25 February 2019Did you know
Over the next decade, the share of the consuming population that is made up of Generation
Z and millennials will double, to around 30%
Over 60% of 21-34 year olds in the US have spent a premium on a good that was branded
as ‘sustainable’ over the past year (vs close to 50% and 30% of consumers in the 35-54
and 55+ age ranges)
More UK consumers aged 18-25 and 25-34 go out of their way to purchase goods from
companies that behave in a manner they believe to be ethical than any other age group
66% of global millennials would pay a premium for sustainable fashion brands (McKinsey)
90% of Gen Z believe that clothing brands have a responsibility to address environmental
and social issues (McKinsey)
31% of 18 to 24 year olds in the UK report being ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ worried about climate
change, (vs 24% of 35 to 64 year olds, 19% of 65+, 2018 British Social Attitudes study)
52.9% of UK consumers (including over half of the 18-34 year olds) are concerned by
plastic packaging quantities, up from 31.8% in November 2017
Collins Dictionary’s ‘Word of the Year 2018’ was “single-use”
The Economist has named 2019 the “Year of the Vegan”
Plant based food sales growth was 10x that of all food sales growth in 2018 in the US (Nielsen)
Gym attendance in the UK is forecast to increase 20% between 2016 and 2020 (Mintel)
64% US millennials, 55% US Generation X, and 85% Chinese millennials report that they
will spend the same, or increase their spend on sportswear over the next year
There has been a 13ppt fall in the share of the 16-24 population who smoke cigarettes
between the year 2000 and 2017 in the UK
Overall charitable giving in the United States witnessed a 4.1% y-o-y rise in 2017
While 70% of global millennials aspire for leadership roles and rapid career advancement,
60% would spend time with their family or take up a hobby if they can prioritize
(The HEAD Foundation)ESG/ECONOMICS ● Global
25 February 2019
Did you know 2
The new consumer cares 4
The rise of the caring consumer 4
Do today’s young people care more 5
Two trends that matter: Demographics and incomes 6
Environmental 8
Electric vehicles 10
Plastics 12
Meat consumption 16
Fast vs Sustainable Fashion 21
Social 24
A healthier consumer 24
Time to help others 27
Working differently 27
What does this mean 29
Companies need to be aware 29
New issues for the electorate 30
Disclosure appendix 33
Disclaimer 35
25 February 2019Forget a ‘youthquake’ or a ‘blue wave’, the real trend in terms of social attitudes is the rise of caring.
This is around a number of topics: personal health, the environment and social responsibility.
You’ve probably seen plenty of pieces in the media suggesting that so-called “millennials” care
more about the world – but in reality things are much bigger than that. There is a rising and
unstoppable trend of people all over the world wanting to live longer, healthier lives in a world
that is not blighted by pollution, rising sea levels and exploited workers.
This matters for all of us. Businesses may need to adapt their product mix, hiring strategies and
supply chains. Politicians may have to react to the new consumer by changing their policy
priorities. This is likely to be a new world, where environmental and social concerns are not just
an add-on but front-and centre of consumer thinking.
The rise of the caring consumer
Over the past few years many environmental and social issues have found their way into the
mainstream: from cutting down on plastic usage to thinking about the governance of firms, and
both government and industry led consumer surveys suggest that these trends have gained
more traction with today’s younger generation.
1. Interest in ESG topics is clearly rising
Source: Google Trends. Note: 100 is the highest number of searches for that term. The magnitudes of the two lines are not directly comparable.
Index, 100 = maxIndex, 100 = maxGoogle search volumes: worldwide (3mma)
Ethically sourcedVegan
The new consumer cares
While consumers of all generations are caring more about social and
environmental issues…
…the shift is even greater amongst younger generations…
…which will push these trends even further into the mainstream
Key cohorts:
Gen Z: Aged under 22 today
Millennials: Aged 23-38 today
Gen X: Aged 39-53 today
Baby Boomers: Aged 54-72
Traditionalists: Aged over 72。。。