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April/ May 2015 Spring/ Summer Fashion Campaign at Pacic Place Solely responsible for all communica2on with brands, including Diane Von Furstenberg, iBlues, Max&co, Zadig & Voltaire, Shanghai Tang, from installa2on set-up, display items, models selec2on, logis2cs, collaterals’ approval to VIPs guests invita2on & sea2ng, etc. Managed agencies for exhibi2on setup, fashion event and PR rela2ons – amoun2ng to EUR0.6M Person in charge of the fashion show with over 50 bloggers & fashionistas, 300 VIPs and 30 press aKended the event; tasks include issuing ac2on plan, alloca2ng manpower, overseeing guest list & recep2on, arranging catering, securi2es, photographers & videographers, etc. 4 – 24 May 2015 Le French May “500 Years of French Passion for Shoes” at Pacic Place Solely responsible for all the communica2ons with “Consulate General of France in Hong Kong” team and the French curators, to showcase more than 100 museum pieces especially sent from France Person in charge as a landlord and venue partner, to ensure the 3rd party event is in accordance with our venue guideline and standard Briefed the 3rd party organizer, handled and collected all documents, including set-up plan for pre-approval, licenses by government, cer2cates undersigned by registered engineers to ensure the set-up is structurally safe, etc. More than 20 guided tours and workshops are organized during the exhibi2on period, daily foot trac over 2000 pax, opening event with more than 400 pax Mar 2014 “ArOst’s PaleQe” Sotheby’s ExhibiOon at Pacic Place Solely responsible for all the communica2ons with “Sotheby’s”, to showcase more than 20 auc2on pieces by renowned interna2onal ar2sts Person in charge as a landlord and venue partner, to ensure the 3rd party event is in accordance with our venue guideline and standard Briefed the 3rd party organizer, handled and collected all documents, including set-up plan for pre-approval, licenses by government, cer2cates undersigned by registered engineers to ensure the set-up is structurally safe, etc. Arranged with 3rd party organizer for all logis2cs issues and issued work schedule Jan/ Feb 2015 “Spring to Life” Chinese New Year PromoOon at Pacic Place Managed agencies for exhibi2on setup, event and PR rela2ons – amoun2ng to EUR0.5M Explored online elements with setup agency, brought oine installa2ons online with interac2ve games, QR code to connect with social media Arranged tradi2onal lion dance ceremony, ociated by top management with over 20 press and 300 shoppers aKended the event; followed by lion dance parade in all stores at the mall 。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看

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