Table of Contents 2 About the EQ 3 Introduction 4 The Engagement Opportunity 6 The Business Impact 8 Lessons From Two Channels 9 Conclusion 12 Benchmarks US Sales & Service Call 877-MONETATE (US) | EMEA Sales & Service +44 203 7500 376 2 monetate Monetate Ecommerce Quarterly Report | Q1 2018 About the EQ TheMonetate Ecommerce Quarterly(EQ) has been published every quartersince Q1 2012. In each edition, we take a topic that concerns ecommercepractitioners, analyze a considerable amount of data, and offer our expertadvice on how to improve key metrics like conversion rates, bouncerates, and add-to-cart rates. Insights from past editions have appeared inpublications such as T he Washington Post, Forbes, Digiday , andAdWeek . Each edition of the EQ also includes your copy of the quarterly MonetateBenchmark Report. Within, you’ll find averages for the ecommerce metricsthat affect your business, broken down by device type, platform, and more. Note: Unless otherwise indicated, all data represents global ecommerce performance. US Sales & Service Call 877-MONETATE (US) | EMEA Sales & Service +44 203 7500 376 3 monetate Monetate Ecommerce Quarterly Report | Q1 2018 Introduction When it comes to improving landing page experiences, product detail pagesaren’t likely the first place marketers would plan to look. And while theyshouldn’t supplant homepages and other page types in terms of priority,they need more attention than they’re getting. After analyzing nearly 2 billion shopping sessions that occurred duringthe first quarter of 2018, we’ve found that product detail pages (PDPs)underperform in key areas when weighed against benchmark landingpage data. What’s more, they account for nearly a quarter of allecommerce landing pages, meaning the negative impact of their lacklusterperformance—and the opportunity to improve—is significant. When we look at the data to see how PDPs perform as landing pages, it’sclear right off the bat that there’s a problem. The first indicator is the lowconversion rate associated with those sessions: Visitors who enter on a PDPare half as likely to make a purchase when compared to visitors who enterelsewhere. The problem, though, begins much further upstream: WhenPDPs serve as landing pages they generally fail to trigger engagement,leading visitors to bounce at drastically higher rates and view significantlyfewer pages. In short, brands are missing the opportunity to better engage the visitorsthey’ve fought so hard to win. For marketers exploring additional areas inwhich to build upon their optimization and personalization efforts, then, theproduct detail page—specifically as a landing page—deserves a second look. 。。。。。。