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H 公司需要明确在美国的市场定位,并量体裁衣优化当前的营销策略,来应对市场的
本文通过分析 H 公司在美国市场的营销现状和当前的营销困境,指出其深层次原
扬长避短的原则,突出自身研发创新能力,以 STP 理论帮助 H 公司在美国市场正确定
位,定位对包装技术创新有要求的国际知名品牌客户。随即以经典 4P 理论及其发展
理论作为指导,为 H 公司制定全面的美国市场营销策略优化方案。营销策略优化方案
策略优化和服务策略优化。通过正确的市场定位和配套的改良营销策略,推动 H 公司
作 者:费欢欢
指导老师:王 俊II
Research on Company H’s Marketing Strategies in U.S.
As one of the leading enterprises in China’s flexible packaging industry, company H
has been developing U.S. Market for years and made obvious achievements. However, the
trend of developing momentum of company H in U.S. Market has been in the downward in
recent years. To analyze the reason, it is mainly due to the ambiguous market positioning
and loose marketing strategies, which prevented company H from exploiting U.S. Market
further and deeper. It is imperative for company H to position itself properly in U.S.,
improving marketing strategies serving for its market position to cope with the changing
market, and achieve continuous robust increase in overall business and profit.
By analyzing Company H’s current marketing status and the predicament it is facing
in U.S. market, this thesis paper points out that the underlying reason is that there’s
deficiency in company H’s existing market positioning and marketing strategies. To
improve the situation, the paper suggests that Company H should position itself based on
its strength, weakness, and the opportunities and challenges it is facing. Guided by STP
theory, Company H should target at international brand customers who are demanding in
packaging technology innovation, which is the core strength Company H can play in U.S.
Market. Then, Company H needs to make an all around improvement in marketing
strategies, which includes product strategies stressing on innovative and sustainable
products, price, place, promotion and service strategies. With correct market positioning
and correspondingly adapted marketing strategies, hopefully Company H will accomplish
a sustainable development and sales increase in U.S. market.
Keywords:Flexible Packaging;U.S. Market;Marketing Strategies
Written by:Huanhuan Fei
Supervised by:Jun Wang
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目 录
第 1 章 绪 论 .......1
1.1 研究的背景和意义 .....1
1.2 研究思路、框架和方法 .........2
1.2.1 研究思路...2
1.2.2 研究框架:3
1.2.3 研究方法...4
第 2 章 相关理论基础和文献综述...........6
2.1 相关理论基础 .6
2.1.1 STP 理论....6
2.1.2 营销 4P 理论 ........8
2.2 文献综述 .......10
2.2.1 关于软包装的研究..........10
2.2.2 海外市场营销策略研究.13
第 3 章 H 公司简介和经营现状.16
3.1 H 公司简介 ....16
3.2 H 公司经营现状 ........17
3.2.1 H 公司业务结构..17
3.2.2 H 公司市场分布概况......18
3.2.3 H 公司销售额变化..........19
3.3 H 公司美国市场营销现状 ....20
3.3.1 美国市场营销背景.........20
3.3.2 H 公司美国市场营销策略回顾..22
3.3.3 H 公司美国市场营销成效..........25
第 4 章 H 公司美国市场营销困境及原因探析.29
4.1 H 公司美国市场营销困境 ....29
4.1.1 销售增长明显放缓..........29
4.1.2 国际知名品牌客户开发欠缺.....29
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4.1.3 利润率不断下降.30
4.1.4 品牌知名度低.....31
4.1.5 客户满意度欠佳.31
4.2 美国市场营销困境原因探析 ...........32
4.2.1 市场定位不清晰.32
4.2.2 产品价格组合策略能力不足.....33
4.2.3 营销渠道较为单一..........34
4.2.4 促销手段不足......34
4.2.5 大客户关系策略不到位..35
4.2.6 营销服务策略待完善......35
第 5 章 H 公司改善美国市场营销效果的对策建议.....37
5.1 运用 STP 理论明确定位目标市场...38
5.1.1 软包装市场细分及选择.38
5.1.2 H 公司的市场定位..........39
5.2 优化营销策略 ...........39
5.2.1 产品策略优化:主打创新可持续产品 ....40
5.2.2 价格策略优化.....41
5.2.3 渠道策略优化.....43
5.2.4 促销策略优化.....45
5.2.5 服务策略优化....
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