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。Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Helferstorferstrasse 17, A-1010 Vienna, Austria E-mail: prid(at)opec Website: opec Disclaimer The data, analysis and any other information contained in the Monthly Oil Market Report (the “MOMR”) is forinformational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your business, fnance, invest- ment consultant or other professional. The views expressed in the MOMR are those of the OPEC Secretariatand do not necessarily refect the views of its Governing Bodies and/or individual OPEC Member Countries. Whilst reasonable eforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the MOMR’s content, the OPEC Secretar- iat makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy, currency reference or comprehensiveness, andassumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccuracy, error or omission, or for any loss or damage arising inconnection with or attributable to any action or decision taken as a result of using or relying on the informationin the MOMR. The MOMR may contain references to material(s) from third parties whose copyright must be acknowledgedby obtaining necessary authorization from the copyright owner(s). The OPEC Secretariat shall not be liable orresponsible for any unauthorized use of third party material(s). All rights of the Publication shall be reserved tothe OPEC Secretariat, including every exclusive economic right, in full or per excerpts, with special referencebut without limitation, to the right to publish it by press and/or by any communications medium whatsoever,including Internet; translate, include in a data base, make changes, transform and process for any kind of use,including radio, television or cinema adaptations, as well as sound-video recording, audio-visual screenplaysand electronic processing of any kind and nature whatsoever. Full reproduction, copying or transmission of the MOMR is not permitted in any form or by any means by thirdparties without the OPEC Secretariat’s written permission, however the information contained therein may beused and/or reproduced for educational and other non-commercial purposes without the OPEC Secretariat’sprior written permission, provided that OPEC is fully acknowledged as the copyright holder.OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report – December 2018iPublishing schedule for 2019Thursday, 17 JanuaryTuesday, 12 FebruaryThursday, 14 MarchWednesday, 10 AprilTuesday, 14 MayThursday, 13 JuneThursday, 11 JulyTuesday, 13 AugustWednesday, 11 SeptemberThursday, 10 OctoberThursday, 14 NovemberWednesday, 11 Decemberii OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report – December 2018。。。。。。

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