IEA member countries:Australia AustriaBelgiumCanada Czech Republic Denmark Estonia FinlandFrance Germany Greece Hungary IrelandItaly Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New ZealandNorway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States The European Commissionalso participates inthe work of the IEA.OECD/IEA, 2018 International Energy AgencyWebsite:iea Please note that this publicationis subject to specifc restrictionsthat limit its use and distribution.The terms and conditions are available online atiea/t&c/ INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY The IEA examines the full spectrum of energy issues including oil, gas and coal supplyand demand, renewable energy technologies, electricity markets, energy effciency, accessto energy, demand side management and much more. Through its work, the IEA advocatespolicies that will enhance the reliability, affordability and sustainability of energy in its 30 member countries, 7 association countries and beyond. The four main areas of IEA focus are:nEnergy Security: Promoting diversity, effciency, fexibility and reliability for all fuels and energy sources; n Economic Development: Supporting free markets to foster economic growth and eliminate energy poverty; n Environmental Awareness: Analysing policy options to offset the impact of energy production and use on the environment, especially for tackling climate change and air pollution; and n Engagement Worldwide: Working closely with association and partner countries, especially major emergingeconomies, to fnd solutions to sharedenergy and environmentalconcerns. Together Secure SustainableOECD/IEA 2018 Global EV Outlook 2018Towards cross-modal electrificationPage | 3AcknowledgementsGlobal EV Outlook 2018was developed and prepared by the Energy Technology Policy (ETP)Division of the Directorate of Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks (STO) of the InternationalEnergy Agency (IEA), under the direction of Dave Turk, Acting Director of STO. Pierpaolo Cazzolaco-ordinated this project.This report was collectively developed by (in alphabetical order): Till Bunsen, Pierpaolo Cazzola,Marine Gorner, Leonardo Paoli, Sacha Scheffer, Renske Schuitmaker, Jacopo Tattini and JacobTeter. It benefited from the support provided by Simon Bennett, Emanuele Bianco, Paul Hugues,George Kamiya, Sarbojit Pal, Kate Palmer, Apostolos Petropoulos and Oliver Schmidt. In addition,Jian Liu (Energy Research Institute, China) provided extensive support regarding China's data,policies and EV market development during the preparation of this report. Bertrand Sadinassisted with the graphic design.Several in-depth interviews were conducted to help obtain more detailed information on specifictopics. Valuable input was received from Haakoen Gloeersen (Siemens), Antti Lajunen (Aaltouniversity, Finland), Zoe Yang (Xcharge) and Edison Yin (BYD). The following individuals have contributed to developing the activities of the Electric VehiclesInitiative (EVI) on behalf of their governments through providing data and assistance, andreviewing this report: Carol Burelle (Canada), Aaron Hoskin (Canada), Paula Vieira (Canada),Ren-Pierre Allard (Canada), Yong Jin (the People’s Republic of China [hereafter “China”]), LijinZhao (China), Shuhua Jiang (China), Chengxi Li (China), Guofang Liu (China), Jinchen Gua (China),Zheng Yali (China), Pentti Puhakka (Finland), Nils-Olof Nylund (Finland), Mikko Pihlatie (Finland),Cdric Messier (France), Maude Premillieu (France), Clarisse Durand (France), Gereon Meyer(Germany), Birgit Hofmann (Germany), Abhay Bakre (India), Pravin Agrawal (India), Ishan Jain(India), Harish