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1 YOU JUST GET MELET GO OF THE WHEELMAKE IT PRACTICALNOW WHAT Insights from the 2018 Accenture Digital Consumer Survey of 21,000 onlineconsumers in 19 countries reveal four key fndings: Stand-alonedigital voiceassistantdevices areleading theevolutiontowardblendeddigital andphysicalexperiencesConsumers are in search of simplifed,fexible and engaging subscriptionover-the-top (OTT) video experiences Interest inconnectedexperiencesextends to self- driving vehiclesConsumerswant more thanjust fun fromaugmented andvirtual reality 12 4 3 The blending of the digital and physical worldsis evolving from a wide range of parallel servicesto a truly seamless experience. The digital voiceassistant (DVA) device in its stand-alone formfactor is leading the way in this development, asit makes services more easily accessible. The key question for the industry is how well willcompanies be able to develop and offer theseblended experiences to their customers SHOW ME MORE 2 YOU JUST GET MELET GO OF THE WHEELMAKE IT PRACTICALNOW WHATSHOW ME MORE Year-on-year growth in ownership of stand-alone digital voice assistant (DVA) devices is greaterthan 50% in all countries surveyed, regardless of the availability of local language services.Ifstated purchase plans hold, DVA device ownership will reach one third of the online population inChina, India, the US, Brazil and Mexico by the end of 2018 (FIGURE 1). While not yet as widespread,stand-alone DVA devices are used more often and deliver higher satisfaction levels than deviceswith embedded DVAs (FIGURE 2). FIGURE 2 While not yet as widespread as embedded voice assistant devices, stand-alone DVA devices are used more oftenand users are more satisfed FREQUENCY OF DAILY AND WEEKLY USAGESATISFACTION LEVEL SAMPLE BASE: Stand-alone DVA device users (n=3,639)|Embedded DVA device owners/users (n=6,689) STAND-ALONESTAND-ALONEEMBEDDEDEMBEDDED 75%94%69%91% FIGURE 1 Projected ownership levels of stand-alone DVA devices by the end of 2018 SAMPLE BASE:All respondents (n=1,000 in each country, 2,000 in the US and China) 2017 2018 Planned ownershipend of 2018 INDIAUSMEXICOCHINABRAZIL 8% 14% 39% 6% 13% 34% 7% 21% 37% 4% 14% 33% 9% 15% 34% 3 YOU JUST GET MELET GO OF THE WHEELMAKE IT PRACTICALNOW WHATSHOW ME MORE The voice interface takes the blending of the physical and digital worlds toa new level, augmenting the way consumers access content and servicesand offering providers an additional service and revenue opportunity. Infxed locations consumers who own a DVA device are using their smartphoneless for certain activities, but for “on the go” use cases they still turn to theirmobile devices (FIGURE 3). Countries where the highest percentage ofconsumers agree they are using DVA device for activities previously done onsmartphones include India, the US, and Brazil. Device adoption may be the easy part; keeping consumers engaged couldbe more challenging. The winners will be the ones who can tailor an app toprovide a truly integrated digital and physical experience. FIGURE 3 66% of consumers who own a stand-alone DVA use their smartphone for fewer activitiesSAMPLE BASE: Stand-alone DVA owners who use their smartphone for fewer activities (n=1,493)SAMPLE BASE: Stand-alone DVA device owners/users (n=2,271) * Sum after rounding percentages Q: To what extent do you agreewith the following statement Since I got my digital voiceassistant device, I use mysmartphone for fewer activitiesStrongly agreeAgree 30%35%66%* consumers who own a stand-aloneDVA use their smartphone less 。。。。。。

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