GWMR 2018
New World Wealth. Page 2
LIST OF TABLES........... 3
1 Introduction4
1.1 What is this Report About ....... 4
1.2 Notes and definitions .... 4
1.3 Sources .. 4
1.4 Why do we compile a global wealth report .... 5
2 Country benchmarks ......... 6
2.1 Global wealth statistics . 6
2.2 W10: The 10 wealthiest countries worldwide ... 6
2.3 The wealthiest countries by wealth per capita9
3 Country performance and trends ........... 10
3.1 Wealth growth over the past year ....... 10
3.2 Wealth growth over the past 10 years12
3.3 Future trends.... 14
3.4 The rise of the Asia 7 ... 15
4 Wealth inequality.. 16
4.1 Wealth inequality by country .. 16
4.2 Relationship between population density and wealth per capita ..... 18
5 The wealthiest cities worldwide .. 19
5.1 World cities ...... 19
5.2 Spotlight on Chinese cities ..... 21
6 Wealth migration trends .. 22
6.1 The immigration debate .......... 22
6.2 Countries with large inflows of HNWIs in 2017 .......... 23
6.3 Countries with large outflows of HNWIs in 2017 ....... 24
6.4 Country spotlights ....... 25
6.5 Cities with large inflows of HNWIs in 2017..... 28
6.6 Cities with large outflows of HNWIs in 2017 .. 29
6.7 Mechanisms of migration ........ 29
7 HNWI review ......... 30
7.1 Top countries and cities for HNWIs .... 30
7.2 Top countries and cities for multi-millionaires .......... 31
7.3 Top countries and cities for billionaires ........ 32
7.4 Most popular destinations and hobbies for the world’s wealthy ..... 33
7.5 Key investment trends for HNWIs in 2017 and beyond ......... 35
8 Global prime property index ....... 38
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9 Drivers of wealth growth . 39
9.1 Factors that encourage wealth growth........... 39
9.2 Woman safety index .... 40
10 About New World Wealth42
Table 1: World: Wealth band definitions ..........4
Table 2: W10: The 10 wealthiest countries in the world by total wealth held, 2017 ..6
Table 3: W10: Wealth growth by country, 2016 - 2017 ...........7
Table 4: W10: Wealth growth by country, 2007 - 2017 ...........7
Table 5: W10: Wealth growth forecast by country, 2017 - 2027 .........8
Table 6: World: The 10 wealthiest countries in the world by per capita wealth, 2017 ...........9
Table 7: World: Best performing wealth markets, 2016 - 2017.........10
Table 8: World: Worst performing wealth markets, 2016 - 2017 ......11
Table 9: World: Best performing wealth markets, 2007 - 2017.........12
Table 10: World: Worst performing wealth markets, 2007 - 2017 ....13
Table 11: The Asia 7 - The big 7 wealth markets in Asia......15
Table 12: World: Countries ranked by HNWI net inflows, 2017 .......23
Table 13: World: Countries ranked by HNWI net outflows, 2017 .....24
Table 14: World: Cities with large (1,000+) inflows of HNWIs in 2017 .........28
Table 15: World: Cities with large (1,000+) outflows of HNWIs in 2017.......29
Table 16: World: The top 10 countries for HNWIs, 2017 ......30
Table 17: World: The top 10 cities for HNWIs, 2017 .30
Table 18: World: The top 10 countries for multi-millionaires, 2017 ..31
Table 19: World: The top 10 cities for multi-millionaires, 2017 .........31
Table 20: World: The top 10 countries for billionaires, 2017 32
Table 21: World: The top 10 cities for billionaires, 2017 .......32
Table 22: World: Most popular hotels for the super-rich, 2017 .........33
Table 23: World: Most popular trains for the super-rich, 2017..........33
Table 24: World: Most popular hobbies for the super-rich, 2017 ......34
Table 25: World: Top classic cars for HNWIs, 2017 .37
Table 26: World: Top 20 most expensive prime property locations worldwide, 2016 - 2017 ..........38
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1 Introduction
1.1 What is this Report About
This report covers global wealth and wealth migration trends over the past 10 years, with projections for the
next 10 years. The following table breaks down the various wealth bands that we look at in this report.
Table 1: World: Wealth band definitions
Wealth group Definition
Billionaires Billionaires are those individuals with net assets of US$1 billion or more.
Multi-millionaires Those individuals with net assets of US$10 million or more.
Millionaires (HNWIs) Those individuals with net assets of US$1 million or more. Also known as ‘high net worth individuals’.
Mass Affluent Those individuals with net assets of between US$100,000 and US$1 million.
Source: New World Wealth
1.2 Notes and definitions
“Total wealth” refers to the private wealth held by all the individuals living in each country/city. It includes
all their assets (property, cash, equities, business interests) less any liabilities. We exclude government
funds from our figures.
“Collectables” include any luxury item that holds its value reasonably well over time (examples: art,
classic cars).
All the growth rates and figures in this report are in US$ terms.
Stats mentioned in this report are from New World Wealth unless otherwise stated.
1.3 Sources
Sources include:
The New World Wealth HNWI database, which includes detailed profiles on over 150,000 HNWIs