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#ActivatingBraveBest Global Brands 20182#ActivatingBraveBest Global Brands 20183 A decade after the global fnancial crisis, the brands that are growingfastest today are those that intuitively understand their customers and make brave, iconic moves that delight and deliver in new ways. 2018 marks the 19th consecutive year that Interbrand has launched Best Global Brands. When looking at our Best Global Brands data overthe last 10 years, it’s clear that Role of Brand is more important andvaluable than ever, and has continued to help leading organizationsaccelerate growth, even at a time when an overall sense of trust ininstitutions has been in steep decline. We live in a world where consumers have more power than ever, curating their own personal brands like we’ve never seen before. Brands such as Amazon, Spotify, and Netfix lead in this era by improving our lives in very personal ways. Apple, ranked number one on Interbrand’s Best Global Brands again in 2018, continues to set the standard for what it means to be a world- class brand in the 21st century by responding to today’s ever-changingcustomer expectations. Interbrand is Activating Brave by developing a more agile, collaborative,and customer-driven approach to brand building to better serve ourclients and enable them to grow, now and in the future. Charles TrevailGlobal Chief Executive Offcer, InterbrandWelcome toInterbrandBest GlobalBrands 2018#ActivatingBraveBest Global Brands 20184 Despite all of this, and invirtueof this, therole of brands in today’s world is moreimperative and valuable than ever. Brandinghas shifted from being about ensuringconsistency to stimulating desire; frommarketing-centric to enterprise-centric; fromsimply creating functional and emotionaldifferentiation to fundamentally changing theway a business goes to market; and fromcommunicating the consumer experience toactuallyshapingit. So, what can we learn from how the world’sleading brands are achieving success in thisenvironment What sets apart the good fromthe great They are Activating Brave. In other words, harnessing the ability to takebold short-term action that responds to theneeds of the marketplace while pursuing aclear and aligned long-term vision. To simultaneously look through amicroscope and a telescope, To have the courage to intercept the future, not just fow with it, and, To take decisive action that makes a real impact. Only when you have the sanctuary of a deepunderstanding of who you are, and whereyou are going tomorrow, can you confdentlymake the brave short-term calls needed toActivating Bravewin today. Nike, for example, was able to take a hugecalculated risk in launching the controversialColin Kaepernick advertising campaignbecause its brand has always encouragedpeople to believe in themselves no matterwhat. Its brave action translated to a rise in its stock market value of $6 billion. But, there is nooneway to activate brave.Every brand needs to fnd its own path thatintrinsically aligns with its market context,history, and business strategy. Learning from the bold and the brave Yes, the world in which brands exist is in a state of fux. Yes, we receive fve times more information every day than we did 30 years ago. Yes, technology has profoundlychanged how we interact with theworld around us. Yes, customerexpectations have transformed, and attention is harder to capture. Yes, we live in an era of category-of- one brands like Google and Amazonthat dominate their respective sectorsand become the anchor points forentire ecosystems of other players. Leading brands are driven by theirdesire to be useful,to create products,tools and servicesthat actually solvecustomer problems,and to use theirmarketing to serveand not just sell. 。。。。。。

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