行銷人員訓練課程Brand Plan and Channel Marketing Workshop) 訓練目的:
2)如何通過K/A 平台做品牌推廣 頂新行銷人員訓練課程Brand Plan and Channel Marketing Workshop 訓練內容:
為何品牌資產 Brand Equity。
何為消費飲用時機的行銷計劃 ( Beverage Occasion-based marketing).
如何與通路客戶的行銷資源相結合來達到透過K/A 平台做品牌推廣 行銷箴言Marketing Motto
“ I don’t’ care about award-winning commericals. The only thing ……that any marketing person should care about is real consumption.”
“我不再乎廣告是否會得獎。行銷人員唯一要在乎的是…刺激實實在在的消費. ”
Coca-Coal Company - Sergio Zyman
行銷箴言Marketing Motto
“ When marketers understand that the goal is the selling and not just running promotions, they sell a lot of more stuff.”
“當行銷人了解銷售目標而且不僅僅在做促銷活動,他們就能推廣許多公司的產品。 ”
Coca-Coal Company - Sergio Zyman
行銷箴言Marketing Motto
“ We were acknowledging our consumers’ power in the marketplace and openly bowing to their demand.”
“我們確認市場上消費者的力量並服膺他們消費需求。 ”
(行銷工具必需具備消費洞見 (consumer insights),
Coca-Coal Company - Sergio Zyman
行銷箴言Marketing Motto “The old conventional thinking that said if you grab people’s hearts, their wallets will follow is dead, kaput, finished….
People need reasons to buy.”
“傳統的行銷思維認為:我們如果抓住消費者的心,他們就會自然掏出荷包裡的錢,這是想法己過時。消費者需要理由來購買產品。 ”
(Consumption is what counts!
Coca-Coal Company - Sergio Zyman
行銷箴言Marketing Motto “Use the right yardsticks: focus on both volume and profits;on actual consumption, not share of market; and on share of future purchase, not brand awareness.
Coca-Coal Company - Sergio Zyman
行銷箴言Marketing Motto “Why is Brand Equity Brand equity was defined as the brand assets linked to a brand’s name and symbol that add to a product or service.There are four dimensions: brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations, and brand loyalty.
Br@nd Leadership David A. Aaker
行銷箴言Marketing Motto .
品牌知名度 -廣告量、360度品牌訊息重覆到達率、偏好度。
品牌認知品質 -品質的獨特性與持續的穩定接受度、品牌形象的連結好感
品牌形象連結 -消費者與品牌相關的連結諸如:使用者形象,產品利益點、使用時機、企業組織特性與形象、品牌個性、品牌符碼。
品牌忠誠度 -品牌經營的核心價值,行銷概念即是擴大忠誠消費者的
Br@nd Leadership David A. Aaker