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。 Dealmakers in Technology 01THE VIEW FROM GP BULLHOUND 03RECAP OF GP BULLHOUND’S 2018 PREDICTIONS 05TECHNOLOGY PREDICTIONS 2019 07 DIGITAL BANKING CONTINUES TO RISE09EXPERT VIEWNorris Koppel, CEO, Monese 11 APP DISTRIBUTION MOVING AWAY FROM APPLE AND GOOGLE 13 EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT GOES HIGH TECH 15 RETAIL TECHNOLOGY GETS SMARTER 17 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS THE END OF REPETITION, NOT THE END OF LIFE 19 CONSUMER SUBSCRIPTION SET TO ECLIPSE ADVERTISING21EXPERT VIEWJade Van Doren, CEO, AllTrails 23 A BREAK-UP OF AN ADVERTISING DUOPOLY25EXPERT VIEWJohn Ghiorso, CEO, Orca Pacific 27 LAST MILE DELIVERY: GOING THE DISTANCE 29 END OF THE BOYS CLUB 33 PROFESSIONAL CAPITAL SOURCES:SCOUTING FOR ENTRY POINTS INTO BLOCKCHAIN36EXPERT VIEWOlga Feldmeier, CEO, Smart Valor 37 METHODOLOGY CONTENTSEXECUTIVE SUMMARY THE VIEW From GP Bullhound Per RomanManaging Partner 1 It has been a year of trials and tribulations fortechnology as regulators have sought to matchits evolution with existing frameworks; yet thisreport shows that technology does not just move the goalposts, it reshapes the world as we know it. How we bank, shop and the type of moneywe carry are all covered. Our predictions onthe rise of digital banks, the infuence of cryptocurrencies, and retailers’ attempts to upgradedelivery systems exemplify how technologyimpacts everyday decisions, as well as shedding light on what businesses are doing to speed up transactional processes andintroduce safeguards. We also make our predictions on employeeengagement, subscription models and theTechnology’s transformative effect hastouched every corner of today’s world. Itscommercial, social and political impact hasbeen unprecedented. At GP Bullhound weare proud to work with the entrepreneurs andthe world-leading companies that appreciatetechnology’s potential – and work hard to turnits promise into reality. Now entering its twelfthyear, our Technology Predictions report refectsour optimistic mindset and demonstrates whattechnology and its leading minds could achieveover the next 12 months. 。。。。。。

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