Sikri (India), Vishvajit Sahay (India), Raj Kumar Singh (India), Zuiou Ashihara(Japan), Santiago Creuheras (Mexico), Víctor Ziga (Mexico), Maria Ramos (Mexico), LeonardoBeltrán (Mexico), Sonja Munnix (the Netherlands), Jannis Rippis (Norway), Asbjrn Johnsen(Norway), Havard Grothe Lien (Norway), Martin Palm (Sweden), Peter Kasche (Sweden), TimWard (United Kingdom), Rob Gould (United Kingdom), Bob Moran (United Kingdom),Russel Conklin (United States) and David Howell (United States). Peer reviewers provided essential feedback to improve the quality of the report. They include:Patrik Akerman (Siemens), Laurent Antoni (French Alternative Energies and Atomic EnergyCommission), Debashish Bhattacharjee (UN Habitat), Robert Bienenfeld (American Honda),Tomoko Blech (CHAdeMO), David Brocas (Glencore), Remzi Can Samsun (ForschungszentrumJülich), Romain Capaldi (Navigant), Anri Cohen (BP), Marcello Contestabile (E4tech Ltd), SantiagoCreuheras (Mexico’s Ministry of Energy), Jos Dings (Tesla (Europe)), Elizabeth Endler (Shell),Miguel Fernandez Astudillo (University of Sherbrooke), Peter Fitzmaurice (Industrial Minerals),Diego Garcia Carvajal (European Copper Institute), Bogdan Gagea (BP), Nancy Garland (U.S.Department of Energy), Marjan Gjelaj (Technical University of Denmark), Mattias Goldmann(Fores), Ichiro Gonda (NGK Spark Plug), Andrew Gunn (British Geological Survey), Hans ChristianHaag (Bosch), Dale Hall (ICCT), Maija Halme (Fortum), Colin Hamilton (BMO Capital Markets),Gavin Harper (University of Birmingham), Auke Hoesktra (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven),Cabell Hodge (United States), Kaoru Horie (Honda), Cornie Huizenga (SloCaT), Cyrille Jouin(Glencore Ni Department), Hiroyuki Kaneko (Nissan), Monika Kuusela (Fortum), Marcel Meeus(SUSTESCO), Nguyen Khac-Tiep (UNIDO [retired]), Alex Koerner (UNEP), Max Kofod (Shell),Atsushi Kurosawa (The Institute of Applied Energy), Antti Lajunen (Aalto University (Finland)),Francisco Laveron (Iberdrola), Magnus Lindgren (Swedish Transport Administration), JochenGlobal EV Outlook 2018OECD/IEA 2018Towards cross-modal electrificationPage | 4Linen (Forschungszentrum Jülich), Felix Maire (S&P Global Platts Analytics), Nicolas Meilhan(Frost & Sullivan), Josh Miller (ICCT), Christine Mounaim-Rousselle (University of Orleans),Benjamin Munzel (Ecofys - A Navigant Company), Matteo Muratori (United States), ToddOnderdonk (ExxonMobil), Claire Painter (Climateworks Australia), Sarbojit Pal (CEM), EviPetavratzi (British Geological Survey), Julia Poliscanova (Transport & Environment), Sture Portvik(City of Oslo), Michael Rex (EE Energy Engineers), Sandra Roling (The Climate Group), Gen Saito(Nissan), Jon Salkeld (BP), Raphael Sauter (European Commission), Alex Shiao (Toray Industries,Inc. Battery Separator Film Dept.), Naotaka Shibata (TEPCO [CHAdeMO promotion]), SomnathSinha (ExxonMobil), Fabrice Stassin (EMIRI), Jon Stenning (Cambridge Econometrics), MarcoTepper (BSW – Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V.), Charlie Webb (Morgan Stanley), HarmWeken (FIER), Mark Wenzel (California), Martina Wikstrm (Swedish Energy Agency), Akira Yabe(New Energy & Industrial Technology Development Organization), Kazuhiro Yamada (TorayIndustries), Xiaowen Yue (PetroChina) and Victor Ziga (Mexico’s Ministry of Energy).IEA reviewers included Dave Turk, Cecilia Tam, Laura Cozzi, Timur Gül, Apostolos Petropoulos,Paul Hugues, Simon Bennett, Sarbojit Pal, Rebecca Gaghen and Laszlo Varro. The report wasedited by Debra Justus.The development of this report was facilitated by country contributions to the IEA for theco-ordination of the Electric Vehicles Initiative.。。。。。。