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The 2017 Deloitte
Millennial Survey
Apprehensive millennials:
seeking stability and opportunities
in an uncertain world
1 The 2017 Deloitte Millennial Survey
eloitte’s latest millennials study looks at their
world view and fnds many, especially in
developed economies, are anxious about their
future. They are concerned about a world that presents
numerous threats and question their personal prospects.
By JFK’s measure, at least, many millennials are not sure
they can trust the promises of their respective countries.
However, there are strong reasons for optimism. And, as
our millennials series has consistently found, the activities
of businesses and the opportunities provided to their
workforces represent a platform for positive change.
For businesses seeking to attract, develop, and retain
millennial talent, this report ofers a guide to their
concerns and motivations. It reinforces the connection
made between purpose and retention while outlining
how increased use of fexible working arrangements
and automation are likely to impact millennials’
attitudes and performance. Key fndings include:
pessimistic, while optimism reigns in emerging
markets. There are distinct diferences as to what
concerns millennials in each group.
more loyal to employers than a year ago. In a
period of great uncertainty, stability is appealing
and they would be inclined to turn down ofers
for freelance work or as consultants.
“The future promise of any
nation can be directly
measured by the present
prospects of its youth.”
John F. Kennedy
in an increasingly responsible manner; but,
millennials believe it is not fully realizing its
potential to alleviate society’s biggest challenges.
for millennials to engage with “good causes,”
helping young professionals to feel empowered
while reinforcing positive associations between
businesses’ activities and social impact.
working continues to encourage loyalty and make a
signifcant contribution to business performance.
working environments. For some, it encourages
creative thinking and provides opportunities to
develop new skills. For others, automation poses a
threat to jobs and is creating sterile workplaces.
2 The 2017 Deloitte Millennial Survey
The 2017 report is based on the views of almost 8,000 millennials questioned across 30 countries.
Participants were born after 1982 and represent a specifc group of this generation: those who have a college
or university degree; are employed full-time; and, work predominantly in large, private-sector organizations
(see note on methodology). This group is increasingly taking on senior positions1that provide platforms for
promoting working environments and practices seen as most likely to address society’s challenges.
This summary sets out the concerns of millennials, their expectations for the future, and how
they believe business might help create the type of world they wish to inhabit. The outside
world might be increasingly unstable, but millennials give reason to believe that, by working
together, there is hope to improve performance of both business, as well as society as a whole.
1 In the current survey, 24 percent are in senior positions (head of department/division or member of senior management team/board) as compared to 19 percent in 2015.
The Enlace-oDesk 2015 Millennial Majority Workforce survey revealed that 28 percent of millennial respondents indicated they are already in management positions. A full two-thirds say they expect to be in management by 2024.
See more: Enlace-oDesk & Millennial Branding (2014),
2015 Millennial Majority Workforce
, http://millennialbranding/2014/2015-millennial-majority-workforce-study/
2 The 2017 Deloitte Millennial Survey
3 The 2017 Deloitte Millennial Survey
Research scope
Interviews achieved: 4,000
Argentina | 300
Brazil | 300
Chile | 300
China | 300
Colombia | 300
India | 300
Indonesia | 300
Mexico | 300
Malaysia, Thailand and
Singapore (MTS) | 300
Peru | 200
Russia | 300
South Africa | 200
The Philippines | 300
Turkey | 300
Interviews achieved: 3,900
Australia | 300
Belgium | 200
Canada | 300
France | 300
Germany | 300
Ireland | 200
Italy | 300
Japan | 300
South Korea | 300
Spain | 300
Switzerland | 200
The Netherlands | 300
UK | 300
US | 300
Total number of interviews: 7,900
Figure 1.
4 The 2017 Deloitte Millennial Survey
hroughout our millennials research series, we
have regularly gathered opinions on current
afairs. Typically, we’ve focused on economic
confdence. But, given recent signifcant events across
the world—from confict and displaced populations
in the Middle East to the UK’s Brexit vote and the
US presidential election—it seemed timely to gather
millennials’ views on a broader range of issues. As
regards economic confdence itself, those in mature
markets2 are less optimistic than a year ago with
barely one in three (34 percent) now expecting
economic conditions to improve. By contrast, those in
emerging markets are signifcantly more positive than
in 2016 and, in fact, confdence levels are the highest
recorded in this series.
Economic confdence is interesting in itself and the
report’s appendix contains details of how millennials’
sentiments vary by country. However, when linked
to data on “social” optimism and whether millennials
expect to be fnancially and emotionally better-of than
their parents, we obtain a more rounded picture of
Part one
Economic, social, and political sentiments: a chasm between the developed and developing world
their outlooks. Overall, only 36 percent of millennials
expect the social/political situations in their countries
to improve during the next 12 months. A minority (48
percent) in emerging markets foresee improvements
while the proportion in mature economies is half that
fgure (25 percent). This lack of optimism regarding
2014 (Economy)2015 (Economy)2016 (Economy)2017 (Economy)2017 (Political)
Emerging markets
Mature/Western markets
“social progress” is most evident in the following
markets: South Korea, Mexico, Belgium, France, Chile,
Germany, Japan, UK, Australia, and Italy. Meanwhile,
greater optimism is seen in the Philippines, Peru, Brazil,
India, Indonesia, Turkey, Argentina, and Canada.
Figure 2. Diverging levels of economic optimism in developed and emerging markets, pessimistic on political/social progress
Percent that expects the overall economic, social or political situation in their countries to improve (next 12 months)
Q5: Taking everything into account do you expect the overall economic situation in your country to improve, worsen or stay the same over the next 12 monthsQ6: Taking everything into account do you expect the overall social/political situation in your country to improve, worsen or stay the same over the next 12 months
2 Mature markets covered are: Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, UK, and US. Emerging markets include: Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
China,Colombia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, The Philippines, and Turkey.

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