Big data and advances in computing power have
triggered a technological revolution that have
enormous bearing on the workplace and the labor
market. Machines and robots are improving their
capacities rapidly through artifcial intelligence (AI)
and innovations in design and structure. But how
this digital revolution will affect frms, workers and
their livelihoods is yet to be better understood.
Headline-grabbing assessments of the future
of work predict polarizations and an increasing
number of individuals in good and bad jobs, while
hollowing out the middle class. Trends since the
1970s confrm this specter of polarization in the
USA and the UK, but so far not in continental
European countries. However, while the future
transformation will be profound, it may be rela-
tively slow, leaving time for many workers
to adapt to the changes in the demand for labor.
There is an inherent diffculty for established
companies to truly unleash the full potential of
AI as their core strategy. It may now be time for
management to think beyond the process of
innovation, and also consider alternative budget-
ing approaches and capital structures to fuel the
critical work surrounding AI.
Platforms that facilitate the exchange of goods
and services are fostering an ever-growing gig
economy, an employment concept in which
people are paid for each specifc short-term
task. The most important challenge is to ensure
that incomes are predictable and high enough to
ensure a reasonable quality of life. However, too
much regulation of freelance work could result in
the curtailing or even demise of the gig economy.
While AI promises substantial advances in
productivity, it should not threaten or violate
human dignity. Accordingly, the legal and ethi-
cal challenges of free entrepreneurship
and the need to gather vast amounts of data
to develop AI are discussed in the fnal section
of this report.
We hope that our fndings will prove valuable and
I wish you a most insightful and enjoyable read.
Urs Rohner
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Credit Suisse Group AG
AI & The Future of Work3
What technological change
means for the future of work
Rafael Lalive
Daniel OeschHow to make AI transformation
more likely to succeed
Howard Yu
Jialu Shan
Economic security in the
gig economy
Giuliano Bonoli
AI: Legal and ethical challenges
Bettina Hummer
About the authors
General disclaimer / important information
Research Institute
Paradeplatz 8
CH-8070 Zurich