopportunities for the research industry. This year, we have started tracking and measuring voiceactivation and can already see the ways in which it is changing consumer behaviour. And 2018 will of course be remembered for the introduction of the General Data ProtectionRegulation across Europe. From the point of view of a market research organisation, GDPR is one ofthe best things that could have happened. It has not only put clear blue water in between marketresearch and other data solutions, but also placed a greater emphasis on the provenance of dataand transparency for consumers, both of which have always sat at the heart of market research. There has never been a more exciting time in media. We look forward to working together with ourclients & partners to better understand this changing landscape throughout 2019 and beyond. FOREWORD: A TRANSFORMATIONAL TWELVE MONTHS IN MEDIA Richard IngletonCEO & CHAIRMAN, KANTAR MEDIAGLOBAL CEO INSIGHTS DIVISION, KANTAR Andy Brown4 Ten years ago, we made our frst Media and Digital Predictions. Presented in an earnest-looking 4:3 format, they look old fashioned now, but the content wasn’t far of the mark. The growth ofonline video, mobile marketing and even voice-activated search were all highlighted as things tocome. And they still are. A few trends that will be guaranteed in 2019: further consolidation in the AdTech market, GDPR’simpact spreading beyond the EU; the widespread use of Artifcial Intelligence in most marketingapplications, and maybe a new realisation that there is no Holy Grail in measurement, but you cancontinue to improve marketing’s impact through the intelligent application of insights. So for 2019 here’s a set of 12 lively predictions from our experts around the world. We’re not focusingon grand, airy-fairy concepts, but useful, practical ideas that will help marketers and their agenciestackle media and efectiveness measurement challenges head on, without fear. And this year we’rerenaming them Media Predictions, because most media is now becoming digital. EDITOR’SINTRODUCTIONJane Ostler, KantarMedia Predictions 2019 。。。。。。