The Q2 2016 Performance
Marketer’s Benchmark Report
Vital Search, Social, and Display
Performance Data by DeviceINSIGHTSERIES
The Q22016 Performance Marketer’s Benchmark Reportmarinsoftware
The first quarter of the year saw a return to normalcy after the Q4 2015 shopping
season. Indeed, Q1 2016 was a chance to reset and readjust for the new year.
We looked at the Marin Global Online Advertising Index to see how the first
quarter of 2016 shaped up for advertisers and to understand device and platform
We sampled the Marin Global Online Advertising Index, which looks at over
$7.8 billion worth of spend in the Marin platform. The Index primarily consists of
enterprise-class marketers – larger advertisers and agencies that spend in
excess of $1 million annually on paid-search, display, social, and mobile. As such,
our data sample and findings skew towards the behavior of larger organizations
and more sophisticated advertisers.
We kept the study longitudinal by focusing on a representative set of global adver-
tisers who’ve been active on Marin for the previous five quarters, and measuring
key performance indicators (KPIs) on a year over year (YoY) and quarter over
quarter (QoQ) basis. This could result in slight variations in prior quarter data that
we’ve reported previously, but will make the analysis and findings more represen-
tative as we move forward.
The past quarter has proven to be “more of the same” for marketers everywhere.
The direction of consumer and advertiser trends has largely stabilized over the
past few quarters. Mobile device share increased across the board, but was
mostly centered on smartphone at the expense of desktop and tablet. eMarketer
predicts that digital ad revenue for Google, the largest publisher, will be half
mobile this year.1Digital advertising budgets continue to grow at a steady pace,
increasing 17% last year, with mobile ad spend growing over 50% during 2015.2
For 2016, budgets are predicted to rise around 16%.
The Q22016 Performance Marketer’s Benchmark Reportmarinsoftware
For search advertisers, we saw more of the same. One notable shift was that
smartphone gains were no longer mainly from desktop. Instead, there was canni-
balization from the tablet side. Perhaps this is a sign of stabilization in the mobile-
desktop split and slowdown in the growth of mobile (tablet and smartphone).
Desktop did see some attrition, however, with minor shifts across the board away
from desktop towards smartphone. Clicks and spend are now majority mobile,
with impressions and conversions close behind. Desktop share still retains the
plurality, but the lead is a narrow one.
55.7% 12.2% 32.1%45.4% 13.8% 40.8%49.2%9.1%41.7%51.8% 15.0% 33.3%
Search Performance by Device