Criteo surveyed thousands of members of Gen Z in the US, UK, France, Germany, Brazil, andJapan to understand what they think about shopping: what motivates them to shop and whatthey want from the retail experience. While all countries have different economic factors atplay, members of Gen Z share a commonality in their love of real-world retail experience,albeit augmented by technology. They are the most likely to value real-world experiences. They have signifcant spending power. Key fndings about Gen Z:Introduction Move over Millennials — there’s a new generationof shoppers in stores. They are the most dissatisfed with the online experience. They are the most likely to shop around. They expect relevance from products and marketing. Contents Who is Gen Z Get to know the newest generation of infuential shoppers. 1 How social and mobile shape their lives Or, why content and connectivity reign supreme. 2 Real-world retail matters to them #Defnitely Good-looking stores and unique products are on-trend. 3 Appealing to Gen Z The path to purchase is paved with personalization. 4 What Gen Z wants from retailers and brands Top takeaways for marketers who want to win. 5 There are 4 distinct generations in commerce Boomers 1945-1968 1969-1983Gen X 1984-1993 Millennials 1994-2002 Gen Z Source: Defnitions of these generations vary. For the purposes of this survey, Boomers = 50+, GenX = 35 – 49, Millennials = 25 -3 4, Gen Z = 16 - 24 。。。。。。