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Travel and tourism is nolonger about operators simplyoffering holidaymakers fightsor accommodation – the sectoris shifting towards providingmore personalised ‘experiences’. The family that were oncehappy with just popping intotheir local travel agent to bookan all-inclusive holiday packageare now looking for a moretailored trip based on their likes,past behaviour and preferences.Between 2011 and 2016, thevalue of online travel bookingsincreased by 70%. In 2016,50% of travellers booked theirtrip online via a mobile device,with 80% of these doing sovia their smartphones1. And athird of travellers say they won’tbook a hotel unless they haveread online reviews from otherholidaymakers. The digital transformation ofthe travel sector has givenconsumers a lot more choice,and they’re now demandingmore from the entire holidayexperience. We’ve become ageneration of DIY travellerswho want to tailor and managethe whole journey to meet ourspecifc needs. With such alarge proportion of consumersdemanding more fromtheir holidays, it is vital thatcompanies operating in thetravel sector take note, anddevelop the kind of experiencetheir customers now expect.That’s why we commissionedthis report to fnd out whatconsumers now expect of travel agents and operators, and what these businessesneed to do to meet these everincreasing expectations. Why we’ve created this report Key fndings Part 1: How consumers plan their holiday Part 2: Travelling to your destination Part 3: Earning the customer’s trust Conclusion 02 03 04 12 17 19 CONTENTS Why we’ve createdthis report 1 bidroom/blog/ota-industry-decade KEY FINDINGS To help travel companies gain aninsight into what consumers nowexpect when taking a trip away,we asked 1,000 consumers whohave been on holiday in the past12 months for their thoughts oncurrent offerings.54% of holidaymakers say the travellingexperience can be improved 42% of holidaymakers thinkthere is too muchchoice, so struggle todecide where to go 27% of holidaymakers thinkthat user reviews aremisleading, thereforemaking it harder toresearch destinations 62% of travellers gettheir initial holidayinspiration throughinternet searches prefer to narrow down their searches bybrowsing the websitesof individual hotels andresorts themselves of 18-24 yearolds would visita high streettravel agent of 55-64 yearolds would speakto a travel agentface-to-face Number of consumers who are concerned about datasecurity breaches on emerging travel technology We asked them what the biggesthurdles were when going onholiday, and what they wantedto see from the travel sector inthe future. Here’s what we found. 4%9% 48% 21% Number of travellers that would like to use interactivetechnology such as augmented reality (AR) andvirtual reality (VR), so they can view the destination,hotel or transport before they book anything Amount of people who would like to see more useof artifcial intelligence (AI) and digital chat botsin the booking process 41% 55%How consumersplan their holidayPART ONE 。。。。。。

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