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本文根据作者在 CN 钻石公司工作的经验和对战略管理知识的掌握,试图为CN 钻石解
通过 PEST、波特五力模型、波特价值链、SWOT 矩阵等方法对公司的内外部因素进
1、CN 钻石公司网络销售经过 8 年的发展已经较为成熟和专业,而其主要竞争对手更
2、公司与 J.B.BROTHERS 等全球前 10 的钻石切割厂都拥有良好的合作关系;
结合公司“做钻石B2B 的领导者,专业的钻石生产服务商”的企业愿景,为了保障公
关键词:CN 钻石;发展战略;B2B;平台战略II
A research on the development strategy of
CN diamond trading company
CN Diamond Company is a trade-based company with cut diamond, as its main goods. CN
first introduced on-time online ordering system of B2B diamond wholesale in China diamond trade
industry in 2008, which broke through the traditional sales mode in the field of the diamond trade.
Along with the preference to low inventory and rapid development of B2B Internet sales, CN has
achieved impressive grades through network sales. The company’s sales rose from 50 million to
400 million within a few years, making the gap with EUROSTAR, the biggest diamond wholesaler
in China, whose sales scale is 1 billion, gradually narrowed. However, CN has been trapped in the
dilemma where sales and profits stagnated because of the aggravation of market competition. It has
been extremely important to establish practical and effective strategies, because it concerns not
only the sustainable development of C, but also the status of CN in diamond industry.
This article tries to solve the developmental problems of CN Diamond Company, based on
the author’s working experience and the grasp of strategic management knowledge. The author
analyses and concludes factors from outside and inside the company by means of PEST, Michael
Porter&39;s Five Forces Model, Potter&39;s value chain and SWOT matrix, etc. The advantages as follows:
1、CN Diamond Company has grown to be a mature and professional company after 8 years
online sales. By contrast, our rivals mainly focus on the development of traditional market and
jewelry retail.
2、Our company has good relationships with J.B.BROTHERS and other global top ten
diamond cutting factories.
3、Our company has accumulated rich costumer resources, with thousands of clients, after
more than ten years development.
We put forward the idea of platform strategy based on the Internet selling, combining with
our company’s vision which is to be a leader of B2B sales model of diamonds and to be a
professional productive service provider of diamond industry, to ensure the long-term development
of our company. With this prospective, we aim to transfer the company from an Internet retailer
who has simple product catalogs to a service provider who could set up professional trading
platform and provide professional consulting services for factories and costumers. The main profits
will be fixed commission extracted from successful trades. Meanwhile, this article discusses theIII
supporting measures of the implementation of the strategy from different aspects, such as Internet
marketing, supplier relationships, customer service, construction of the band and funds
management, etc.
Key Words:CN diamond; development strategy; B2B ;platform strategyIV
目 录
1 绪论 ...1
1.1 研究的背景与意义 ...1
1.1.1 选题的背景.....1
1.1.2 选题的意义......2
1.2 理论综述........2
1.2.1 企业战略的相关理论 2
1.2.2 平台战略的相关理论.3
1.2.3 战略研究的相关方法.4
1.3 研究的思路与方法....7
1.3.1 研究思路..........7
1.3.2 研究方法..........7
2 宏观环境分析...........9
2.1 政策环境分析9
2.2 经济环境分析9
2.3 社会文化环境分析..11
2.4 技术环境分析 ..........12
3 微观环境分析.........13
3.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析......13
3.1.1 钻石的相关介绍.......13
3.1.2 钻石消费市场发展现状.......15
3.1.3 钻石批发市场分析 ...16
3.1.4 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司销售模式 ...........17
3.1.5 钻石批发贸易欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司特点分析...........18
3.2 竞争者分析..19
3.2.1 供应商的议价能力...19
3.2.2 购买者的议价能力 ...20V
3.2.3 新进入者的威胁 .......20
3.2.4 替代品的威胁 ...........21
3.2.5 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内竞争......
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