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2 Table of Contents CONTENTSNExTT framework 3 NECESSARYIIoT Platforms 5Industrial Sensors 7Industrial Robots 8Predictive Analytics 11 EXPERIMENTALEdge Computing13Industrial Drones 15Personalized Manufacturing 17AR/VR19Wearables22Industrial Blockchain 24 THREATENINGMachine Vision26Machines-as-a-service28 TRANSITORY3D Printing 30Data Interoperability 32 3 Emerging Trends in Advanced Manufacturing NExTT FRAMEWORKInfrastructure Software Hardware 4 1 TRANSITORY EXPERIMENTALTHREATENING NECESSARY IN D U ST RYA D O P TI O N MARKET STRENGTHHighLow H ig h Lo w Digitaldealership On-boarddiagnostics Industrial internet ofthings (IIoT) AV sensors &sensor fusion HDmapping Lithium-ionbatteries Automobilesecurity TelematicsVehicle connectivity AI processorchips & software On-demandaccess Industrialcomputervision Flexibleassemblylines Vehiclelightweighting Onlineaftermarketparts Virtualshowrooms Decentralizedproduction Predictivemaintenance Wearables andexoskeletons Flying robotaxis Alternativepowertraintechnology Vehicle-to-everythingtech Car vendingmachines Blockchainverification Advanced driverassistance Next geninfotainment Mobilemarketing AdditivemanufacturingUsage-basedinsurance Drivermonitoring R&D and design Material supply, partssourcing, and vehicle assembly Distribution, marketing & sales Aftermarketservices and vehicle use TitleofNExTTFramework TRANSITORY Trends seeing adoption butwhere there is uncertainty about market opportunity. As Transitory trends becomemore broadly understood,they may reveal additionalopportunities and markets. NECESSARY Trends which are seeing wide- spread industry and customerimplementation / adoption andwhere market and applicationsare understood. For these trends, incumbentsshould have a clear, articulatedstrategy and initiatives. EXPERIMENTAL Conceptual or early-stage trends with few functional products and which have notseen widespread adoption. Experimental trends are alreadyspurring early media interestand proof-of-concepts. THREATENING Large addressable marketforecasts and notableinvestment activity. The trend has been embracedby early adopters and may be on the precipice of gainingwidespread industry or customer adoption. NExTT Trends The NExTT framework’s 2 dimensions: INDUSTRY ADOPTION (y-axis)Signals include: momentum of startupsin the space media attention customer adoption (partnerships, customerlicensing deals) market sizingforecasts quality and number of investors & capital investmentsin R&D earnings transcriptcommentary competitiveintensity incumbentdeal making MARKET STRENGTH (x-axis)Signals include: 。。。。。。

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