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The State of
February 2017
KEY FINDINGS ...........3-4
INTRODUCTION ...........5
METHODOLOGY ........6-7
North AmericA ..........24
LAtiN AmericA .30
SoutheASt ASiA ...........35
iNdiAN SubcoNtiNeNt ..40
cJK (North PAcific ASiA) ......45
WeSterN euroPe .........50
eASterN euroPe ..........5524PageTable of Contents
Retaining app users over time continues to be a major challenge for app marketers.
Only 10-12% of users remain active seven days after downloading an app, and a mere
4-5% are still active after 30 days. When comparing organic and non-organic users,
the former outperformed the latter by 15% on iOS and 21% on Android.
YoY retention rates are up. The good news is that a year-over-year comparison shows
that overall retention has improved. The only drop in 2016 was seen from Android
organic users (-6%), while Android non-organic user retention was up 4%. iOS did well
in 2016, going up 9% overall and 25% among non-organic users. The improvement
clearly demonstrates that marketers understand the importance of retention and have
doubled down on their optimization eforts.
Organic/non-organic sessions gap only 7-9%. The average number of app opens per
daily active users on Android is 3.8 vs. 3.56, and on iOS 4.3 vs. 4.
Monetizing users, especially non-organic ones, is tough. Fewer than 2% of those that
download an app actually make purchases inside the app.
Android users more engaged, iOS users stronger buyers. Non-organic Android users
are slightly more engaged earlier in the funnel (click-to-install, install-to-engaged
rates), but when it comes to purchases, iOS users reign supreme. The chances of an
engaged user turning into a buyer are almost 80% higher on iOS, while the odds of a
user who installed an app becoming a buyer are 55% higher.
The State of App Engagement
Lifetime activity signifcantly diferent across shopping and gaming. The average
mobile gamer performs about 6 in-app events in 90 days, with owners of Android
devices outpacing iOS device owners by 20%. The average user of a shopping app
performs about 18 in-app events in 90 days, with iOS users almost 25% more active
than Android shoppers across each stage in the funnel.
Regional comparisons show North America leading in purchase activity. North America
is the leader in the share of buying users with the best iOS install-to-buyer ratio (2.25%)
and the 2nd best ratio on Android (1.3%) - among non-organic users. North American
shoppers are also most active in adding products to their in-app shopping cart and
making purchases: on iOS with 9.5“add-to-carts“ and 2 purchases, and on Android
with 7 and 2, respectively.
In the US, marketers will fnd highly-engaged app users where they may not expect
it. Cities like Salt Lake City, Omaha, Kansas City,Albuquerque, Oklahoma City, Louisville
and others in some less-prominent media markets see some of the highest rates of
mobile app engagement in the country. Conversely, some of the largest media markets
- like Seattle, Los Angeles, Silicon Valley and New York - have populations that are more
selective about their app engagement. In fact, the places that Amazon, Google, Apple,
Hollywood and Madison Avenue call home have populations that engage with mobile
apps 30% less than those in top “fyover“ cities.
Latin America has the lowest rate of purchase activity in gaming apps with only about
0.07 in-app lifetime purchases (90 days) per 1 install across iOS and Android. India
is not far behind with only 0.09 IAPs. LATAM also has the lowest install-to-buyer ratio
among Android apps (0.41%), followed by India (0.84%); on iOS, however, LATAM share
of buying users is higher at 1.18%.
In terms of retention, North America has the best Android score among all regions,
while CJK reigns supreme on iOS. India and Eastern Europe have the lowest retention
score on Android and iOS, respectively.
The State of App Engagement
In today’s freemium-dominated app environment, the install is no longer the mobile
marketers’ goal, but rather a means to an end. It’s a stage in the funnel – an important
one nonetheless – but still only a stage. With over two million apps in both Google
Play and the App Store, every app has dozens, hundreds and even thousands of direct
competitors. With numerous options to choose from, in addition to increasingly high
user expectations, usage and engagement are dwindling, and without continued
engagement, monetization becomes practically impossible.
The key lies in getting enough quality users who will engage with an app over time. To
help marketers optimize towards this goal, AppsFlyer’s The State of App Engagement
ofers detailed engagement benchmarks for:
The report includes a breakdown by platform, category and region. It is the most
comprehensive study of its kind to date covering billions of data points across the
second half of 2016.
The State of App Engagement

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